For MLM Ad Copy Power
Here are 21 pages of sheer brainstorming kickers to help you move your MLM Business to the top of the heap. You may not become an MLM - Network Marketing Guru... but it sure gives you some good mind guidance on how MLM-ers think! Print off and write your own headline versions! Rod Cook "MLM Oracle"
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Work half as hard …make 4X the money!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Get off the phone – wait for calls
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline =Automatic selling makes your phone ring…no phone scripts or hang ups!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Quit talking to strangers … just WILLING prospects!
Hi, I is this (first name)? This is (your name
name in San Antonio (your city ) and I received information you’re thinking about starting a home business. Could I send you a free information package that will help?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Let the CD do all the work… you just sign applications and paychecks for yourself.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = More Millionaires Have.......found automatic selling and recruiting devices so they don’t have to work.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Less minutes - MORE Money! Call XXX-XXX-XXXX for details!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = I went from being a Zero to an admired Hero in less than 6 months ASK ME HOW.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Apprentice Millionaires wanted.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = How ordinary people make extra-ordinary income quickly and long term with small investments
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = I work all day at my job then an hour each evening on my real future!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = I work with people who want to fire their boss so that they can live the life of their dreams.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = WARNING: The enclosed information will completely change your life.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Was your last paycheck enough! If not Call XXX-XXX-XXXX! Don't care ... don't call.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = I work with people wanting to make their dreams come true.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = I need to show you how to make extra money without commuting.
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = If I can change your life and make you happy, will you talk to me?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = If I promise I can change your life and make you happy, will you have a heart to heart talk with me?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = If I promise I can show you a way to make extra money, would you be interested?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = If I promise to show you a way to make extra money legally, will you be interested? Will you have a heart to heart talk with me?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = If there was one… “anything” in your life you could change, heart to heart what is it?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Want to learn how to be healthy and earn money too?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Want to learn how to realize your dream?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Want to make some money?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Make your neighbor jealous!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = .Move to a BIG house!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Want to meet a friend who makes $85,000 lesson this is an illegal earnings claim! a MONTH?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline =Want to sack your boss? We will show you how or your money back!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = Want to work for yourself instead of your boss?
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = WANTED: Workers - APPLY Within!
MLM Brainstorm Adcopy Headline = WAVE GOODBYE TO YOUR NEIGHBORS!
TEST ! then test MORE!
Rod Cook
We are not looking for investors, we are already capitalized.
We can make Cows Skinny! What do you think we can do for you?
We changed our minds about the business, and our income grew beyond our greatest dreams!
We Deliver On Their Promises.
We help people make better money & health choices.
We live in a world with less & less job security. If you're concerned about your financial future you'd be smart to take a look at this information.
We measure our success one family at a time!
We paid out over $112 million last year. How much of that will your family get this year?
WE PAY YOU TO LOSE WEIGHT. I lost 51 pounds in 90 days!
We take people to elegant early retirement.
We're looking for people who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!!!
We've fallen down, affixed the bandage to the ouchie, and now we're passing on our hardwon expertise to you!
What are the $100,000-a-year earners doing that you're not?
What did Billy Graham, Dick Clark, Dennis Quaid and Joe DiMaggio do that you should do?
What do I do? I am an exit corporate strategist.
What do you do to make extra money or do you already make too much money working here?
What do you think concerns people most: losing their job OR earning additional income? Please tell me why you think that.
What is wealth without health?
What sets us apart is what we DON'T offer!
What they don't teach in school about making money.
What would it be worth to throw away your alarm clock?
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
What would you do if you had an extra $1000 each month?
What would you do if your company shut its doors tomorrow?
What Would You Rather Do: Watch TV Or Make Some Real Money?
What would your life look like if you didn't have to work every day?
What's more fun than getting money in the mail?
When someone asks me what I do, I say: "I teach."
When taxes bite, I'll show you how to bite back.
When would you like to RETIRE? Why don't you set your own date by joining us?
Where are you going on vacation this year?
Where is my raise?
Which of these four money problems do you want to SOLVE?
Who do you know who could use more income?
Who do you know who may want to earn some extra money by helping me in my oil business?
Who do you see more often ... Your BOSS or Your Loved Ones?
Who is raising your children?
Results - $72,000 in 4 weeks. Total cost: $100 in paper and photocopying.
Retire in 25 or 5 years. You decide.
Retired 1st grade teacher, 89, on Social Security, Reveals How she Eliminated $53871.00 of credit card debt while more than doubling her income in two years!
Santa's elves reject latest offer, and start home-based business.
Save 21% - 50% on Everything You Buy Anywhere!
Save the Planet, Live your Dreams and do it all for the children.
School Teacher/Mom Tops Salary with Home-Based Business and Retires at 46, With Thinner Thighs and Increased Energy!
Secret to paying your mortgage off faster.
Secret to Success Revealed.
Set your sights on success...the view from the top is awesome!
Sharing in the next trillion by partnering with U.S.'s number-one diet?
Shocking secrets of the nutritional supplement industry revealed!!
Show WOMEN the secret to silky, shiny, bouncy hair.
Small Guy Makes It Big With Tax-Deductible Home Business! See Me In Cancun!
Smart Mums Work From Home.
So that I don't regret not telling you about this... and at the risk of sounding a tad cliché, here's something totally new and totally different and REALLY worth checking out... Honest!
