Network Marketing has a huge learning curve, and will vary from person to person. By learning the ins and outs, of Marketing, is like getting a college degree in any profession you choose. From what I've seen over my years, is that the average person will be able to live off of there business anywhere between 3-5 years of hard work.
The reason why I say this is because the first year in the industry, you are going to have many setbacks, so don't get discouraged and quit, like so many do. This is a big reason why 98.2% of the people who join a Network Marketing company fail! Roughly The next two years will be about how fast you can learn, and adapt your skills. Again success will vary. When you join us @ DigiSoft Payline, I will never guarantee anyone's success, because I don't know how serious you are about building your business, but I can guarantee that your learning curve will be much smaller because of Myself, and the way the business was thought out. The quicker you can pick this up, the quicker you can fire your boss, and not have to punch the time clock ever again!
Realistically speaking, after your third year into the industry, If you will roll up your sleeves and get busy, there is no reason why you couldn't be earning a great 5-6 figure income per month...NOT YEAR! I know you're thinking that's not possible, but I know a lot of individuals who are making much more than that. If your company compensation plan has implemented a Residual income, or at the very least, built around leverage, the sky's the limit, and the only way you can succeed in this industry.
Most people that get involved in our industry , are doing so for different reasons, other than it's just a new job for them, and one reason is because they are sold on the dream that someone else created for them, and the second is those that are successful, understand that this is a full time job, but it doesn't bother them because they enjoy what their doing. These individuals have what most others don't have, and that is they lack time freedom to do what they want, when they want.
This industry is very addicting, and if you're not careful, you may actually find yourself making some pretty friends, and relationships, fun traveling adventures, and creating the mind set of a champion, long before earning a 5-7 figure income in the industry. You control your own destiny, but in time, your biggest asset will be YOU! With this being said, I've seen some of our top earners take a decade or more to get where they are today. Where would they be today, if they decided to quit, when the going got tough? If you will put your nose to the grindstone, and work your business, and not like a hobby, anything is possible! --Join me today, and let's walk that journey together!
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Best Regards,
Nelson Mandela was 76 when he became President”―
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