I'm going to give you a few ways to advertise your Network Marketing business for FREE, and also some offline methods that will be at minimal cost to you! No Traffic...NO BUSINESS!
1) YouTube: How are views calculated on YouTube?
Each time a viewer intentionally initiates the playing of a video on their device and watches for at least 30 seconds that counts as a view. Pretty simple! If you play your own video, that will be counted as a view. If a viewer watches your video more than once, each screening will be counted as a new view. I recommend being consistent by making at least 1 short video daily, weekly, or monthly, your choice... When creating your content, try to keep the videos under about 4 minutes if possible. If it's going to be lengthy, try to make 2 videos, otherwise you run the risk of boring your audience, and losing your views...You can talk about anything you like. Your first video can be an introduction about yourself. You can make your videos about your products, services, methods of advertising, it really doesn't matter.
Also you don't even have to show yourself if you're a bit shy of the camera. As long as your message is clear and concise, that's all your audience wants. Overtime, you will see your views grow by leaps and bounds... Click the link below to create your FREE account, and start posting...
2) Safelists: As internet marketers, network marketers, and affiliate marketers in 2023, if we don’t get traffic to our offers we don’t have a business. Traffic, aka people, visitors, clicks, leads, prospects, interested parties, is what allows us to make a living from home in multi-level marketing.
Safelists are a great way to get inexpensive leads and lots of clicks to your offers. Safelists are basically communities of internet marketers who can email each other their business offers. Some of these top safelists communities offer other ways to get traffic,
like banner ads, and link sharing. When using the FREE version of Safelists, you create an account, and you will send emails with a link to click for so many seconds, and by doing so, you accumulate credits, and after so many credits, you're able to send 1 message to how many credits you've accumulated...
For example, if you have 10,000 credits, typically you can send your AD to 10,000 members of that particular Safelist. It all depends on how many members they have, as to how many members you can send your message...Also typically you can send a mailing every 3-5 days, again depending on which Safelist/s you use.
There are hundreds of Safelists online, and If this is one of the methods you choose to use, I recommend joining 3-5, and focus on those...You may even want to create another email account because you will receive tons of emails... Give this time, and you can get some results, but ultimately you will want to spend on advertising at some point, but I recommend using FREE methods in the beginning until you start making money, and then you can put some of that back into advertising... 2.7 billion users!
Here is a list of 32 Safelists... .com or .net I'm assuming...
3) Blogging: How does blogging help your business?
Blogs create relevant content to increase website traffic. Businesses with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without one, according to a study by HubSpot Marketing.
Blogs are a great way to keep a website updated with fresh content. Personally, Blogging is something I enjoy doing because it keeps your mind fresh, especially when you get older...Like Me! (LOL).
Like YouTube, you can write about anything you like, and then share your link to your post. By doing this, you are creating your own personal brand, while setting yourself apart from the rest..
There are many platforms in order to create your blog posts, but I wanted to show everyone that I could get good results by merely creating content, while not using any fancy websites or graphics... I could've done that, but this shows that you don't have to be an internet "techy" in order to get great results...
Anyone who joins me, will have 100% access to all of my posts, and can use them as they wish in order to better their success rate...
I started Blogging in 2014, and have accumulated almost a quarter million views over that span, and I did very little to get it out there...
One blogging technique that you can also use, is that you can find 4-5 really great blogs that's relative to your niche, and submit value to their posts and comments.
Don't just throw your affiliate link on every post, or it will seem "Spammy" Reply to the comments with value, and sometimes, the blogger will add your affiliate link to their blog, giving you FREE traffic to your website/s...
My Link: http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (Follow me @ the bottom of my page)
4) Writing Articles: Why are articles important for business?
There are a few ways that online article writing can help increase your audience: SEO: Search Engine Optimization is a powerful way to bring interested visitors to your website. A good article writing strategy should address topics that people are likely to search for... (Google). This will help increase Brand Visibility...
This strategy takes a bit longer, but if you like writing articles, it can be quite rewarding over time. If you're lucky enough to get first page rankings on Google, that 1 article can bring you millions of FREE website traffic, and if that happens, you will be a 6 figure earner, no doubt about that!
It may take around 6 months for this to happen, but it's well worth the wait...
One of the best places to write articles is... http://www.fiverr.com
5) Social Media: (Facebook/Linkedin/Twitter/Tik Tok/Instagram)
1) Facebook: Can Facebook help my business?
A Facebook Business Page can be an effective small business marketing tool. Here are some of it's benefits.
Connections: Businesses can connect with their customers and target audiences to share updates on hours, sales, and promotions. New product offerings, pictures of merchandise, etc...
Facebook is primarily for individuals to connect with family and friends in order to share pictures, and converse. I do share posts on my page, but that's only because it takes me just a minute to do, and not time consuming, so if you do decide to use Facebook as one of your marketing platforms, I would recommend creating a separate page from your profile page, for business purposes... 2.9 billion users worldwide
List Infinity Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431094155421277
2) Linkedin: How to do network marketing on LinkedIn?
How Do I Grow My Network On LinkedIn