So, what more are you longing for?
So, why don't you want to make a million a month!?
SOMEBODY's taking your money!
Something Old and A Whole Lot NEW...
Start creating a life that you deserve.
Start earning money with the Internet even if you're a low-tech person.
Start your business with a BANG, FREE training and a personal business coach.
Start Your Own Business and Get Your Own Personal Advisor and Coach!
Stay-at-Home MOM, from Denver, loses 7 dress sizes and over 200 lbs fat, and in the process turns it into an income of over $100,000 a year... want details?
Still searching for financial freedom?
Still Using Your computer like a ONE-armed Bandit? Don't gamble on your future!
Stop earning a living - Start living and earning!
Stop The Pain AND Start The Profit!
Stop thrashing about in obscurity! Come and waltz with the elite!
Stressed-Out Medical Assistant in Colorado now enjoys the finer things in life in just 6 months.
'Reduce work and supersize' your bank account!
Sure, you've got a JOB...what you need is a LIFE!!!
Take Care of Your Health . . . Or Someone Else Will!
Take control of your future!
Taking care of your health is a full-time job, why not get paid for it?
Thanks for the great service! People like you do very well in our business. Do you ever look for ways to make additional money around your job?
Thanks! I'm glad you noticed. But you should have seen me six months ago...
The Best Business Decision I Ever Made!
The Best Offshore ATM CashCard In The World!
The IRS uses its blood-sucking deductions to shrivel your paycheck so that you slave away in work bondage until 'You are 65. Then you can starve to death on 40% of your original income.
The next 30 seconds of your time could earn you your retirement.
The rat race finally has a winner!
The REVEALED TRUTH of traffic generation on the internet!!
Get your copy of the never-before-revealed techniques that will explode your lead generation program.
Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money. If you see something in this headline that interests you please call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
More people now, shouldn't you?
Most people tailor their dreams to match their income rather then increasing their income to match their dreams.
Mother was wrong! Money does grow on trees!
Mr. Prospect, let me ask you a very important question: Do you have an energetic, hardworking person such as me building a business for YOU right NOW?
Mr./Mrs. Prospect, four months ago I literally applied for
food stamps, but today I am nearly out of debt!
My business is booming!
My husband is eligible to retire in August. We started a home-based business so he can.
My lawyer sits on my shoulder and whispers in my ear for pennies a day. Does yours?
Need legal help...who you gonna call?
Never Feel the Need to buy a Lottery Ticket Again!
No easier way to make money. Period.
No one succeeds alone. If you tried your Best & had slight success, let me help you to do your Best. Interested?
No your way to wealth! Yes's optional.
Now is the time!
Now that you know what you don't want to do for the rest of your life, let's work on what you do want to do.
Now, a home business that fits your life -including our 5 easy Steps to Success.
Now, your dog can feel like a puppy again without the need for extra newspapers.
Ohio Man Finds Gold & Shows Me Where To Dig!
One day when I wasn't really looking, this opportunity sneaked up on me, jumped right into my lap, and carried me to success.
Only elephants work for peanuts. I'll show you how to make real money and get out of the jungle.
Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.
Order Your Success here.
Our products are Hot! Hot! Hot! A total Health makeover non-stop!
Out of the doghouse and into the mansion.
Over 40 and looking for reward? Contact: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Over 95% of American Households NEED this Service.
Overweight and tired of it? Get 19 free and easy weight loss tips from a formerly overworked salesperson in Durham, NC.
Own your own business and get paid while you sleep! Ask me how!
Pay attention, attention pays.
Pay your mortgage payment without using your current income - learn how.
Pay yourself instead of the bank!
People are at the center of our system that is build on integrity, honesty and loyalty.
Pregnant housewife in Atlanta, GA shows other stay-at-home moms how to get a paycheck every month without ever leaving home.
me for the Plan!
Rat Race Producing More Losers - No Winners Yet.
Read it or Delete it - it's your Loss or your Gain!
Ready to enjoy life?
Re-do Your Life.
Replace Full Time Income with PART Time effort and earn QUALITY Family Time!
Learn how to get paid to eat, live free, travel free.
Learn how to make your RV ventures profitable and tax deductible.
Learn How to Retire in Less Time Than you Think!
Learn the SECRET to getting your KIDS to EAT their VEGETABLES!
LEARN TO PROFIT from the deregulation of Public Utilities.
Let a long time business man show you how to earn an extra paycheck by working 1 to 3 hrs a day part time.
Let me build your downline.
Let me show you how to earn a bundle without spending a bundle.
Let me show you how to fire your boss, and laugh all the way to the bank!
Let Us Pay You For Giving Our Service Away For FREE!
Life is all about decisions - make one now and start your life again!
Life is not over until YOU say so. You have now a second chance at success.
Lifetime expectancy is reduced by age over weight.
Lifetime warranty is only as good as product expectancy.
Lift yourself up by the bootstraps and start your own business on a shoestring.
Like a pulsing thumb smashed by the thundering blow of a hammer meant for a nail, your wallet cries out for the wealth that taxes pound away from your existence.
Like Your Job? Then Don't Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX
Listen, this can be the first day you really start living!
Live the Life You've Always Imagined!!
London entrepreneur loses her LIFE to FIBROMYALGIA but now has her life back eating concentrated herbal foods and
teaching others how to earn an extra $5000 /month.
