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Thursday, December 7, 2023

*** Your BluePrint To Success With List Infinity (Rick Brier-Sponsor)/+FREE 101 Backlink Website Building Software *** {555}

 😀List Infinity Members,  (BE Patient!) - Give yourself a chance to succeed...

The reason for this post is because I know most people don't really care about the business they join, and have 3 things they want to know before joining an MLM/Affiliate Marketing program, and those are... 

1) Do I have a good sponsor? Yes you do...17+ years in the industry and a top earner in 2 separate programs!

2) Is this legit/can I make money? Absolutely...We have a facebook group page where others screenshot payments received!

3) Is there a strategy implemented for my success? Yes...I've laid it all out here! 

One of my blog posts actually shows you what I do on a daily basis in order to be successful, and you will have access to that as well...There are many ways to build a successful 6 7 figure income, at a minimal start up cost...You will have to find what works for you! A couple of offline strategies that I use are Flyers, and Business cards. The flyers were made from my computer and were very cheap...I created my business cards @ vistaprint.com... I believe I spent around $45 for 250 cards...The flyers here were about 4 cents per copy, so you can use those as part of your offline advertising efforts if you like. It may only take 2-4 methods of advertising for you to master in order to be successful...If you can devote an hour or two daily, have internet access, and are coachable, then you can do this and be successful as long as you give it time...A lot of the successful marketers have taken 2-5 years in most cases, and some even longer to get where they are now. Even if you never make a 6-7 figure income, wouldn't an extra $500-$1000 monthly help pay for something? I'm pretty sure it would! You'll never know until you join me!

{About Your Sponsor}:

I started in this industry back in 2006 and was very eager to learn, but unfortunately I joined a company called Herbalife, and got taken for a ride...My sponsor was getting me on 3 way calls with her sponsor, and I was being told that I have to purchase all of the products, so I did...I spent $3,000 for the products, and found out later, that I didn't need to do that..My sponsor told me that because for every product that I purchased, she received a commission, which I didn't know, or had I known, I wouldn't have spent all that money on products...I jumped from one program to the next because I wasn't finding success, and thought I would if I after a few months of no success, I would find it in the next program, which was clearly wrong...I didn't find success until I joined a company called the Daily Income Network well over 10 years ago...We had 48,000 members, and I managed to make it up to the 7th best recruiter within the company before it went down due to server issues...I then Joined Digisoft Payline, and found instant success. In my 5 years before it went down due to Covid... I had over 1,200 prospects captured by my Autoresponder, and along with the email addresses I kept over the years...

{Why Join Me?}

If what I've laid out here doesn't entice you to join me, then nothing will... And I appreciate your time in reading this email...I'm useful for your success because I can help you pass the learning curve much faster than when I first started...

Every company I joined when I started, my sponsors all went into the witness protection program once they got my money, and I never heard from any of them again...

I basically had to learn everything myself because I didn't have the luxury of having me to help myself..

For as long as I've been doing this, I don't know any other sponsor that helps their downline with advertising...

There may be someone out there that does, but I wouldn't know who that would be besides myself...

I really recommend at least taking a hard look at what I'm offering, because again, I do all of the heavy lifting, and "YOU" reap the rewards...


What does this mean you ask? A good business will have either a residual income, or a way to make big money fast... I'm happy to say that List Infinity has that...For every member in your downline, they have to pass up every 5th sale to you to infinity... What that means is that if you bring John into your business, he must pass up his 5th sale to you, and you will receive $7/$25/$100/$300 depending on what package they purchase, and this goes on to infinity for every member you bring in... Network Marketing is a billion dollar industry many times over, and millionaires are created daily...You could be the next success story... approximately 20% of the millionaires in the world are Network Marketers!

{Your Responsibility as a Paid Member}:

I make this really easy for everyone...Most of the heavy lifting is done by yours truly...Once you get signed up, and your FEES paid, start posting ADS, along with learning your back office area/business...That's IT! We call this, earn while you learn...If you should get an interested prospect, all you have to do is send me their contact info, and I will try to close the sale for you so you get credit for it, and not me...In most cases, you won't have many if anyone contacting you needing info. I do have a complete breakdown of the entire program that you are welcome to use as well...I want you to be successful because if you're successful, that means I'm successful! My post talks about the different price packages, the ways you are paid, and the Autoresponder...You have 4 to choose from, and I chose AWEBER...Around $20 per month....I paid $239.99 for a year, but you choose what's best for you...This will be the only recurring fee you will have, until you start with paid advertising, and as I said, that's not necessary right now because I will help you with that! Read my entire page before making a decision, because I only want motivated individuals, and NO TIRE KICKERS!

