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Sunday, February 28, 2021

*** Helping Your Down Line Members Succeed In MLM *** {512}

 💝Most Network Marketers have experienced this at some point: You recruit someone and it seems like two others drop out. This is called the "revolving door syndrome."

Too often we focus on recruiting new downline members, when actually we should be focusing on the downline we already have. 

The toughest part of building a business is recruiting, that we forget all about the most important part, and that is the follow-up.

In order to have growth and improve your retention rate, you must follow up. One of the biggest reasons your downline members are dropping like flies is because they are a forgotten entity, and ignored.

The goal is always to be a strong leader, and to continuously work on improving your retention rate within your team.

Below are a few strategies that can help you to keep your downline active for years to come:

1) People join businesses because of you, and not because of the product. They believe that you can help them attain their goals and dreams. Implement a customer service policy that provides service and and follow up to your downline.

2) Your retention rate will increase with those that you've sponsored if you will be supportive and work closely with those wanting the help. Some people won't follow no matter what you do, and that's ok. Just be there incase they ever need your expertise. No one is guaranteed success.

3) Try to always anticipate the needs of your downline. By staying in contact this will strengthen your relationship, and will also get a better understanding of one another. This will keep your downline satisfied and happy.

4) Customer Service: You must create a bond with your downline. show genuine concern for their well being. You can't make them seem like you're in it just for the money. Always provide value. By doing so, most of your members will be there for the long term. The difference between you and your competition is customer service. Go above and beyond to assist your team in getting what they need and you will be fine.

5) Staying in contact will grow your special bond, and strengthen your relationship, and shows that you care. By using a third party tool such as an Autoresponder you can stay in touch with your downline, and also are able to send them updates, marketing techniques or resources, or even motivational quotes with the touch of a button. 

6) In order to keep more organized, you should keep customer files and records. As your business grows, it will be impossible to keep all the info in your head. You can keep such things as Anniversaries, Birthdays, Likes, and Dislikes, etc... (Personal Information)

7) You must follow up. Just because you get a sign up, doesn't mean the sale is complete. Give them a courtesy call within the first few days. Discuss the products, and make sure they are being used. I always send daily tips, tutorials, and videos to my downline to keep them engaged which helps build a rapport. 

💥Even former team members who have dropped out, and started another business still get content from me because I'm not bitter, and above all else, I want to see everyone succeed. I still have a good rapport with several former team members because I'm still delivering value.

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7  (New Sign Up Link)



{15 Popular Classified Sites}:

CraigList  (3 per day)


{Safelists} - 26 popular sites


"Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. - Bobby Unser

Saturday, February 20, 2021

*** By The Numbers - MLM (Looking @ A New Set Of #'s) *** {511}

 💛In a previous post I was showing what the numbers looked like if you reached out to 10 people per day for 12 months, and in this post we are going to break down the numbers if you were to double that amount and reach out to 20 people per day for 12 months.

I know this sounds like a lot, but you can literally make contact in about 2 hours or less per day if you're a good time manager.

So you make contact with 20 people per day for 12 months, which breaks down to 140 per week, and that equates to 560 per month. Over a year, that's 6,240 people that you've made contact with.

Now let's say that of the 6,240, 10% of those people want more info, so you get them a presentation. That's 624 people that are now looking at what you have to offer. 

Next you have 50% of those people wanting a phone appointment with you, and that equates to 312 people.

Let's say that after making contact with your prospects, you have 5% of them that like what you have to offer, and decide to upgrade under you as an affiliate. (This is a very low %. I'm trying to be very conservative with my example.) 

You now have 15-16 new affiliates, and again this is a very conservative number. This could be closer to 30.

I happen to know that most top earners have recruited between 50-150 people. 

In one years time, you just possibly recruited about 1/5 of what most top earners have over time. You do this consistently for a few years, and you're well on your way to top earners status. 

It doesn't take thousands of people anymore to build a huge profitable online business. 

If you look at the numbers, it's actually pretty amazing what you can accomplish in a years time if you're persistent and not quit when things get tough.

You can work an online business part time while you're working that 9-5 job, and who knows, maybe within 5-10 years, you can FIRE your boss, and live the American dream! 

- "The difference between must and should is the life you want, and the life you have" - Tony Robbins.