Look at this... It saved me 18,000 dollars and 5 years of my time - who knows what it could do for you?
Look Better Naked!
Looking for 3 people who are serious about losing weight.
Looking for a job or do you want to be in control yourself?
Looking for Modeling Material... Model Success.
Looking for that Pot O' Gold over the Rainbow?
Lose weight just by changing your shoes!
Love Coffee?
Low-Fat and No-Fat Diets Can Be Harmful To Your Health - Don't Eliminate Fats.
Make $400 While Drawing Circles on Napkins at your local coffee shop!
Make a substantial income from home by simply switching stores!
Make an extra check while at work and get paid twice weekly.
Make Good Health Your Business.
Make your boss happy. Tell him you're quitting.
Make your business succeed with on-line marketing.
Make your dreams happen quicker with an extra paycheck.
Making money from home should be exciting and fun! Training is the Key! Come and get it!
Manage Your Money or Your Money Manages You!
Mark all your bills PAID IN FULL.
Massive Success is the Sweetest Revenge!
Melt away those unwanted pounds with 10 days of chocolate.
Millions Now Qualify For Accelerated Retirement, Giving Them Time to Enjoy It; Here's How...
MIND POWER! The Road to Prosperity.
Minnesota grandmother to 24 has discovered ultimate way to keep in touch!
MLM = Make Lots of Money without jeopardizing the day job!
MOMS...Tired of someone else getting your kids' hugs and kisses? Let us show you how to get those warm hugs and kisses while earning cold cash from home.
Money really does grow on trees! I'm in the health and wealth business - which do you want to
hear about first?
I'm laughing all the way to the bank. You can too.
I'm looking for people who are out of work and out of date.
I'm looking for someone who is dissatisfied with their current level of income, or who is unhappy with their job and who is looking for a way to earn an additional stream of income. Do you know anyone like that?
I'm not going to make you a Millionaire - YOU are.
I'm starting a diet club and I am looking for women who want to lose @ least 10 pounds, meet once a week & have fun, can you help me out?
I'm truly glad to meet you. In fact I'm so glad you'll never forget today. Tell me how I can make your life better!
Imagine - believe - become.
Imagine looking 65 years old when you are 95!!
In Less Then 6 Months I'm Earning More Then My Plumber Husband.
Increase Your Paychecks And Decrease Your Workload.
Information Reduces Risk!
Instead of 10 holidays a year - join me & take 10 days every month!
Is it true?
Is junk food filling your stomach but starving your body?
Is the ax swinging toward YOUR job?
Is There A Marketing HULK Waiting To Break Out?
Is Your Confidence In Your Future Shrinking Along With Your
Is Your Drinking Water Making You Sick?
Is Your Job Paying You Enough to Hit ALL of Your Goals and
It is best to be first.
It is the darndest thing. You wouldn't believe me if I told you!!
IT Professional quits programming when he becomes wealthy helping his friends.
It's a shame you don't have more money, time and security when so many others are getting that easily.
It's a shame for you to not make good money when these people do it so easily.
It's easy to not do anything and get nowhere, but it's even easier to get up, get noticed and get to where you want to be.
It's spring! Will your allergies let you enjoy it? All
natural products will help you now! Phone and get a free sample XXX-XXX-XXXX
Janitor's earnings exceed school principal's after 2 years in our company
Join a team where there is no retirement age!
June 21st, the longest day of the year! Was it a paid holiday for you? It was for me! Want to know how?
Just popping in my first audio tape will cause you to immediately know this course is the right investment for you.
Kentucky father of five leaps before he looks, giving away $297 in cash before he hits bottom!
Knock, Knock....Who's There? Opportunity! Opportunity Where?
Know anyone looking for a healthier, wealthier life??
Know effort = know success. No effort = no success.
Know how certain people complain about being sick and tired all the time? Well, I help them get over it and get on with their lives.
Last year, I had a $6000 tax refund. Shall I teach you how I did it?
Launch 5 FREE Income Streams In 24 Hours!
Learn how a 55-year-old retired Navy man earns more in two years than he did in the whole 21 years he served in the Navy!
Learn how a retired university administrator living in Hoover, Alabama has as much energy now as she did in 1956 when her red Mustang convertible was new!
Learn how to be a Power Girl... empowered with health, beauty, happiness, and prosperity.
Learn how to become rich in one minute.
If I appear to see further than you, it is because I stand
on the shoulders of giants who came before me, reach up and
take my hand and let me help you up here too!
If I can show how to go on a free, tropical vacation every year, would you consider listening to me for 10 minutes?
If I could show you how to earn enough to pay off all of your bills, and maybe even enough to quit your job, how soon
could we get together to discuss it?
If I could show you how to retire debt free in 3 to 7 years, would you give me 15 minutes of your time?
If I could show you how you could buy that new car (house, or what ever they want) for $200 but you would have to do a little work as well, would you be interested in finding out how?
If I could tell you how to make twice the money in half the hours you're working right now, would you be interested?
If I had information that could help you pay your bills without using your primary income, would that interest you?
If not now, when?
If not you, who?
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
If now isn't the best time to change your life, then when is
the best time?
If someone gave you a thousand dollars, would you take it?
If we are what we eat...then most of us are either FAST, CHEAP or EASY!!
If you are fed up and want to reclaim your dreams, take a look at these...
