πIn today's lesson I'm going to give you few offline methods for recruiting more members into your MLM business. Pick a few from below and give it a try.
1) I don't typically do this, even though it's not time consuming, and you can do this on your spare time randomly, and that is neighborhood door knocking. The beauty of this method is that you're probably already known around the neighborhood, and hopefully as a good person, because that will make your mission a bit easier. Hit a few houses (not literally. lol), and see if you can get your foot in the door. Make sure you go prepared, because their is a likely chance that your neighbor could be busy, so it would be great if you had a DVD about your business opportunity, or at least a business card with your website so they could check it later at their convenience. If so, you want to set up a follow date, at least within the next week of your visit so they will be expecting you. This is still not going to be easy, and be a hard sale, but you can produce results.
2) Promotional Meetings: Try to hold weekly/monthly meetings depending on your schedule with your downline members. Challenge them to bring in new recruits each time to hear about the opportunity. Already have a presentation that you can give each and every time, preferably about the product, and make sure your downline interacts about their experiences with the business/products because testimonials always work great. It doesn't matter where you hold the meetings, as long as you're consistent with them. You continue doing this, word gets around and before you know it, people will come to you wanting to sit in to see what you're all about. Give it a try, you may actually like it and have fun.
3) Renting a table/booth: Go to your local malls, shopping centers, flea markets, or job fairs just to name a few, and rent a table or booth displaying your info with business cards, sample products, pamphlets or any promotional material you deem necessary. Focus on selling the business opportunity more so at job fairs, or trade shows, and the products more so at your local shopping centers or malls. Give it a try, you might be surprised at what you can do in these settings. Even if you have to make cheap DVD'S to give away do it. DVD'S are very inexpensive to create. Remember the old adage, you have to break a few eggs to make an Omelet!
{Materials You Can Try}
- Online video's
- CD's or DVD's
- Hat/Shirt
- Brochure's
- Live Event's
- or Whatever Else Works
πhttps://rbrier2323.blogspot. com/2020/12/3-questions-you- can-ask-prospects-to.html
Stop Working So Hard at trying to make money online when you can do something that is So Very Simple... yet Extremely Effective at putting Instant Payments in your pocket Over and Over again?
And your opportunity to get yours is just a click away at the link below...
Sign up today and I will send you a list of my best advertising resources...
{Admin Update}: - E-mail for your tour takers (IGNORE π)
Can you post 5 ADS per day?
March 5, 2016
Hi ,
It’s Saturday! We all need to get some new advertising out there today, and I am asking everyone to Post 5 New Ads Today!! Your next Tour Taker could be your next $50 Sale!
I will be at my computer all day and I will send a follow up email to your Tour Takers when I see that they have started watching the How It Works Movie!
DSP Team Mailer
So it’s important for EVERYONE to be using the DSP Team Mailer in your Payliners Room to encourage your Tour Takers to watch the How It Works Movie. Again when I see them starting the Movie, I will send Them a follow up email to help close them for you.
Quick Start Bonus Package
As part of our March Madness campaign every Tour Taker who upgrades to a Payliner this week will receive the Quick Start Bonus Package regardless of when they registered for the Tour! The Quick Start Bonus Package has the Search Engine for Google in it (a $20) value).
New Payliners
For the new Payliners who just joined us, make sure you login to your Payliners Room and submit your Preferred Payment Options so people will know how to pay you.
Then check out the Advertising Tools Sections, and the Marketing Tips Page. I want to see you guys and gals get Qualified as fast as possible so you can start receiving those instant $50 payments, and you do your Happy Dance!
Share Your Advertising Resources
What I am seeing is that those people who are offering to share Advertising Resources with their Tour Takers when they upgrade, well these people are making more sales, more M0NEY!
If you have Advertising Resources that you can share with your people, here are 3 paragraphs that you should include in ``All`` the emails that you send to your Tour Takers.
Join my Team today at both Package Levels, and I will provide you with list of my Best Advertising Resources to ensure you get off to a FAST start!
The reason why most people fail online is because they do not know where to promote. With my list of Advertising Resources you will never have that problem again! These are the EXACT same places I use to make mon-ey with DigiSoft, and if I can do it, you can do it too!
You can even use this list of Advertising Resources just like I am to help you close your sales at DigiSoft! Tell your people that you will send them a list of your Best Advertising Resources list when they upgrade to a DigiSoft Payliner and purchase both Product Packages. All you have to do is copy and paste these last 3 paragraphs when you email your Tour Takers. It really does work!
DigiSoft User ID:
Let’s Do This!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
“I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing.”— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
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