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6  (New Sign Up Link)



{*3* MLM Ads to Generate Qualified Leads}

 => Ad #1: Are You OVER Qualified and Frustrated with Your Future Financial Goals? Stop Wasting Your Time! CALL (insert number) NOW to Hear about What Business Leaders Around the World are Calling the Best Financial Vehicle for Today's Economic Trends and the Safest Way to Secure Your Financial Future. 

=> Ad #2: ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS Revolutionary New Business Concept! Incredible Success Rate! Have Fun and Earn More $$$ Than Ever Before Call (insert number) - Available 24/7

 => Ad #3: Are You Tired of Making the Company You Work for Rich? We’ll Show You How to Earn What You are Really Worth for Yourself! CALL NOW to Receive the Details that will Change Your Life! (insert number) - 24 Hours/7 Days


{Bonus Tip:} - Facts about Diabetes 2021 (I've been type 2 since 2009, and almost died due to this awful disease!)


 “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” – Fred Devito

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

*** (3) Quick Tips (MLM) *** {510}

💜In today's post I have 3 random quick tips pertaining to Network Marketing that you should know.

How To Teach:

This industry is all about teaching, and there's certainly more than 1 way to skin a cat, but the best way in this instance is through personal development. Inspire them by your actions, and not by trying to be there boss. You set the pace and hope your team follows.

When To Join An MLM Company?

This is strictly my opinion, but I believe the best time to join any company is when it's been established, and around for a few years. People are always leery of new companies. Once a company has been around for awhile you've built up some credibility, and much more likely to get signups. With that being said, you can still fail with any company regardless of long it's been around.


Network Marketing is all about timing. Very often when you recruit, prospects will tell you NO. The fact is, that even when being told NO, that doesn't mean they won't end up joining you a week, month, or year later. Some of your best Team members will be the ones that told you NO! It's all about the follow up. Be nice, and do this often. It's said that prospects need anywhere between 7-20 follow ups on average before making a decision whether to join you or not.

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  (New Sign Up Link)



{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Did you know that 1 in 5 millionaires become millionaires through network marketing ?

Did you know that 1 in 5 millionaires become millionaires through network marketing? That is 20%. Each year the number of millionaires is drastically increasing.

Are you on track? The world famous Robert Kiyosaki in several seminars have said that if he had to do it all over again he would Pick Network Marketing.


We believe that there will be many, many millionaires created through our opportunity. I just wanted to let you know that our company is solid, has great support !

We Have An Industry Leading Compensation Plan with Guaranteed Residual Income! Finally a NO RISK business that can pay for itself !

👉SEE IT NOW: http://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php?rick2323

It's time for you to take action by starting your own home business. I would love to have you be a part of our team that is growing F-A-S-T !

Very few people ever get wealthy working for someone else!

But there's more to financial independence than just money.

What good is the money if you don't have the time to enjoy it? True financial independence means having an income without limits and the time to enjoy it !

What does TIME FLEXIBILITY mean to you?


You can work it part time or full time...

You can work for yourself and own your own business for maximum tax deductions! Depending on your efforts you can make a little or a lot it's up to you!

What ARE you waiting on ?


As with everything, it's your choice.

No matter what you are looking to accomplish, I can answer your questions and provide a clear path towards them.


{Bonus Tips:}

chocolate that is more than 70% cacao is high in a special compound called theobromine, and theobromine has been shown to have some unique fat loss properties.
For one, it helps with appetite control and suppression, so you'll likely find that eating just a square or two of high cacao concentration dark chocolate that you crave less sweets and aren't as hungry... two pretty solid benefits if you have a sweet tooth, or even if you don't.
Moreover, theobromine has also been shown to mobilize fatty acids from fat cells to the blood stream to be burned as energy, similar to caffeine, but without the stimulatory effect on the nervous system and "jittery" feelings that some experience with caffeine use.
And perhaps the biggest benefit of theobromine was discovered in a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in March of 2005 where researchers found significant insulin sensitivity benefits associated with the naturally occurring theobromine found in high cacao dark chocolate.

So, next time you're in the mood for a little something sweet, grab a square of dark chocolate. Of course, don't go crazy...the stuff still packs fat, sugar, and calories when eaten in more sizable amounts, but a square or two will still yield the benefits mentioned above at only about 50 calories.