If you are over 60 and broke, I have the answer for you.
If you could change anything in you life, what would it be?
If you don't determine your destiny ... someone else will.
If You Don't Know Your Rights, You Don't Have Any!
If you follow the footsteps of others, you will never get in front.
If you have a few minutes, would you like to know how I don't pay taxes anymore and earn residual income while doing it?
If you have skin, hair, or teeth, we need to talk.
If you have too many bills that you cannot afford to pay, I can show a way to decrease your bills and increase your income.
If you join my business you'll get to meet this peculiar man, who didn't know what he was doing for 2 years and became a millionaire from doing it!
If you just won the lottery, how would your life change?
If you keep on doing what you're doing, you'll keep on getting what you're getting... Are you getting what you're worth, or should you consider doing something differently?
If You Know People With Teeth, You Can Make Extra Money From Home.
If you only knew what I knew, You'd Know what I know, You Know . . .
If you ran across a way to add a second income pile with some tax advantages, are you open-minded enough to have a coffee and check out the possibilities?
If you wanna catch a frog, ya gotta get muddy...
If you want to be a kid again with lots of energy and zing in your step, look at the following information.
If you want to save your money see a Financial Planner If you want to make that money to save SEE ME!
If you want to work for the rest of your life that is your business... If you don't, that is my business!!!
If you won the lottery or had a baby, you'd be really
excited right? Have you ever felt so passionate about
something that you wanted to tell everyone?
If you would like to erase 10 years off your face, let me know.
If you're happy with your bank balance, don't open this.
If you're not working today to better yourself and reach your special goals, then you're not working.
I'll trade you a million dollars for a minute of your
I'm building an empire! Would you like one?
I'm expanding a business here in (city/state).
I get paid to change lives!
I get PAID WELL to be HEALTHY! Do you?
I give away great products and get paid to do it.
I Guarantee the Next 10 Minutes Will Change the Way You Think About Your Yearly Raise.
I had a job just like yours once.
I had no idea this was possible.
I have a toll booth on the communications highway and I want you to have yours too.
I have a way for you to make more money and spend more time with your family - would you like to know more?
I have bad news and good news! The bad news is - you have to work! The good news is - you can get rich!
I have found a proven way to get out of the rat race. Would you like me to share it with you?
I have lost 50 pounds without starving or exercising and have more energy!
I hear you're interested in making more money?
I help people earn franchising rights which can generate for them royalty income for a lifetime!!!
I help people fire their bosses.
I help people follow their dreams.
I help people get more productivity out of their day. I can't give you more time, but I can help you make it count.
I help people save money on their long distance bills and I'm always looking for help.
I help people solve the two biggest problems that most people worry about.
I help qualified people get private franchising rights.
I help women have happy hormones.
I just left a $70,000-a-year job in order to make a change in my lifestyle and double my income at the same time!!!
I left home without it - now I have all the money I'll ever need.
I Lost my SSI payments from the Government - Network Marketing pays me too much!
I Made a Mistake...
I Made a Mistake... and Still Made Money
I make dead people come alive again.
I make more than my boss -- so I quit my job! Now, he wants to know how I did it.
I realized a long time ago that I make an absolutely
horrible employee! I realized that my family was so much more important than what my boss was telling me! So how can I live this lifestyle? I'll show you!
I show families how to save time, save money and protect themselves!
I show people how to afford to say, "I'm going to talk to my Attorney!" – and mean it!!!
I show people how to get a $100 tax refund every month.
I show people how to get a weekly 'playcheck' so that they can earn more money and have fun doing the things they enjoy most.
I show people how to have enough money left over at the end of the month to do whatever they want with it!
I show people how to triple their income and double their time off!!!
I supply phone calls at wholesale rates.
I talk to people and take lots of free holidays.
I teach businesspeople how to make more money working fewer hours.
I teach people about harmful and potentially carcinogenic
ingredients used in common personal care products, and the safer alternatives.
I teach people how to build a safety net for their
I teach people how to CAPITALIZE on a skill they already use every day!
I teach people how to earn a substantial income working from home while providing a valuable service to their community.
I teach people how to earn an extra $300.00 a month - call XXX-XXX-XXXX
I teach people how to make early retirement a reality.
I teach people how to make money, while enjoying a healthier more productive lifestyle.
I thought it was a joke ... now I know better. Expect
I understand you're interested in firing your boss.
HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY? (And if they say anything but good I hand them a bottle of (product) and tell them to call me in two weeks.)
How are you going to make $1,000.00 next week?
How can you afford to give your children the life they deserve?
How committed are you to your retirement?
How Is Your Five-Year Retirement Plan Coming Along?
How long can you afford to wait?
How many people are helping you make money with your current job?
How many people do you know who worked for 40 years, and when they retired they were wealthy?
How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying I Wish I Had More Energy?
How often do you think about making more money????
How seven family members conspired to earn 1.9 million dollars! You can too!
How to be mistaken for your daughter's sister.
How to build a cash-gushing business empire with just $500 capital.
How to drop pounds & never put them back on.
How to find Success in a Bottle.
How to LOVE your phone company.
How to make twice as much money part-time as your full-time job?!
How To Plant a Perpetual Cash and Leads Tree With a One-Time
$2 Seed.
How To Sneak Fitness Into Your Day: Physical and Financial!
