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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

*** Wanted: Motivational Individuals (List Infinity - $7 ) πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ *** {558}

 πŸ˜‰We are looking for highly motivated, professional individuals who are perceptive, confident and enthusiastic.  There is absolutely no cold calling or outbound calling. Work remotely after  getting acclimated with this simple, but yet effective training site... (We have a plethora of training videos @ your disposal, along with random emails from me to help with your success! You can't "FAIL" with this, unless you QUIT!)

1) Must Have Internet Access...

2) Must Be Coachable...

3) Must Be Able To Devote 1-2 Hours Daily To Your Business...

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ(Get Signed Up Today!) - It's FREE for the first 7 days!

πŸ’°Join For A One Time Fee Of: $7/$25/$100/$300 (Your Choice!)

Leverage: Every 5th sale from your downline, is passed up to you to Infinity!

😞This came from Google... (What about Social Security Benefits?)

Will Social Security still be around when I retire? Yes. The Social Security taxes you now pay go into the Social Security Trust Funds and are used to pay benefits to current beneficiaries. The Social Security Board of Trustees now estimates that based on current law, in 2041, the Trust Funds will be depleted.

It is also estimated that by the year 2030, 2.4 Million U.S jobs will be lost due to Artificial Intelligence according to the Mckinsey Report!

πŸ‘‰This is why you need a back up plan!!! 


(List Infinity - 30 Lead Generation Posts) ☝


{Pre-written AD}:

πŸš€ {FREE Report}: Want More Money?

* Small startup cost! ($7) => ($25/$100/$300)
* Proven Established Company! (3 years old/2024)
* No paperwork to fill out. We are 100% online!
* No special training required!
* Unlimited market. We are worldwide!
* Flexible hours. You set your own schedule!

πŸ’°A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline!       

17+ years In the Industry! πŸ‘ˆ


πŸ€Want to know more? Get Full Details Here::
πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Members will receive my 56-day "Starter Course" Training Series...

https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list-infinity-info-page.html  (List Infinity Breakdown)

πŸ’ͺhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page 7.3k Members and growing daily!)


{Fitness Fun Facts:}
12 Fun Facts About Exercising:
Are you in need of work out motivation? Well, you’re in luck because here are 12 fun facts about exercising that are sure to inspire you.
1) Music improves workout performance
Listening to music while exercising can improve work out performance by 15%.
2) Exercising improves brain performance:
Cardiovascular exercise helps create new brain cells. This enhances brainpower and brain activity.
3) Working out sharpens your memory:
Exercising increases the production of cells that are responsible for learning and memory.
4) Running burns calories!:
If you run at a 10 minute per mile pace, you can burn 104.3 calories per mile.
5) More muscle mass = burning more fat while resting:
The more muscle mass you have, the more fat your body burns while resting.
6.) Exercise prevents signs of ageing:
If you exercise 3 times a week for 45 minutes, you can help prevent signs of ageing.
7) A pound of muscle burns three times more calories than a pound of fat:
Having more muscle than fat means you can consume more calories.
😎 You get sick less often:
Exercising regularly helps boost your immune system. This means you’ll get sick less often than people who don’t exercise.
9) Increases productivity:
Exercising increases the number of endorphins that are released into your body and increases productivity.
10.) Workouts can improve the look of your skin:
Sweat releases dirt through your pores, which reduces acne and breakouts. Workouts improve the overall look of your skin.
11) Exercising boosts self-confidence:
Exercising can help ease your mind and rejuvenate your body. Working out will make you feel great and boost your confidence.
12) Working out enables you to sleep better:
If you are someone who has trouble sleeping or staying asleep, then working out is your answer. Exercise helps to clear your head and helps you feel relaxed.


“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” —Alexander Graham Bell

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