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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

*** Over 2000 FREE Classified/Ad Posting Sites *** {352}

๐Ÿ’ฅAnyone working a small Network Marketing Business/Company already knows that in order to be successful, there are few things that you need to do daily. Everyone builds their business in different ways, and that's ok. One of the many things that I do, Is post FREE ADS all over the net, and I thought I would help you out by posting links below that will take you to as many FREE sites as you need in order to get your Biz Opps seen. I personally post anywhere from 10-20 everyday. Now I'm  not saying that you can just post a few ADS and you will be standing on the mountain top by next  week, but this is a start. You should at least be posting a few along with whatever else you are doing. For best results, you should also be talking to other like minded individuals, because by doing this, I can guarantee your success. It won't happen over night, but with persistence and hard work, them results will follow, I promise! Create a daily game plan and stick to it, and the sky's the limit! If you like my content, and wish to find out more on how I've become successful, please leave me your E-mail address, and I will add you to my list, and send you daily Tips/Tutorials, to help you become successful as well. If you would like to join me @ DigiSoft Payline, just click the link just below, and create your FREE Tour Takers account and check us out first, before watching our 6 minute how it works movie. I'm always available to answer questions, so don't hesitate to contact me! Hope 2020 is your year, Let's do this!

๐Ÿ’ฅhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite  (New Sign Up Link)

๐Ÿ‘‰https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html  (DigiSoft Q&A)


{Admin Update:}:

Don`t forget to set aside some time to post some ads today. Everyone should be posting a minimum of 10 ads a day every day! It does not take that long to post 10 ads! Plan your work, and work your plan!

New Tour Taker Email!

And don`t forget to email your Tour Takers today too!

Yesterday I uploaded a new Tour Taker Email to your DSP Team Mailer. As always you can edit the email if you want before you send it, but please login and send it!

Not emailing your Tour Takers is like refusing to talk to your customers if you had a traditional retail store.

There is also a growing list of pre-composed emails that you can send to your Tour Takers in your Payliners Room. Click on the tab called: DSP Mailbox

You should be emailing your Tour Takers every 2-3 days at the minimum, and if you want to do it every day, that`s ok too!

If you are not emailing your Tour Takers about DigiSoft, I can GUARANTEE someone else is emailing them about another program! So keep dripping on your Tour Takers with the DSP Team Mailer!

Downline Tour Taker Email!

If you have Inactive Payliners directly under you and they have Tour Takers, You can email those Tour Takers too. We call those Downline Tour Takers, and when you have them, a second Team Mailer shows up below your first
Team Mailer with a pre-composed email in it. Just add your subject line and click to send!

Inactive Payliners

Some of you have Inactive Payliners, and you should also be using the DSP Team Mailer to encourage them to reactivate their account.

If they reactivate their account for just $7 they…

- will not have to purchase any Package that they already paid for
- will not have re-qualify at any Package Level that are already Qualified at
- if they had any Tour Takers, they will still be there when they reactivate

DigiSoft User ID: ???


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline



P.S. I just wanted to say God Bless Kobe Bryant/ His daughter/ and the other 7 individuals who lost their lives in the horrific helicopter crash on 1/26/2020! May God comfort all of the living family members, and help them heal!

=> http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (6 minute how it works movie)

=> http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323  (Send me a friend request and let's talk)

=> https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2019/09/how-to-upgrade-to-digisoft-payliner-331.html
(Complete Breakdown, and how I can help you, plus my Special Discount Offer)

{2000 + Classified/AD Sites}:


“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure which is: Try to please everybody.”– Herbert B. Swope

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