How To Turn All Your Ads And Sales letters Into Powerful Cash Generators - Guaranteed.
How will you manage financially when you retire?
How working moms can be stay-at-home moms with a bigger paycheck.
How would you like to be financially free doing the same thing you do in just 6 steps?
How would you like to change your business suit for a swimsuit?
How would you like to fire your boss, or even better, fire your boss and get him working with/for you?
How would you like to get paid to play?
How Would You Like To Help End World Poverty Including Your Own?
How would you like to look and feel years younger, make more money and friends in the next 12 months than you have in years? If your answer is yes than we need to talk!
How would you like to make a living doing what you love?
How would you like to receive an alimony check every month while remaining happily married?
How would you like to stay younger longer?
How's life treating you today?
I allow mothers to stay home and play with their children and get paid for it!
I am a millionaire!
I ask 20 people a day what they want and show them how to get it. What do you want?
I can give you the gift of total financial freedom.
I can help you save your Time, Health, Environment and Money.
I can see that you love your job. I bet retiring any time soon is not even on your mind.
I can sell you on something without buying anything.
I can show you how to drop weight & never pick it back up!
I can show you how to make more money in your lunch hour than most people make in a 30-year career.
I can teach you the secrets that will turbocharge your
I can turn your Visa or MasterCard into a cash card in less
than two minutes!
I can't eat everything I am supposed to on this new diet.
I do Alternative Network Marketing! What do you do?
F/T income for P/T work!!!
Failing is not an Option.
Feel Like 25; Think like 50.
Find out how a 44-year-old clown from Elmwood Park has so much fun making money!!!
Find out how a single mom is flying from famine to fortune!
Find out how an overworked 47-year-old technician from Akron Ohio found how to never pay long distance charges again.
Find out how stay-at-home Moms can make more than their working husbands!
Find out how to be a Spiritual reach into people's hearts and turn their light on...or help them increase their wattage.
Fire your boss and offer him a job.
Fire your boss!
Flabbergasted small town stay-at-home mom discovers how to get paid more than her corporate husband from the comfort of her own home in less than 9 months.
Fly to Europe for FREE, make new friends...and get PAID for doing it!
Folks, I've found that there are ONLY 2 types of people in this world, those who get an Extra Paycheck every month and those who don't... It's that simple and by the way... That's our business in a nutshell.
Food is just another word but weight-loss is forever!
Football junkie discovers business that pays him while he yells abuse at his team.
For Sale - Belly Button Lint. That's right, if you don't know these three little secrets to prosper in MLM, you might as well be selling Belly Button Lint.
For things to change, you have to change.
For women who are older than they look, but who wouldn't mind looking even younger, call for our free report, "How To Have the Skin of a 22-Year-Old Beauty Queen Without Surgery,Botox, or Makeup."
Former engineer learns how to live a 'little' on six
Former failure retires, moves his family to luxurious
mountain retreat.
Former fat guy shows people how to drink their vitamins, lose weight and get paid for doing it.
FORMER FAT LADY from Denver shows other pleasingly plump persons how to lose the flab and pad the wallet.
Found! Amazing Business!
Four simple steps to earning an extra paycheck every week.
Free holidays for life! Interested?
Free Info!!! Do you know Anyone who either HAS Health Insurance or NEEDS Health Insurance and WANTS to SAVE money or MAKE MONEY???
Free leads if you join my downline!
Free Leads System, Free Education, Free Help!
FREE Secrets of Internet Millionaires.
Free website while you evaluate this business opportunity!
FREE yourself from your financial worries AND have True
Health and Wealth.
Friend who likes to talk a lot now gets to talk all across North America for FREE!!!!
Friend...I'll trade you a million dollars for a minute of your time...
Friends do not let friends have a J.O.B. (just over broke)
Get $100+ for Every $39 You Spend!
Get another check for the month!
Get money to do what you like the most . . .
Get Off the Couch and Into a New Car!
Get out in front of this Runaway Train and track down your profits now.
Get out in front of this Runaway Train for Success and have them begging to buy.
Get paid every time your neighbor picks up the phone.
Get paid just because someone has a phone in their home!
Get paid to be a stay-at-home mum!
Get Paid To Eat!
Get Paid to Shop!
Get Paid to Vacation!
Get paid what you are worth - not what you have to settle for.
Get paid what you're worth. Ask me how!
Get paid when people use the phone!
Get rid of your headaches, without using drugs!
Give me 60 seconds and I'll show you how have more energy than a three-year old!
Go from zero to $10,000 a month, working 10 hours a week!
Got Life? Got Time? Got $$$$?
GRAB THE future!
Grow Your Own Money And Pick Your Own Hours.
Have more money than month! I can show you a way!
Have you earned and saved all the money you want to earn and save? I can show you how.
Have you ever considered starting your own business?
Have you ever felt so passionately about something that you just had to tell everyone about it?
Have you ever got paid for recommending a movie to your friend?
Have you ever had an Ah-ha Moment?
Have you had your (product/service) today?
Have you heard how to release those unwanted pounds?
Have you noticed lately how much you are paying for healthcare? How would you like to be in control of your healthcare costs and not sacrifice quality care one bit?
Have you planned where you want to be in 3 years?
Have you received your package yet?
Have you solved the puzzle of Life and the permanent fund raising event ….to eat?
