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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

*** FREE Methods To Advertise Your MLM Business/A Few Inexpensive Offline Strategies As Well *** {553}

   πŸ˜€I'm going to give you a few ways to advertise your Network Marketing business for FREE, and also some offline methods that will be at minimal cost to you! No Traffic...NO BUSINESS!

1) YouTube: How are views calculated on YouTube? 

Each time a viewer intentionally initiates the playing of a video on their device and watches for at least 30 seconds that counts as a view. Pretty simple! If you play your own video, that will be counted as a view. If a viewer watches your video more than once, each screening will be counted as a new view. I recommend being consistent by making at least 1 short video daily, weekly, or monthly, your choice... When creating your content, try to keep the videos under about 4 minutes if possible. If it's going to be lengthy, try to make 2 videos, otherwise you run the risk of boring your audience, and losing your views...You can talk about anything you like. Your first video can be an introduction about yourself. You can make your videos about your products, services, methods of advertising, it really doesn't matter.

Also you don't even have to show yourself if you're a bit shy of the camera. As long as your message is clear and concise, that's all your audience wants. Overtime, you will see your views grow by leaps and bounds... Click the link below to create your FREE account, and start posting...


2) Safelists: As internet marketers, network marketers, and affiliate marketers in 2023, if we don’t get traffic to our offers we don’t have a business. Traffic, aka people, visitors, clicks, leads, prospects, interested parties, is what allows us to make a living from home in multi-level marketing.

Safelists are a great way to get inexpensive leads and lots of clicks to your offers. Safelists are basically communities of internet marketers who can email each other their business offers. Some of these top safelists communities offer other ways to get traffic, 

like banner ads, and link sharing. When using the FREE version of Safelists, you create an account, and you will send emails with a link to click for so many seconds, and by doing so, you accumulate credits, and after so many credits, you're able to send 1 message to how many credits you've accumulated... 

For example, if you have 10,000 credits, typically you can send your AD to 10,000 members of that particular Safelist. It all depends on how many members they have, as to how many members you can send your message...Also typically you can send a mailing every 3-5 days, again depending on which Safelist/s you use.

There are hundreds of Safelists online, and If this is one of the methods you choose to use, I recommend joining 3-5, and focus on those...You may even want to create another email account because you will receive tons of emails... Give this time, and you can get some results, but ultimately you will want to spend on advertising at some point, but I recommend using FREE methods in the beginning until you start making money, and then you can put some of that back into advertising... 2.7 billion users!

Here is a list of 32 Safelists... .com or .net I'm assuming...


3) Blogging: How does blogging help your business?

Blogs create relevant content to increase website traffic. Businesses with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without one, according to a study by HubSpot Marketing. 

Blogs are a great way to keep a website updated with fresh content. Personally, Blogging is something I enjoy doing because it keeps your mind fresh, especially when you get older...Like Me! (LOL)

Like YouTube, you can write about anything you like, and then share your link to your post. By doing this, you are creating your own personal brand, while setting yourself apart from the rest..

There are many platforms in order to create your blog posts, but I wanted to show everyone that I could get good results by merely creating content, while not using any fancy websites or graphics... I could've done that, but this shows that you don't have to be an internet "techy" in order to get great results...

Anyone who joins me, will have 100% access to all of my posts, and can use them as they wish in order to better their success rate...

I started Blogging in 2014, and have accumulated almost a quarter million views over that span, and I did very little to get it out there...

One blogging technique that you can also use, is that you can find 4-5 really great blogs that's relative to your niche, and submit value to their posts and comments. 

Don't just throw your affiliate link on every post, or it will seem "Spammy" Reply to the comments with value, and sometimes, the blogger will add your affiliate link to their blog, giving you FREE traffic to your website/s...

πŸ‘‰My Link: http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (Follow me @ the bottom of my page)

4) Writing ArticlesWhy are articles important for business?

There are a few ways that online article writing can help increase your audience: SEO: Search Engine Optimization is a powerful way to bring interested visitors to your website. A good article writing strategy should address topics that people are likely to search for... (Google). This will help increase Brand Visibility...

This strategy takes a bit longer, but if you like writing articles, it can be quite rewarding over time. If you're lucky enough to get first page rankings on Google, that 1 article can bring you millions of FREE website traffic, and if that happens, you will be a 6 figure earner, no doubt about that!