💜Make sure to spend an hour or two posting ADS, and learning your business daily! This is not a hard sell, and inexpensive for the masses... Once you start to get acclimated to your business, you can then learn 2-3 new strategies which I will help with, plus your back office area has a plethora of training videos...It's not necessary to watch them all, just pick a couple of strategies and perfect them...If you click the link just below this section, you can scroll down my page, to checkout some of the videos you get depending which package you decide to purchase, and find what appeals to you, and watch...Again, it's not necessary in the beginning, until you get better familiar with your business..I can't stress enough how important it is to post those ADS so interested prospects can see what you're offering.. 

{Ricks Blog:}

Every paid member will have access to every one of my blog posts, and training via random emails..I will also place your URL randomly on my blog posts, so we can get you more signups...I have 25 blog links per page all marked what they are so it's easier to sift through and find what you're looking for...I create content all the time, and I will always make sure you receive my training...If you like, you can go to my post, and subscribe to my blog at the bottom of the page by simply putting your email in the box...You can use anything I send as your very own if you like, to send to your downline as needed.You can ignore anything you see pertaining to DigiSoft Payline, and Fitness! I'm still in hopes that DigiSoft Payline resurfaces at some point because I was a top earner within the program...Unfortunately Covid has taken it down, with no idea if it's coming back or not...CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh said that once Covid died down that he was bringing it back but that's been just over 2 years ago now...

=> http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (My Training Blog)


Out of the millions of Network Marketers around the world, I'm probably the only one that advertises for their downline members...The sites you see below I've been using for years, with some being FREE, and a few, I'm now grandfathered into, where I never have to pay again...When I post an AD in your behalf, with your URL, I always email you a copy of every AD I post so you can see that I do what I say...You  can either keep what I send, or delete it...Your choice! (I do recommend creating a folder on your PC So you can keep my random training emails!) - The websites I use are below...

👉 Herculist - http://herculist.com/members/index.cgi?rick2323 (365,000 + members worldwide) 1 post every 24 hours!

👉 EuropeanSafelist - https://europeansafelist.com/members/csendto.php (17.429 members worldwide) 1 post every 3 days!

👉 Adsolutionline - http://adsolutionline.com/safelistpro/members/login.php?go_to= (12,037 members worldwide) Same Above!

👉 Bweeble - https://bweeble.com/sendmail (2,000 members worldwide) 1 post every 4 days!

👉 ListJoe - http://listjoe.com/aff/rick2323 (1,000 members worldwide) 1 post every 3 days!

👉 ListVolta - http://listvolta.com/rick2323 (Unknown amount of members) 1 post every 24 hours!

👉 Mailsy - http://mailsy.net/rick2323  (7,000-8,000 members worldwide) 1 post every 3 days!

👉 MarketersList - https://marketers-list.com/members/index.php (2,828 members worldwide) 1 post every 3 days!

👉 TwistedViralTraffic - https://twistedviraltraffic.com/members/index.php (2,871 members worldwide) 1 post every 3 days!

👉 TheInstantCashList - https://theinstantcashlist.com/members/index.php (638 members worldwide) 1 post every 3 days!

=> FreeAdBoard - https://freeadboards.com/index.php?id=3356 (1 post every 24 hours)

=> FreeAdBlasts - https://freeadblasts.com/login.php (1 post when you receive an email telling you it's time to post again)

***Note: The last 2 are something you will have to do on your own, but only take a few seconds to post...

Simply post your URL in a box, and then you have 60 characters in which to post your headline...

Also the numbers you see above are how many people you can send your ADS to, and the members grow daily! As Stated, everytime I post an AD on your behalf, I will send you a copy of what I post, and how many people I Sent to..

Below is one of the many ADS that you can use at your convenience...Some of our videos include Social Media Marketing, and Email Marketing...

You also have Admin, myself, and YouTube if you need to learn more about how to advertise your List Infinity business, so unless you quit too soon, failure is Not an Option!!!

{Pre-Written AD};

List Infinity Pays...

Build a Massive and Profitable Email List from the efforts of your Referrals!

Done-For-You Lead Capture Pages Build Your Email List And Generate Sales!

Upgrade To Get Paid Up To $100 Per Referral Instantly And Directly To You!

You can accept PayPal, Credit Card, Cash App, Bitcoin, Zelle, Venmo, and more...

Step-By-Step Training To Get Free Traffic From Facebook, Youtube, TikTok, and more...

Turn-Key Promotional Tools Including Banners, FB Cover Photos, Engagement Posts, and Lead Generation Posts. Access To Our Private Facebook Group Where You'll Get Everything You Need To Succeed...