Have you thought of starting your business? We help people from all walks of life regardless of capital to start an exciting & unique franchise business.
Hazardous products in your home, and what you should know about preventing them.
Health and wealth pour from the same bottle.
Health nut throws away vitamins, feels healthier.
Heavier wallet!
Hello, I am calling for (first name.) This is (caller's
name) and I have received information you are thinking about starting a home business. What questions would you like me to answer?
Hello, I'm Doing Research In Human Nature, (1) Is There Any Here I Might Speak With? 2) Can You Answer A Few Simple Questions? (3) May I Have A Minute Of Your Time?
Help yourself by helping others!
Henry Ford, Bill Gates and ... YOU?
Here's the quickest, easiest, most hassle-free way to make money you've ever seen or heard.
Here's your chance to do what you would have done if you had lived.
Hey, I need your help to win a new convertible. Are you game?
Hey, if you're above the ground and want to stay that way...
Hey, look. Your lifestyle does not fit you, so let me show you what you deserve.
Hi - Are you ready to change your life for the better?
HI! How are you?
Hi! I teach people how to be healthy and wealthy.
Hi! I'm calling you (or calling on you) because I heard you
were the best in your field.
Honey, I just paid the mortgage and all our bills and I
haven't spent my paycheck yet.
Honolulu businessman wins the lottery without playing the lottery.
Hope is your most precious resource. I can show you where to place it to make it truly worthwhile for you.
HOT! HOT! HOT! Get the SPA experience without a Jacuzzi! Call XXX-XXX-XXXX
How a 39-year-old computer geek, husband, and father of three escaped the Rat Race!
How a 41-year-old Postal Worker from Edmond, Oklahoma Shows People How to Legally Get an Extra Paycheck In Their Mailbox
Every Week!
How a 50-year-old Danish Woman Started to Make Money.
Do you want more?
Do you want to be crazy or lucky?
Do you want to find a job you love and never work another
day in your life?
Do you want to get rid of that sinking feeling every time you open up a credit card bill?
Do you want to have your own company?
Do you want to know what's really under your sink?
Do you want to learn how to get $5000.00 from the government and work from home too?
Do you want to lose weight, save money and live better?
Do you want to make a change, or stay the way you are?
Do you want to start improving your life now or wait until you're too old to enjoy it?
Do you wish to be informed about how to, (you fill in the blank, for example, reach your goal, buy that new home, retire quicker) or to remain uninformed?
Doctors Are Waiting For You To Get Sick. Let Them Wait While You Enjoy Life!
Doctor's Diagnosis Dive-Bombing Pilot's Dreams - 'No Flying...' Crashing Captain's Career
Don't be Broke EVER again.
Don't ever change anything you are doing - just make money from it!
Don't grow old and poor at the same time - become
financially free with your own part-time business.
Don't just study business. Build one!
Don't let your boss know this; otherwise his hair will
Dream, Believe, Dare and Do!
Dreams to Dollars...You Make it Happen!
Drink Coffee and Lose Weight.
Drive to the BANK...not to work!
Earn all your salary working half-time at home!
Earn extra $5K a month to keep your partner happy.
Earn Extra Money in 2003! Serious Inquiries Only.
Earn Money While You Sleep.
Earn More Money Than Your Husband!
Earn Your WEALTH, Work For YOURSELF!
Earn your yearly salary every month in your spare time!
Easiest $200-$1000/WEEK You'll Ever Make!
Eat Chocolate. Feel Great. Get Paid to Save the Rainforest.
Elvis is Still Making Money! You Can Too!
Email Your Brain & Watch Your Bank Account Grow.
Escape The Rate Race!
Even Martha Stewart couldn't tell our secret...
Ever missed an opportunity to become financially wealthy?
Ever wondered why some people earn more in a month than others in a year?
Every boat large or small carries life jackets. Today, every job large or small NEEDS financial lifejackets! Where is yours?
Every day is a good day if you are joyfully pursuing the freedom you deserve.
Every now and again a door opens and lets the future in! Be a part of The Future Now!
Everyone knows antioxidants are good for you, but what you don't know about your vitamins may be killing you.
Everyone knows five people who brush their teeth!
Exclusive Leads Can Be Yours For Free and Profit...Ask Me
Excuse me, you dropped something (when they look and say "What?" say) "Our conversation about my business opportunity - how about we pick it up right here?"
Excuse me. Could you help me? I'm expanding a business in the area and I'm looking for sharp and go-getter types of people who won't be opposed to making money. Do you know
anybody like that?
Experienced attorney in Tucson, AZ, shows Gen-Xers how to achieve a retirement income in 5 years or less.
Could you use a bigger paycheck?
Create a downline that lives longer than Methusaleh.
Creating a Plan B
Credit bureaus don't want you to see this.
Curious as to how an average house painter quit his J.O.B.
and tripled his income ?
Dare to be independent and in control of your future! Dare
to look good and feel great!
Daycare for free? I'll show you how to stop paying the high cost of daycare and make money too.
Did you know that I make my living on something you do for free...every day?
Did you know that JOB really means the 'journey of the broke?'
Did you know that your credit card company is charging you interest on your own money and hasn't told you that?
Did you put a stop payment on your reality check?
Did you think nobody knew?
Discover 5 world marketing secrets held by 58-year-old horseshoer from Ferndale, Washington.