It may take around 6 months for this to happen, but it's well worth the wait...

πŸ‘‰ One of the best places to write articles is...  http://www.fiverr.com

5) Social Media: (Facebook/Linkedin/Twitter/Tik Tok/Instagram)

   1) FacebookCan Facebook help my business?

A Facebook Business Page can be an effective small business marketing tool. Here are some of it's benefits.

Connections: Businesses can connect with their customers and target audiences to share updates on hours, sales, and promotions. New product offerings, pictures of merchandise, etc...

Facebook is primarily for individuals to connect with family and friends in order to share pictures, and converse. I do share posts on my page, but that's only because it takes me just a minute to do, and not time consuming, so if you do decide to use Facebook as one of your marketing platforms, I would recommend creating a separate page from your profile page, for business purposes... 2.9 billion users worldwide

πŸ‘‰ List Infinity Group Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/431094155421277

   2) LinkedinHow to do network marketing on LinkedIn?

How Do I Grow My Network On LinkedIn

πŸ’₯Decide who your target market is on linkedin!
  1. πŸ’₯Develop a powerful profile page to attract your target market!
  2. πŸ’₯Reach out to between 50-100 daily in your target market!
  3. πŸ’₯Send an initial message to your prospect to start the process! 

There are over 950 million members in over 200 countries worldwide, and most are there for marketing purposes  as well...

    3) TwitterIs Twitter good for promoting your MLM business?

Twitter basics for business

With millions of daily users, Twitter is a powerful tool to raise awareness of your business, engage with customers, and develop leads. Setting up a Twitter account for business purposes is straightforward, however, you will need to use it regularly to be effective..

Twitter allows 140 characters, and I have a page of engagements you can use in order to make posts... All members have complete access to everything I have...I give you the tools to be successful, you just have to use them... 368 million users worldwide!

πŸ‘‰ My personal Link: https://twitter.com/rick2323

   4) Tik Tok: How does Tik Tok help marketing an online business?

By using Tik Tok you create brand awareness by utilizing many different tactics, while marketing your products and services by creating organic viral content. I recently created an account.. As a member of List Infinity you have access to our training videos, showing you how to utilize their platform for your marketing...

If you don't have an account, feel free to click the link below, and you will be taken directly to the site where you can sign up for a free account... 1 billion users worldwide!

     5) InstagramHow to use Instagram for Network Marketing?

Instagram is a great platform for sharing videos, and photos with friends, and the world however, it lacks a community feeling when the content is outside the main feed. Individuals are less likely to engage with users that they don't know. There is an opportunity to create more meaningful interactions using this platform.

My account was hacked, and I haven't ever created a new one, but I'm sure I will at some point. 2.35 billion members currently!

6) Email MarketingHow to utilize Email into your marketing efforts? Building an email list!

  1. πŸ’œChoose an email marketing platform.
  2. πŸ’“Give people incentives.
  3. πŸ’šCreate popups for your website.
  4. πŸ’›Craft CTAs for website/landing pages. (Call To Action)
  5. πŸ’™Create a high-converting landing page.
  6. πŸ’Leverage social media.
  7. πŸ’ŸRun a viral contest.
  8. πŸ’•Manually reach out to personal contacts.

Everything I've mentioned, we @ List Infinity have training videos showing you how to utilize these platforms for your marketing efforts...

It's not necessary to implement every strategy, but pick a couple that you like, and are comfortable with, and perfect those!

FREE methods can get you some sign ups with your network marketing business, and I recommend all newbies try these methods until you start making some money, and then if you want to take your efforts to the next level, you will have to utilize a few paid sites, which I can help you with!

7) Forums For Advertising?  How do businesses use forums?

It allows users to give feedback, share ideas, initiate discussions, post feature requests, and report issues. This is where you can talk to your customers about their experiences of doing business with you. It's a great way to improve your business and create engagement with customers. Click the link to see the top 10 forums, and also learn more about how to use them for advertising purposes.

