Fiverr® is the world’s largest marketplace for services. A service offered on Fiverr is called a Gig®.
While $5 is a popular starting price for offers on Fiverr, tiered offers called Gig Packages are now available in a variety of categories and growing. Gig Packages allow sellers to offer additional services at a wider range of price points.
Signing Up:
Signing up to Fiverr is free and can be done here. Only registered users may buy and sell on Fiverr.
After successfully signing up, you’ll want to check your registration email for the activation link provided in a welcome email. If you created an account some time ago, the link may not work. You can request a new link while you’re logged in to your account, even if it's not activated yet, or ask Customer Support for assistance.
For Buyers:
You can browse the homepage, category or subcategory pages, or use the search to find a Gig you wish to purchase. Once you find a Gig, read through the description of the services offered and view the seller’s work samples, if available. If you would like to make a purchase, just proceed to checkout. You have several ways to pay for the service.
Note: All purchases are subject to a processing fee, $0.50 on purchases up to $10 and 5% on purchases above $10.
For Sellers:
Buyers pay Fiverr for orders in advance. Sellers keep 80% of each Gig they sell and successfully deliver. For example, each $5 Gig you sell and successfully deliver, accredits your account with a net revenue of $4. Fiverr accredits sellers once an order is completed. See our Terms of Service for a definition of a completed order.
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π (GONE)
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