Discover how a corn flake-eating farmer makes more money part-time than his government subsidized buddies do full-time.
Discover how my dog is making money while I'm on a cruise!
Discover how your immune system can be 248% SMARTER during school vacation with a proven, safe, DRUG-FREE method. Call
Discover the alternative to working until you're dead!
Discover the best kept Secret to creating Real Wealth and Health from Home.
Discover the six lessons a London man learned that doubled his online business.
Distributed Income Specialist seeks assistant to work from home, training provided!
Do you care about the health of yourself and your family, about the environment, and about your family's future?
Do you get enough time off to do all the things you want to do?
Do you have a Plan B that will allow you to retire in 3 to 5 years?
Do you have an open mind?
Do you have at least five sources of income?
Do you have life assurance?
Do you have limited quality time? Can you find 5 others with the same limited quality time and increase your time exponentially, along with your income?
Do you have your home on the beach yet?
Do you keep your business options open? I mean, are you open to making extra money?
Do you keep your career options open?
Do You Keep Your Income Options Open?
Do you keep your options open to either diversifying or
earning extra money each month?
Do You Know How to Avoid Financial Exhaustion?
Do you know how you can save $2 - 4K per year in taxes??
Do you know what Donald Trump said he would do, if he could do it over again???
Do you know what YOU really want from your life?
Do you like standing in this rain / long line / heat / etc. or would you rather be at home in your housecoat?
Do you like to barter? If I can save you money on your phone bill and you become my customer for one year, I will give you a free night at our B&B.
Do you now receive 5 checks from 5 DIFFERENT companies each month? Would you like to?
Do you pay retail or wholesale for your nutritional
Do you qualify for the best program?
Do you really need your boss's permission to take a vacation?
Are you in deep money-troubles? Excellent, see me at once!
Are you in shape . . . financially?!
Are you in the rat race and the rats are winning?
Are you just getting by, day to day, with no hope in sight?
Well here's the light at the end of your tunnel.
Are you leaving your future, fortune and health to luck or do you want to take
action today?
Are you looking to increase your asset base?
Are you losing sleep over all the money that you're making?
Are you making all the money you want to make?
Are you making more money than your wife can spend?
Are you making these common mistakes without even knowing it?
Are you NEXT?
Are you open to additional income ideas if it doesn't
jeopardize your present income?
Are you open to making some extra money? If there was a way you could earn a percentage of your own and others' phone, gas, and electricity bills every single month, would you want to know about it?
Are You Overworked and Underpaid? Looking for Leaders . . .
Are you planning to retire before you die??
Are you ready to change your life?
Are you still looking to make an extra check, or did you win the LOTTERY?
Are You Too Fine To Be Fat?
Are you wearing a mask to clean your home? Call: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Are You Willing To Buy A Product That You Already Use To Make Over $1,300 Per
Are you willing to do today what others won't, so you can live tomorrow the way
others can't?
Are Your Dreams Worth 'Going For'?
As Easy As Shooting Fish In A Barrel
As seen on TV...
Ask and ye shall receive!
Ask me about our free vacations!
Asthmatic Canadian math professor shows you How to Eliminate Household Chemical
Triggers That Threaten Your Health.
Attracting the wrong people? The right magnet can help!
Be a professional and make the world your business - be an entrepreneur and make
the world your playground.
Be a 'SURVIVOR' this summer and find out what Survivor's TV crew knows about our
insect repellent.
Be your own boss and earn unlimited income from your own schedules or
alarm clocks....Check it out today.
Beat the Insurance companies at their own game - LEGALLY!!
Become The Person You Used To Be!
Become what you love, not what you have to be.
LIKE YOU . . .
Being fifty is nifty when you are physically & financially FIT - are you?
Big Fat Albert loses 197 pounds, Steals Little Brothers' Medium-size Baseball
Uniform, Then Hits an Inside The Park HOME RUN!!!
Bills, Bills, Bills. Too Many Bills!!!
Blow the lid off what you think you can earn.
Build your downline BEFORE you pay!
Business Boom!
Business Partner Wanted - MUST desire to get RICH!!
Call now and I will call you back, it's free.
Can I ask you a question, however, I need an honest answer?
Can I ask you a quick question?
Can you loan me 2000$? If you could, would you loan me then?
I know a way to make it possible!!! Do you want to hear about it?
Can you see yourself earning 10-20,000 dollars per month?
Can you tell me what is wrong with a stronger immune system and a healthier bank
CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE! There are over 50 TOXIC CHEMICALS in the average house.
$1,000 a week! Don't believe that rubbish! You can earn $5,000 a week! Let me tell you how.
$2500 to pay your bills! Could you use an extra twenty-five hundred dollars every month to pay your bills?
$ave money on bills you HAVE TO PAY anyway!
(Prospect's name), are you our new Team Member?
17 Minutes From Now You'll Never Feel Trapped By Your Money Worries Again Regardless Of How Much You Owe The Bank Or I'll Pay YOU $50 Dollars.
25 year Veteran Laid-off IT Worker fights back and shows how to make money from the technology that took jobs away!
27-year-old magician, from the Arizona desert, conjures up a
spell to bring magic into the lives of ordinary people with an 8-step miracle success and wealth-building formula.
3 things your parents never taught you about money.
33-year-old customer service rep from Savannah, GA will show you how to lose 30 pounds in 1 hour and 45 minutes.
