πToday I wanted to share a few things that I've been told from other marketers pertaining to joining an MLM venture when their spouse is dead set against it. Fortunately for me, I've never had to to deal with this.
They say that opposites attract, and we tend to marry people who are completely different from us.
Some of my marketing friends have given me some simple things you can do to keep your unhappy spouse happy, and still be able to grow your network marketing business.
→ Invite your significant other to a live event:
By inviting your spouse to an event, or convention, this will allow them to meet other couples involved so they can get their take, such as how this fits in with family life, and see what it's all about. After hearing some of the speakers, hopefully they will get a better understanding of what the company is all about, and with any luck will see the vision, as did their other half. Excitement is contagious!
→Make time for family:
This is self explanatory, and in my estimation the biggest pitfall from a negative spouse. It's very important to find a happy balance between your family, and your business, that's agreed upon between both parties. Your new business venture shouldn't take over your life, but you must set aside some time everyday, and be committed to your success. Family should be number one. Schedule time to go to the park with the kids, or have date night once a week. Whatever you normally do with the family, you should continue doing without the business getting in the way. We all have 24 hours in a day, and all it takes is an hour or two daily toward your business. Use your time wisely. There is an old saying that says, "A good man can accomplish anything as long as he has a good woman by his side!" and I believe this whole heartedly!!!
→Pick & choose your battles:
While I don't believe any spouse has the right to tell their significant other what they can and can't do, and that works both ways. I do believe that you should pick and choose your battles. Only you know your spouse and her Temperament. If you're someone who joins a lot of companies and quits every couple of months, then you probably should steer clear from network marketing, and find another way to earn an income. But if you're sincere about what you're doing, then stand up and put your foot down, and let her know that this is what you're going to do...Period!
→Share your GOALS:
Be specific when explaining your goals. Let her know why you want to build a residual income by building a network marketing business. She needs to know exactly how she will benefit. You can even go as far as to let them know your game plan, and why you are doing it. Who knows, maybe they will even get involved with you. I know many couples that do it together and really enjoy it.
→Take the business seriously:
This is vital because most people start out with that fire in their belly to be successful, but not long after starting a business venture they lose that zest for success, because they aren't seeing the results they want, and end up quitting. If you do this on a regular basis, she will say, "Here we go again!"
To earn the respect of your spouse take it seriously, and treat it like a business, and not a hobby. Pretend you have a million dollars vested into your business, because you will be much less likely to quit. Spend most of your time on income producing activities, and be patient. Success doesn't happen overnight. Also make sure to share with your spouse, your income proof!
Let's say you're selling vitamins. Get your spouse to try your product/s. This is just common sense. Obviously if she likes the product/service that you're selling, she will be more apt to get onboard with what you're doing with your business.
➤This is just my take from what I've heard others share with me. I hope if you have a negative spouse, maybe some of these things will get her onboard with what you're wanting to do moving forward with your business.
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