πThis post is about what to expect from your marketing team, and results may vary, but they are pretty close to accurate. You have (3) different types of people, and I'm going to share my knowledge from my own personal experiences about each group...
{Group #1}:
Approximately 90% of your team (The people you sponsor), will do absolutely nothing to build their business, regardless of how much help you give them. They will only order a few products every month, or every few months, but many of them will dropout after about their first three months...
Just try to be nice and don't spend a lot of time helping them, but always be there in case they ask. This is the bulk of your volume, and many of these team members can help lead you to your leaders that will help you build it big...
{Group #2}:
Approximately 10% of your team will be part timers. These individuals will actually do something to try building their business, and will actively be recruiting with your help. They will also purchase some products. Help guide them, and inspire them to reach their goals by your actions...
{Group #3}:
Approximately 1%-3% of your team will catch the vision and build it big without your help. This group is where you will find your leaders, and some of them will be leaders from day one, and others will take more time, which is just fine. This is where 90% of your growth and income will come from...
π₯Your real job as a sponsor is to find and develop leaders. The majority of top earners make the bulk of their income from 2-5 key players.
You will still need to sell some products, and find those part timers, but the ultimate goal is to find your leaders, because they will be recruiting others, along with selling some products, and will bring in other leasders, which makes your job a little easier. Customers and distributors will always come and go, but leaders will build it big, while helping to build your business as well...
Depending on the compensation plan you will need 2-4 serious go getters to build a huge business with a huge income, and the best part is that you may find some of these individuals in depth, and not people who you personally sponsored...
π«If you join List Infinity, we are built around leverage, which means everyone who pays you, must pass up their 5th sale directly to you, to Infinity. This is how you can make a life changing income...
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{Update: Aweber Pricing}
Hi rick,
Thank you for trusting AWeber with your business — we take that responsibility seriously.
Since 2020 we’ve added more than 200 improvements, including many suggested by customers like you into AWeber.
Ideas like landing pages, marketing automation improvements, dynamic message content, ecommerce products and subscriptions, integrations with tools like Calendly, and tons of improvements to make it easier to build more beautiful emails. Along the way, we’ve continued to improve the customer support that AWeber is famous for.
Unlike just about every other marketing tool, AWeber has not changed prices in more than 10 years. Our plans to make AWeber even more helpful require us to invest more than ever to deliver the best possible customer experience.
With that, I wanted to share the price of your AWeber subscription will be updated on December 16, 2024.
Here’s what your updated plan for your rick brier's Company account will look like:$45.00 a month for up to 1,000 subscribers (this is all the subscriber space you need, so we’re keeping your costs as low as possible).
Send 12,000 emails, monthly.
Billable Subscribers only includes active subscribers (unsubscribes are now free).
What to expect on December 16, 2024:Your account has been moved to a monthly plan to avoid the larger one-time annual plan charge. You will receive a $120.00 credit to your account for the value of your remaining plan.
Your first bill will include any owed subscriber fees for your current usage, as well as your new package price (which includes subscriber storage going forward).
After December 16, 2024, bills will be at the standard $45.00 price, inclusive of subscriber storage.
If you choose to switch to an annual plan you could save 16% a year. Just reply to this email and we will get you information about an annual subscription.
Questions? Review our available pricing plans or as always, contact us.
Thank you for being the best part of AWeber. |
{Pre-written AD}:
Are you on Fire to Retire?
Seems like everywhere you turn, people are making money online today.
They all make it look so easy. However, when you try to do the same thing, you only earn a few pennies...
It's frustrating! You'd love it if you could make only $100 per day (more is always good, though...).
You just don't know how... and don't know who to ask for help!
I've been there until understood - it's hard to beat competition and high prices for quality traffic alone.
In 2024 there are nearly 4 BILLION active Internet users searching for information, looking for solutions to their problems, and purchasing products/services.
Join our team to learn how everything works.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 π (Go here now) - I will post random ADS on your behalf and send you a copy of what I post, and show you jow many people the AD went to...
1965 First Marine to Receive Medal of Honor for Action in Vietnam is Killed |
On July 12, 1965, Major Malcolm A. Carpenter, a United States Marine, was killed in action during the Vietnam War. Continue Reading ... ****************************************************** “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” —Laird Hamilton |
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