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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

*** A Few Quick Tips/The Money Is In The List *** {349}

πŸ’₯No such thing as get rich quick.

We all wish that it was possible to get rich quick with an online business, but it just doesn't work that way. It takes years in most cases, and you have to be persistent.

In time you can get rich, but you have to find the strategies that work for you.

This is the next roadblock that you need to knock out of the way of your journey to success. You need to pick a few strategies, that work for you and stick with it.

A lot of people try to make money online by "selling to strangers". This kind of traffic is called "cold market". Most of the time this won't work.

What many successful online marketers don't tell you is that they make a bulk of their money by selling to people on their list, not to new prospects. Traffic from those individuals who are already in contact with you is called your "warm market".

The money really is in the list, and a constant flow of customers is critical.

It takes multiple conversations in order to convince someone to buy a product. The only reliable way to contact someone over and over again to continue the conversation is via email. It is said that it takes on average 7-20 exposures, before a decision is made.

You need to use your "cold market" to build your list and your "warm market" to build relationships and make sales. That is a winning strategy.


{Exciting news from our CEO}: - Dated 2016:-)

It has been a hectic last few days and I mean that in a good way! Our 230K Splash Page has been pulling in the signups, and our NEW IntelliProTrac Software is working flawlessly!

I can honestly say I have never been more excited about the future of DigiSoft than I am right now, and nothing makes me happier than when I see our Payliners receiving those instant $50 payments!

IntelliProTrac Software:

Ron got an email today asking how to download the IntelliProTrac Software, and I just want to let you all know that you do not have download or install anything on your computer. If you were a Payliner when the software was introduced yesterday, then it is already set up on your account.

When Tour Takers upgrade to a Payliner the software will be automatically installed on their account as soon as they upgrade to a Payliner. It’s what you would call ``Hands Free Software``!

To learn more about our NEW DigiSoft IntelliProTrac Software login to your Member Center and scroll to the bottom of the Status Page. That’s the first page you land on when you login.

πŸ’§https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8  (New Sign Up Link)


Let’s Do This!


"Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down." -- Charles F. Kettering

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