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Monday, November 3, 2014

*** Complete Marketing Term Glossary *** {80}

πŸ™If you're going to get involved in Marketing, then you should at least know what some of the most common terms mean. If you click the link below there is an A-Z list of Marketing Terms. I hope this helps...

Every term from A-Z that you should know as a Network Marketer:

πŸ’₯ http://www.directom.com/resources/internetmarketingtermglossary πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ’šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - FREE for 7 days. 
{Pre-written AD}: 

A great way to take all of your time back...

Today I want to give you a cool tip on productivity.

You see... sometimes, we get really busy working on our online business that we feel like we have no time for friends, family or even ourselves.

The next time you feel like this, try this:

While working, don’t look at your phone, don’t browse your social media feed and don’t browse the internet.

These are what we call “distractions”.

Without these distractions, you could easily finish your work at least twice or ten times as fast.

Too simple to be true? Get this...

Did you know that distractions are actually costing companies millions of millions of dollars.

According to Udemy's survey, nearly 3 out of 4 workers (70 percent) admit they feel distracted when they're on the job...

with 16 percent asserting that they're almost "always distracted".

It’s the same for us when we’re running our own online business. 

We might feel “busy” like we have so much to do.

Yet the truth is, all our time is spent on "distractions".

Without these distractions, we could finish our work and still have time to ourselves.

Try it next time - shut off all distractions (your phone, your social media feed, the TV, and anything else).

πŸ˜€https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Click the link and watch the 3 minute video by typing your Email address into the box, and I will send you an Email with more information on how to get started for FREE...

{Email for your tour takers}: (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

70 year old mailman gets paid again!

I just want to share with you a portion of an email that one of our DigiSoft Payliners sent out:

Another $50 Payment To My PayPal. Why Not You?

I'm a 70 year old retired mailman and I am making money with DigiSoft Payline. If I can do it any one can!

It doesn't take a lot of money to get your DSP business started. Only $22 bucks. $7 a month Admin Fee, and a onetime purchase of $15 for our Package #1.

Why not take another look? Watch the "How It Works Video"!

Find out why a 70 year old retired guy is getting $50 payments, and see if it is too hard for you to do the same!

Jim H.
Florida, USA

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“Don't drag too much attention with your downlines if you want to get the best of them.” - Olawale Daniel

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