(((((((({Approximately 2,000 FREE Advertising Sites})))))))) πŸ‘‡


πŸ’₯Post Your Ad on the Following 10 Sites Right Now to Get More Ad Views for Free:

  1. 1. FinderMaster.com

  2. 2. AdvertiseEra.com

  3. 3. H1Ad.com

  4. 4. WallClassifieds.com

  5. 5. Yookalo.com

  6. 6. ClassifiedsFactor.com

  7. 7. Shopolop.com

  8. 8. Ads.DigitalMarketingHints.com

  9. 9. Ad.Ologames

***************Offline Methods***************

1) Word of mouthThe Science of Word of Mouth...

According to a study by Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. Another study by McKinsey found that word-of mouth is the primary factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions. 
The more people you tell about your business/products/services, the better chance it has of going viral, and of course it doesn't cost you a single dime...Just a little bit of your time, and energy when out in public...
2) Flyers: This is a very inexpensive way to advertise your business...I actually have one that I can send to my members, and all you have to do, is put in your info, and take mine out.. 
You don't have to make any special trips but when you're out and about throughout your town, you can hang your flyers on bulletin boards, or cork boards, or hand them out. 
Just make sure to keep your conversation brief, and try see if you can setup a time preferably within the week for a follow up conversation to see if they may be interested in what you're offering, either by phone or in person...
Another great way to utilize your flyers, is to send a few to family or friends that live in another town or state and ask if they would be willing to hang a few as well...
You can go to your local dollar store, and purchase a manilla envelope for a couple of dollars, plus a stamp, and mail them to your destination... This is an extremely cheap way to get the word out about what you're offering...
What is the success rate of flyers?
Because flyers have a response rate of around 1 - 5%, expect about 5 responses for every 100 flyers distributed. You can include a unique QR code, URL, or telephone number to monitor responses that come from your flyer marketing. Tracking the success of your leaflet printing is not only helpful but recommended.
3) Business Cards: I also use business cards, and always keep some in my wallet. If you don't have a place in your town to have some made, you can go to (www.vistaprint.com). I've used them many times for my marketing needs, and sometimes they run specials on their products. I recently purchased 250 business cards, that I created though their website, and paid around $50...   
When I send out my bills, I always slip one of my cards in the envelope. You can also pin them to cork/bulletin boards. 
You can leave one on a table when you go out to eat, or if you go to a clothing store, you can slip a few in a pocket of a coat or a shirt...
You can pass them out at Church, your local gym, sporting events, parties, yard sales, etc... The possibilities are endless, and you must think outside the box.. 
What I enjoy doing, is anytime I go anywhere shopping, I like to hand out a business card to anyone I talk to...
It takes about 30 seconds to go through my spiel, and tell them to watch the short video, and contact me with any comments or concerns...I also meet with individuals in or around my area at their convenience in order to explain eveything about the business, and how I can help them...
There are always individuals that would either like to supplement their income, or replace it completely, you just have to fine these select few that have the same mindset as yourself, and can actually help build your business for you...
πŸ’₯VistaPrint can make yard signs, car magnets, or you can put your website on a shirt or hat, or for that matter, any clothing item. They have cups, mugs, and offer many services in order to help with your marketing needs...
Feel free to check them out by clicking the link ☝ I provided above, and see if they have anything that fits your needs...
There are so many ways to advertise your business, and you have to find out what works for you...The constant is that you will need to copy and paste some ADS everyday, and I will give you around 1,000 to use at your convemience, along with around 2,000 FREE advertising sites for you to post them on...
πŸ™Anyone who joins me, I tell them that they have only 2 responsibilities as a "NEWBIE," and those are....Make sure you post at least 10 ADS per day until you get better, and then you can post more. And then learn your back office/business, and I will do the rest. If someone conatcts you with questions, send me their contact info, and I will contact them for you...
I will also post ADS in your behalf, with your affiliate link, and then send you a copy of everything I post... You can save everything I send, or delete it... Your choice! 
I do recommend creating a folder on your PC for anythng I send pertaining to List Infinity, including a listing of all my blog posts which I create new ones randomly...  
One of the sites I use to advertise is Herculist.com  I can post 1 AD every 24 hours to over 375,000 individuals worldwide and growing daily! 
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“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

Thursday, October 12, 2023

*** This Is My Story (And I'm Sticking To It!) 2023 *** {552}

πŸ˜€I've been a Network Marketer since 2006, and over the years I've been a member of dozens of companies, and failed miserably for a very long time. I lost thousands of dollars in the beginning because I refused to quit and give up. 

