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Saturday, January 16, 2021

*** What Is Guerrilla Marketing? (17 marketing tactics video)/DigiSoft Payline In A Nutshell *** {494}

{17 guerrilla marketing tactics in the video above}

What Is Guerrilla Marketing?

😍 Guerrilla marketing: is an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional interactions in order to promote a product or service. It is a type of publicity. The term was popularized by Jay Conrad Levinson's 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing.

Guerrilla marketing uses multiple techniques and practices in order to establish direct contact with the customers. One of the goals of this interaction is to cause an emotional reaction in the clients, and the ultimate goal of marketing is to get people to remember products or brands in a different way than they are accustomed to.

As traditional advertising media channels—such as print, radio, television, and direct mail—lose popularity, marketers and advertisers have to find new strategies to get their commercial messages to the consumer. Guerrilla marketing focuses on taking the consumer by surprise to make a big impression about the product or brand. This in turn creates buzz about the product being marketed. It is a way of advertising that increases consumers' engagement with the product or service, and is designed to create a memorable experience. By creating a memorable experience, it also increases the likelihood that a consumer, or someone who interacted with the campaign, will tell their friends about the product. Thus, via word of mouth, the product or service being advertised reaches more people than initially anticipated.

Guerrilla marketing is relatively inexpensive, and focuses more on reach rather than frequency. For guerrilla campaigns to be successful, companies don't need to spend large amounts, they just need to have imagination, energy and time. Therefore, it has the potential to be effective for small businesses, especially if they are competing against bigger companies.

The message to consumers is often designed to be clear and concise. This type of marketing also works on the unconscious minds, as purchasing decisions are often made by the unconscious mind. To keep the product or service in the unconscious mind requires repetition, so if a buzz is created around a product, and it is shared amongst friends, it enables repetition. 

💚https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 👈 (Go here now) - The viral list building system that pays you 100% commission on every sale...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)



{Pre-written AD}:

This is the opportunity of a lifetime...

There is no way to deny that we are all hesitant when a great opportunity is in front of us.

We are disappointed by how many scammers and con-artists are out there trying to take advantage of people, but those who have been able to succeed have learned to see those opportunities that are real and they seize them.

This is one of those cases when the opportunity cannot be missed to achieve success in life.

Today is the day that your life changes,Achieve your maximum earning potential!

Check the link below for details:

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 👈(A call to action) - 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...                                                                                                        


{DigiSoft Payline In A Nutshell!}  (IGNORE 👇)

{Founder/CEO of DigiSoft Payline}

Ron Walsh of NewFoundland Canada created DigiSoft on Oct. 15th 2014, and has 25+ years in the industry. 

{What is DigiSoft Payline:}

This is a member to member personal payment program, meaning that when you purchase one or both packages you automatically make direct payments to your package sponsor. This is called the reverse 1 & 2 up infinity pay plan. Because of the way the payplan is structured, this is NOT MLM! NO SELLING, TELLING, OR EXPLAINING INVOLVED!


DigiSoft Payline has 296 Downloadable Software Products, and most of them will help you build your DigiSoft, or any other small business. As a paid member you have complete access to the entire Digital library and do as you wish. {Examples}: -Social Media marketing, Dog Grooming Tips, Fixing Bad Credit, Financing a vehicle, etc...


Package #1 - 1 time fee of $15 which gives you 76 Downloadable Products (Pay Your Sponsor Directly)
Package #2 - 1 time fee of $35 which gives you 160 Downloadable Products (Pay Your Sponsor Directly)
***You also have access to 60 more Downloadable Products as a paid member (Total 296 Products)
***If you choose to purchase Both packages, you will make a 1 time payment to your package sponsor of $50.
***The only other fee you will occur is a $7 monthly ADMIN FEE paid directly to CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh. TOTAL = $57! {Because I want everyone to be successful, I'm giving a 27% discount which gives you package #1 for FREE, and saves you $15. Your total then would be a 1 time fee of $42!!!} - Lifetime Membership!!!


This is really cool. as a paid member you have access to the Inteliprotrac software, and what that does is allows you to send mailings to your entire database with 1 click of a button. Let's say you have 1,000 tour takers, which are people that have clicked on your affiliate link, and filled out the short form in order to access the 6 minute how it works movie. Once logged into your account, you can go to your back office training  area and either type, or copy and paste your message, and click submit, and whatever you send will go out to the entire database (tour takers). I use mine several times per day, and so can you once you start to get tour takers. You have around 40 Pre written "ADS" at your disposal to use for your advertising efforts. 

{Payment Options}:

When making your payments, you first have to make your $7 ADMIN Fee Payment paid directly to Ron Walsh, and you can make that via western union, or send cash in the mail. That's how I make my payment, but the choice is yours. You can also pay via any major credit/debit card. Once completed you then make your package fee directly to your sponsor, and  that can be paid via Paypal, Western Union, Money Gram, or any major credit/debit card. 