35-year-old unemployed ex-factory worker from Denver discovers an amazing sponsoring secret that made him $5478 in just 7 days without leaving his bedroom!
36-Year-old Queensland Firefighter Can Show You How to Sack Your Boss.
43-year-old, dyslexic Michigan network manager discovers product that helps people get out of bed 3 hours earlier!
50-year-old grandma loses 20 kilos and runs up and down stairs all day.
50-Year-Old Grandmother Now Mistaken for Her Daughter!
53-year-old furniture repairman makes money every time someone picks up the phone. You can too!
55-year-old caring computer geek from Bedford, Texas can teach anyone to reverse 8 out of 10 bio-markers of aging and get an extra paycheck each month showing others the same.
65-Year-Old Grandmother Races Five-Year-Old Grandson and Wins!
70,000 people lost their jobs in May 2003 alone! Are you
going to be another statistic or do you have a Plan B?
75% of all the US millionaires ... are self-made.
85% leave Network Marketing during first 90 days.
85-year-old grandmom shows people how to get an extra pay check by handing out 5 audio CDs a week.
A dentist in Orlando, shows his unemployed customer how to join this organization so she can save over $100 immediately on her dental costs.
A few hundred for just a few hours a week! Learn how you could be earning more than your boss in just a few short months.
A goal is different from a wish.
A little note of great importance.
An Anti-Wrinkle Cream For A Price That Makes Your Laughlines Smile.
A one-time minimal effort can get people to give you money month after month.
A REMARKABLY EASIER WAY TO CLEAN AND POLISH YOUR CAR. If you are still cleaning your car the old-fashioned way with water, it may be that no one has told you that an easier and better way exists.
A seven-year-old autistic boy who spoke only one word, "No," is now speaking in sentences after consuming an amino acid drink three times a day for three months.
A Shocking New Health Treaty to Help Fight Your Battle Against Diabetes...
A Single Sentence Changed My Life... and I feel I must share it with you. If you have a Burning Desire to SUCCEED... but can't quite figure out how to do it . . .
A Sure Way To Sky-Rocket Your Income!!
Age is a feeling, not a number. . . You'll love feeling
Aliens take over nutrition company, they want to know the secret we have to unbelieveable health. Transport now to XXX-XXX-XXXX!
All your life you've been told that you're SO talented!!! So, why are you where you are? Call XXX-XXX-XXXX
Allow me to take a moment of your time and tell you about something that is very real and can change your life in a few weeks!
Amazing New Concept!
Amazing results were accomplished!
Angry People Make Waves.
Announcing 3 secrets your boss doesn't want you to know about your check that will always keep you his slave!
Answer me three simple questions and I'll tell you what are
your chances to get rich!
Are you a know-it-all? Get the last word on making money!
Are You Career Frustrated?
Are you flushing your money down the toilet?
Are you going to stay with your present job/business until you retire?
You Can Laugh At Retiring Broke - If You Follow This Simple Plan!
You can look great and feel even better while earning cash for your retirement!
You can never retire from expenses, so convert your expenses into huge income.
You don't have to be old to retire, you just have to be
wealthy. Can I show you how?
You filled out a weight-loss survey. I was wondering, are you still interested in losing weight?
You have a GREAT attitude! Have you ever thought how you could use that to amplify your income - and help others to do the same in the process?
You have arrived! You have discovered what you were looking for so dig here for the truth about it.
You have just hit pay dirt!
You know how most people complain how they don't have any time or enough money? What we do is show people how they can have more free time and have more money so they can live a
healthier and less stressful lifestyle.
You know how you never seem to have enough time or money to do the things that you enjoy? Well, I show people how to double their income and triple their time off.
You know the unemployment numbers are the highest they have been in 9 years. What I do is teach people to be successfully self-employed, working from their home.
You know, I love the idea of knowing that when I'm sound asleep at night, someone, somewhere is dialing a phone or clicking a mouse and I'm getting paid for it.
You Might NOT be Able to Get Rich Quick, but you CAN Retire Quickly!
You must love what you're doing, because you do it so well.
You only climb as high as the ladder you select.
You seem to have a desire to help other people and I think you might be interested in something I'm involved in because you can help other people and make money too. Can I tell you a little about it?
You want to have your cake and eat it too? Great! We can offer you HEALTH & MONEY! Want more? call me at XXX-XXX-
You want to lose weight - why not turn it into cash instead?
You'd better sit down for this...
You'll work your whole life making someone rich, maybe it should be you!
Your boss is hoping you never read a word of this ..... Apprentice Millionaires wanted.
Your future depends on your present response to what we are offering, from which all success will flow.
Your Future is in Your Own hands!
Your Health Is Your Life, So Are You Ready To Do Something About IT?
Your mind is like a parachute - it has to be open to work.
Your neighbor found the answer!
Your son/daughter can retire the day you get married.
Your success guaranteed in less than 3 days if you click here before tomorrow.
Yours FREE just for the asking!
Tags: Ad Copy, MLM ad copy swipe file, MLM ad copy practice, MLM ad copy tricks, MLM ad copy power, ad copy mastermind
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{Pre-written AD}:
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Still working away in your J.O.B
or living a life style that is more relaxed and refined.
What if I told you I have a way
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The time for new resolutions is now
and the time to take action could not be better.
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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. – Confucius
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. – Confucius
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