I would join a company, and was eager to learn...The problem that many marketers such as myself have or had is that because of our lack of knowledge, we are easliy influenced...

If you've ever been involved in Network Marketing and failed such as I had, you might relate to this. I would be looking at a program, and the person who would be my sponsor if I joined, would roll out the red carpet for me, and tell me everything that I wanted to hear which made me want to to sign up, and pay my hard earned dollars to this individual. They made it sound like I would be making millions of dollars the following week, and I bought into this nonsense.

So here's where the problem lyes, and gives our industry a bad name...Well one reason anyway! I would decide to pay my sponsor/admin fee because I wanted to make money, and was very excited to get started, and then I would finally pay my fees, and then once my sponsor received his/her cash, I would never hear from them again...It's like they went into the witness protection program... Never seen or heard from again...

That can be very discouraging because if you're a newbie, like we all once were, you have no idea where to start, or what to do. For me in the beginning, I got taken out to woodshed and punched right in the mouth, because I had no idea what I was doing...

Where I'm much different than most is that I'm very persistent and refused to quit. Thanks to interent, I watched videos, and read books that would help me to learn what I was doing...Unfortunately we live in a society full of quitters! Once the going gets tough, the tough get going, as in quitting! 

When these indinviduals quit, they now have a bad opinion about Marketing thinking that because they didn't give it a chance, now it's all a SCAM! And that's not necessarily the case.., Yes I can say with great certainty that about 90% of what you see online is complete garbage, but not all of them...There are some very good programs online, you jst have to do your due dilligence and do the research...

I've been in this industry for a long time now, and fully understand what to look for in a legit online business. If you ever decide to get into our industry make a check list of questions you have, and then contact the person marketing to you, or admin, and if it's a legit company, they should have no reason not to answer your questions...

I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but why you want to join me is because I'm not only successful, but I can help get through the learning curve much quicker...I didn't have another "ME" when I started or things would've probably been much easier, and maybe I wouldn't have lost so much money in the beggining...

I say this not to brag, but to show you that anything is possible if you just put your mind to it. I'm just an average ordinary guy, and I'm already retired from my job,and never have to worry about money ever again!

Here are a few reasons why I failed in the beginning:

1) Not working my business consistently -

(You must treat it as such, and not a hobby or you will fail!)

2) Wrong mindset - 

(You have to have a winners mindset or again, you're setting yourself up for failure! Focus, Focus, Focus!)

3) Lacked the necessay skill set to be successful -

(You earn as you learn, and get better with time!)

4) Not working the numbers -

(This is a numbers game despite what you may have been told, and you will experience more "NOs" than "YESs") For each no you get, you are that much closer to a "YES")

5) Not sticking with one company long term -
(Find a company and stick with it for at least 2 years before deciding if it's for you) 

6) Chasing shiny objects - 
(I would join a company for a few months, and when I didn't make money, I would quit, and join another one while continuing to throw away more money, and would repeat the process) πŸ‘‰ I LOST THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!

7) Unable to find a way to build my business that worked for me -
(The beauty of Marketing is that there are many different ways to build an online business to the point you're making a good 6-7 figure income, and that's not a misprint because I know many people that are at that level. Think of where they would be now, if they gave up as well...)

πŸ’•There are more reasons why people fail, but these were just a few of mine..

πŸ’₯Now if you're looking for success, and I think you are, then you neecd to focus on doing the following:

1) Pick one company and focus on that regardless if it's with me or not...

2) Make a minimum 2 year commitment to that one company...

3) Find a mentor within your company that you're comfortable with and follow their lead...

4) Set aside a couple hours per day at least 6 days per week for income producing activities...

5) Try to contact 10-20 prospect daily, or at least as many as you can if not that many... Do what you can do...

6) Be a sponge, and soak up as much knowledge as possible...

7) Set aside 30 minutes per day for personal development..

***Disclamier- I guarantee no ones successs, but will do everything in my power to help each and every member to the best of my ability...


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=> https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...


You can find me @

=> https://www.linkedin.com/in/rick2323/

=> https://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323

=> https://www.alignable.com/terre-haute-in/digisoft-payline

=> https://twitter.com/rick2323

=> https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222

πŸ‘‰Please contact me with any questions or comments, and I will get back to you as quickly as possible!


“People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.” – Harvey MacKay