“I’ve learned two things. Never, ever believe in ‘can’t.’ And be good to people and people will be good to you.” — Dick Vitale

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

*** A Survey With Interesting Facts (MLM)/Blast Your ADS *** {509}

💥 A recent survey interviewed 1,000 network marketers, and here are the interesting facts:

Note: all (3) groups of people below worked their business on a part time basis.

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13  👍Starting NOW...  🚀 🚀 🚀  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money!

Hours worked each week: 👍

*Average Person: 6 

*Successful Person: 12

*Millionaire: 25

Phone Dials Per Day:  😍

*Average Person: 5

*Successful Person: 15

*Millionaire: 50

People Talked To Per Day: 😎

*Average Person: 1

*Successful Person: 7

*Millionaire: 15

Presentations Per Week (Phone/Face-To-Face;/Skype/Etc...): 😉

*Average Person: 2

*Successful Person: 8

*Millionaire: 20

Follow-Ups Per Day: 😇


 Person: 1

*Successful Person: 4

*Millionaire: 10

Number Of No's Per Week: 😢

*Average Person: 2

*Successful Person: 10

*Millionaire: 25

Conference Calls With Guests Each Week: 👌

*Average Person: 0

*Successful Person: 2

*Millionaire: 5

Number Of New Reps Each Week: 😃

*Average Person: 0

*Successful Person: 1

*Millionaire: 4

👉https://freeadvertising247.com (Blast your "ADS" to millions)



{E-mail for your tour takers}

Simple programs are often the best...

It's true you know!

Often the simplest of programs make the most money.


Because anyone can work them no matter what age you are or background your come from. So take a look at our Simple little program that puts cash in your pocket while building a list that you can mail any time you wish.

Join me below, You won't regret it.

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier


“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”  Muhammad Ali

Monday, February 15, 2021

*** (8) Traffic Generation Strategies To Build Your Small Business *** {508}

 💝A misconception that marketers sometimes have, is that they think just by having, or building a website will automatically drive traffic to their sites. The honest truth is that you as the site owner, will have to figure out what methods to use in order to drive traffic to your site.

The great news is that their are a plethora of ways to syphon as much traffic to your site as you want. 

You already know that their are only (2) types of traffic - Paid & FREE. Paid traffic strategies are Youtube videos, Solo ADS, Banner ADS, and Facebook ADS, just to name a few. 

This post will be about FREE methods, so no need to spend a single dime. However, @ some point, you will need to spend some money, along with time.

Below are (8) FREE ways to drive more traffic to your site.

How do you market a text message?

If you're already on board with SMS marketing, here are some tips and suggestions on how to maximize your success.
1) Create an SMS marketing team
2) Know your customer
3) Write clear messages
4) Use call-to-action buttons
5) Make sure your timing is right
6) Focus on your best prospects
7) Promote opt-in across all media 

Search Engine Optimization

With the proper key wording you can get first page ranking on google, which give you tons of FREE traffic to your site. You may have to play around with your key words until you find the right ones, but if you do it right the first time, you won't have to do it again, plus the traffic you get will be worth the effort. This is a slow evolving process, so be patient.

Guest Blogging

By contributing to other peoples posts with content pertaining to your niche, you will receive a link back to your blog, enabling you to syphon some of the traffic back to your blog with a backlink.

Social Media

Build a following By posting good content on such sites as Twitter, Pinterest Boards, Facebook Fan Pages, and Facebook Groups, you can drop your links back to your websites. For massive exposure find celebrity pages and comment on a post, and then drop your link.

Answer Questions

Find, and join forums, such as Quora. scroll through peoples posts, and be a problem solver by interacting. A lot of people go there to ask questions and find out answers to problems. Answer questions, and then drop your links. The more you interact, the more popular, and trust worthy you become. Provide value without appearing spammy, and target popular sites.

Video Marketing Using YouTube

YouTube is the most popular video site, so I recommend posting most of your content there. You will find most of your traffic there.

Make sure to offer a lot of value in your videos, and keep them short. between 2 and 4 minutes if possible. Even if you have to make a part 2 to a video, do that. 

In the video description make sure you add your blog link, you will get hundreds, if not thousands of visitors to your site. 

Potential prospects will want to engage, and learn more when you're adding value on your videos. and they will come looking for you instead of the other way around. 

As of now YouTube has just over 2 billion users worldwide, approximately 79% of them have their own channel. 

