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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

*** List Building Tips (MLM) *** {431}

πŸ˜€List building is all about collecting your prospects name and email address so you can connect with them on a regular basis. How do I know this works well? Because typically when reading messages like this one, the only way you can receive it is by subscribing through a company squeeze page. (Opting In)

Here's some things you need to keep in mind when you come to build your first squeeze page. You only have about 3-7 seconds to grab the attention of your prospect and get them to want to read more.

You have to grab readers attention, convert them into prospects, and maintain their attention all in a matter of a few seconds. If you do not achieve this quickly, efficiently and effectively, people will simply click away without giving it much thought.

There are 5 elements that every profitable squeeze page has in common.

1.) A strong headline
2.) A simple, clear design
3.) List of benefits
4.) A clear opt-in form.
5.) A strong call to action

=> Let's start with the Headline:

The headline is probably the most important aspect of a squeeze page. It needs to be compelling & benefit-laden. It needs to create a burning curiosity for your prospect to want to read more.

A headline has two purposes only

1.) Grab attention and 2) Compel further reading.

* Develop your headline by using the most important benefits of the offer.

* At its essence, a compelling headline must promise some kind of benefit for the reader in trade for the valuable time it takes to read more.

* It must grab the reader’s attention.

The true purpose of a headline is not to summarize or advertise the website. It’s simply to get people to read further.

If a headline does not achieve this quickly, efficiently and effectively, people will simply click away without giving it
much thought.

=> The Amazing Hook:

The hook must be amazing. Formulate a hook by researching exactly what your customer would want if you delivered the perfect product/service.

Your hook needs to arouse your audience’s burning curiosity and FORCE them to listen.

It is your spin, your uniqueness, which no-one else has. Without the hook there will be no catch.

A hook is a uniqueness of your offer. What makes your product or service so unique that they just have to buy from you over the top of anyone else?

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"Income For Life"

Success is the natural consequence of consistency applying basic fundamentals:-)


P.S. Contact me for further questions, TAKE THE F-R-E-E TOUR:-)


The Wright brothers, Orville (32) and Wilbur (36) invented and built the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight.

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