We like the setup because ADMIN touches none of our money. We are paid  member to member, and you get paid daily on any and all sales created by you or your downline, and you only have to wait for usually only a few minutes to receive your payments.

{Training?} - What I do for you!

You do have a back office training area where there are some training tips and tutorials but not a lot. That's where I come in. Once you're a member, I start posting random "ADS" on your behalf with your affiliate link, and then send you a copy of everything I post. You never have to pay for advertising because I do that for you. I have several safelists that I'm grandfathered into and never have to pay again, and one of my best resources is herculist.com. There are over 110,000+ opportunity seekers and growing by the day. I'm also grandfathered in and never have to pay again. I make a post for all new members to the entire database, and can post 1 "AD" every 24 hours. Again, you will receive a copy of everything I post for you. The next thing I do for my team is send a daily E-mail with tips and tutorials, so i suggest creating a folder on your PC because you will receive a lot from me, including a list of all of my FREE advertising resources to around 2,000 classified sites. And lastly you will receive an E-mail a day for 20 days after a few weeks with the links to every one of my blog posts. I've simplified it so all you do is click the link and go directly to my post. there are 25 per page, and I have 500 blog posts and growing! 

👉My Special Strategy:

My favorite method of prospecting is through Facebook Messenger, and I use it daily. I won't give away my secret right here, but I will tell you as one of my team mates, when I prospect others, I send them "YOUR" affiliate link instead of mine, and what this means is that I contact opportunity seekers, and when they want more info about DigiSoft Payline, I send it, along with "YOUR" affiliate link, so when they create a FREE Tour Takers account, "YOU" will be their sponsor, and will be the one who either gets paid, or gets 1 of "YOUR" qualifying sales out of the way. It's a win/win for both of us regardless! If you get with us, I will do the same for you, and even teach you my secret strategy!

{What is your Job as a payliner?}

Everyone that joins us, has only 2 jobs, and those are, to acclimate yourself to your business/back office area, and post as many "ADS" as possible. When starting out, try to post at least 10 "ADS". One of the Early E-mails you will receive is called a Digi Do List, which tells you what you should be doing on a daily basis. 

In a nutshell: The system is automated which means that it tracks everything for you, including your income, so you never have to. You start advertising, and when someone clicks on your affiliate link, they will fill out the short form, and you will receive 2 automated E-mails from the system. 1 will be info about your tour taker. (name, phone#, email address), and the other one will have 4 tried and proven messages. All you need to do is pick one, and send it via E-mail to your tour taker. (copy/paste). This will try to entice your tour taker to upgrade  to a payliner. The average rule of thumb is that on average it takes 7-20 contacts before someone makes a decision either way. Again this is just an average. Ron has thought of everything, and simplified this to the point an 8 year old child could do this! 


This is the beauty of this business. If you were only paid by the people that you bring into the business, No one would be able to make it, but here's where it gets good so bear with me. Everyone who joins, has to pass up (3) sales to their package sponsor before they make any money, and the reason for this is because as a I stated...Leverage! Everyone that you bring in passes up their (3) qualifying sales. {1 for package 1, and 2 for package 2=3}. This is the only way to make the big money. The way the compensation plan was created is that let's say you bring 1 person a week into your business, for a year, and everyone else under you does the same thing, your potential earning is over 230k within the next year! You don't need to sponsor hundreds of people to make big money, and that's exactly what you want.


This is very simple. You advertise your affiliate link, and the system tracks everything for you. When your tour takers come to your site and fill out the short form, they are instructed to watch the 6 minute how it works movie where CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh actually shows you the compensation plan and how you are paid, and also from your pass up sales. You're not selling anything. Just get them to the movie, and let it do the selling for you. (Can you invite others to the 6 minute how it works movie?)

1) Learn your back office/business
2) Advertise daily/Get others to the 6 minute how it works movie
3) Get paid


There is nothing to download. Everything is done for you and ready to go once paid. All you will need to do if you haven't already, is to create a www.paypal.com account which only takes a few minutes, and I have a tutorial if needed. There are a couple things you will need to do for your setup, but I show you what to do, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.


Please read this. Results will vary, and I promise nothing except to do everything in my power to help you succeed, but you must put in the work, and give it time. You can make money everyday with this, but realistically it takes years of hard work to achieve the success that you're looking for. I always suggest giving it at least 2 years to see where you are at that time. Between Ron and myself, you have 24/7 support. You can send him a support ticket from your back office area under contact us, or you can contact me, and we will get back to you in a timely manner. Give yourself a chance at success, and get started today!

=> http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323 (My Personal Page)
=> http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (My Training Blog)


“Just keep going. Everybody gets better if they keep at it.”– Ted Williams

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