E-mail Marketing

This requires you to build a list, because it's one of the best ways to drive traffic. If you have a rather large list, and have built some good relationships, you can send an E-mail with your link to your blog. 

Keep them engaged by randomly sending them good content. You want to build your list as big as possible, and always continue to do so.

When first engaging you will want to ask them if they would be interested in receiving content from your blog posts. 

I have a very large list and will send out a post to at least 500 of them on each mailing, and do this every day. When someone isn't interested, or opts out, I just take them off of my list, and move on.

If your reader for whatever reason doesn't like your content and decides they no longer want to engage with you, I always try to maximize my communication by asking them if they know anyone who may be interested. In most cases they probably don't, but all it takes is 1 person, and that could be your rock star.

Commenting On Blog Posts

Always try to be helpful, because you don't want to appear spammy, and I can't stress this enough. As long as you're continuing to send value with your comments, you should be just fine.

Anytime you comment on another post, you will most likely be given an option to link to your site, and you will always want to link it back to a relevant post on your site. 

This will also get you views from other curious readers, and once your comment is approved, you will receive a backlink to your site, which will be good for your  (SEO) 

You want to spread out your content, because this is the internet, and the more platforms you use, the more visitors you're going get to your sites. 

The name of the name game is Traffic, Traffic, Traffic!



{E-mail for your tour takers}

"When writing the story of your life, don't ______" Harley Davidson

A wonderful motto of Harley Davidson, one of the great American brands, is ...

"When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen."

To yank the pen out of the hands of those who would have your life be “something else”, login here ...

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier


“The key is not the will to win. Everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.” – Bobby Knight

Saturday, February 13, 2021

*** MLM Quick Tips To Grow Your Business/Sad But True Cool Facts *** {507}

💥It doesn't matter what type of small business you're trying to build, I always enjoy making posts that can potentially help the next person become successful. It puts a smile on my face, because our industry has taken a beating. There is so much garbage online, that sometimes it's hard for some people to sypher out what's trash, and what's not, and trust me, their is a lot! I know because I've been scammed out of a lot money, more than once, but I'm persistent, and NEVER QUIT! And this is why I'm successful. You can be too if you will just dig in a dedicate yourself to your craft, and with my help, I believe anyone can!!!

😀 {MLM Tips}

Successful businesses are built over a long period of time, not days or months. So before starting a new venture, you should develop the mindset that this is a long term, and you will occur some speed bumps along the way. (We've all been there, done that)

Over the long haul, you're goal should be to sponsor 2-5 reps consistently month after month. Top earners have done this for 10 years or longer, and that's why they are successful.

Years ago I was with a company called Quixtar. It's a sister company to Amway, and A lot of the top earners in the company took many years to achieve the ranking they did because they were persistent, and consistent. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day!

I believe you should set aside about 20 minutes per day for personal development. Your business will only grow as much as you do. You never stop learning. None of us do!

Build your business from the bottom up. Work with most eager, and excited distributors at the deepest level in your organization. 

Your job as a sponsor is to be there for your reps. You can't build it for them, because it's their business. Always have a positive demeanor, and treat others as you would want to be treated, and don't waste time working with the reps who aren't willing to get down and dirty. Work with the willing, and keep it simple!

I said focus on the positive because we become what we think about. Everything you say and think will either move you closer to your goal, or farther away. Understand the Law of attraction.

{What is the law of attraction and how it works?}

Simply put, the law of attraction says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to will come back to you. So, if you stay focused on the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically attract more good and positive things into your life.

💓https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4  (New Sign Up Link)

👉https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2021/01/what-is-guerrilla-marketing-17.html (DigiSoft Payline in A Nutshell)


😯{Extremely Sad But True Cool Facts:}

Have a history teacher explain this if they can. (16th/35th Presidents)

-Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
-John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
-Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
-John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
-Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
-Both wives lost a child while living in the White House.
-Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
-Both Presidents were shot in the head.
-Now it gets really weird.
-Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
-Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
-Both were assassinated by Southerners.
-Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
-Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
-Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
-John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
-Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
-Both assassins were known by their three names.
-Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
-Now hang on to your seat.
-Lincoln was shot at the theater named "Ford."
-Kennedy was shot in a car called "Lincoln" made by "Ford."
-Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
-And here's the "kicker":
-A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
-A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
-Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse...
-Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a theater...


“You have to do something in your life that is honorable and not cowardly if you are to live in peace with yourself.”– Larry Brown