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Thursday, June 14, 2018

*** How to Sponsor One Person a Week *** {280}

πŸ’šOver the years I've taught people on my team that if you can sponsor one person a week, every week, for a few years, you can build up a huge team.  (at the very least, try to get 1 person a month, and you can still build a massive income!)

Do that for three years and you will sponsor 156 people.  Do it for five years and you will personally sponsor 260 people.

In order to sponsor one person per week, you will probably have to contact 25 people per week, which breaks down to FIVE contacts per day, Monday through Friday. 

Out of every 25 people, five should agree to watch a presentation and typically about one in five who watches a presentation will sign up as a distributor.

I can’t guarantee you these exact numbers, but I do know it should be pretty close.

When I say contact FIVE people a day, it means to invite 5 people to take a look at a presentation. 

This can be a video presentation, a live meeting, a conference call, webinar, etc.  Keep it simple, use third party tools and remove yourself from the equation.

I truly believe that if you prospected FIVE people a day, every day, five days a week, for a few years, you could build up a HUGE business.

Some of you might be wondering, “Where do I find these people?”

These people are everywhere.  They include friends, family, strangers, people online, leads, etc. 

There are literally seven BILLION plus people in the world.  Most of us come in contact with HUNDREDS of people each day.  All you have to do is be friendly, introduce yourself and start a conversation.

If that doesn't work for you, come up with a marketing strategy that works for you, so you always have new leads to talk to.  

{Contact Info}

Rick Brier

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  (New Sign Up Link)


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Rick Brier


“Persistency, consistency, discipline, urgency & excitement were the foundation of my success.” - Deborah Dawui 

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