You don't have to create an account on these sites...It's quick and easy to post...You will also get another link to around 2,000 more FREE advertising sites, and around 1,000 pre-written ADS to use at your convenience... 
The (3) sites below will allow you to post many ADS very quickly!
1) http://www.qwikad.com - Post up to 20 ADS every 24 hours worldwide! (Create FREE Account)
2) http://www.classifiedads.com - Post as many ADS as you like! No limit! (Create FREE Account)
3) https://classifiedsforfree.com/ - Post as many ADS as you like! No Limit! (Create FREE Account)
For now I'm going to leave this section blank because it's not necessary until you start making money, and then you can put some money back into your business....When the time is right, I will show you some very inexpensive ways to advertise your business for the long term and not spend much money at all...Use the FREE methods I'm showing you first so you can earn a little bit of money, and then once you pay for some cheap advertising, you will begin to ramp up your leads, and earnings...Don't get discouraged because you will have good and bad days...If you have a significant other, you can take turns posting your ADS if you like...
I will be posting the paid sites that I use to help build my business at a later time...Right now it's not necessary because I recommend everyone just starting a new business, should try to utilize FREE methods until you start making a little money, and then feel free to put some money back into your business...It's the only way you can acheive a 6-7 figure income!
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
=> https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now) - You can't fail unless you QUIT...!


You can use this simple piece of software accessed via my site to quickly create up to 101 backlinks to any website you want.You can even use it for all your other sites.
Click Here to access the backlink building software.


"Success is not final; Failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts."

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

*** What Are Some Reasons To Work From Home With List Infinity? *** {554}

 😀Todays post is about reasons why you should want to work with us at List Infinity... Also at the bottom of the page, you will see 15 lead capture pages that all members have access to for promotional purposes...

We all succeed together.. "One Team, One Dream"... So why would you possibly want to work from home? What are the benefits?

{10 Benefits}:

1) Affiliate Marketing generally has a low start up cost...

(With List Infinity you can get started for a 1 time fee of $35, plus your Autoresponder fee!) {Sponsor/Admin Fee}

2) Low Ongoing cost...

(An Autoresponder is your monthly fee which is around $20 per month, and well worth the low price!) - I use Aweber, and paid $239.99 for a year, but you can pay monthly if you like!

3) Low Risk..

(The rewards far outweigh the risks!) - You get paid instantly on every member upgrade!

4) Flexibility...

(Even working a full time job, you can still do this 1-2 hours per day @ your convenience!)

5) High ROI - Return On Investment...

(It's not out of the realm of possibility that you could become a 6-7 figure earner, I know many, and will be one myself!)

6) More time with family & friends...

(Isn't this what we all want? Never having to wakeup to an alarm clock, and working when we want, where we want!) - Time Freedom and Independence!

7) It's fun to do...

(I wake up all the time with an email notification that someone I've never met or talked to, has sent me money...How cool is that!)

8) Living a more comfortable life style...

(Even if you never become a 6-7 figure earner, wouldn't an extra $500-$1,000 monthly help to pay for something!)

9) Make new friends...

(I've been doing this for many years now, and have made many friends worldwide...This also helps get the word out about what you're promoting...Word of mouth is the number 1 way to advertise any business!)

10) Residual/Passive Income...

(This one is huge because if you build your business big enough, your family will continue to receive residual income payments, long after you are gone, without ever lifting a finger!)

🙏🔥🙂 These are just a few good reasons for you to take the initiative to come join me on this wonderful journey...You don't have to be a road scholar, or a college graduate in order to succeed in this industry. Millionaires are created daily around the world from Network Marketers...

What is your why???

When I got into this industry I jumped in with both feet, not knowing what I was doing, and lost thousands of dollars, and because of that, I want to help others so they don't have to go through what I did, So please don't hesitate to contact me with questions... Let's do this! I'm sure you have many reasons of your own... Make your list, and stick it somewhere you can see it on a daily basis...This will be your motivation!

                                                     You should look at this in terms of 2-5 years

👉All you need to succeed is...

1) A Computer or Smart Phone!

2) Internet Access!

3) Devote 1-2 Hours Daily!

4) Be Coachable!



List Infinity:

2 Lead Generation Posts

Learn How You Can Earn 100% Instant Commissions From Home Drop “Info” 👇

I Just Found a Company That Pays Out $300 Per Sale Instantly! ❌MLM ❌Forex ❌Crypto

Drop “Info” 👇


=> https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(A call to action) - Watch the 3 minute video and I will send you an Email with more information...

💥Payment Methods: 

1) Paypal - paypal.me/rickbrier 
2) Venmo - rbrier2323 (https://account.venmo.com/u/rbrier2323.)
3) Western Union - Terre Haute Indiana 47805  (Rick Brier)


Facebook Engagement Posts

Do you see 'failure' as something positive or negative? And why? 🤔

In a world where people wear masks on the outside, let us look to understand each other’s souls on the inside 🙏🙂

Be thankful for all that you have while you pursue all that you want 🙏🔥🙂

Money is not everything, but it ranks right up there with oxygen

✍🏻 Zig Ziglar

The Poor Trade Time For Money. The Rich Trade Money For Time.

You only get one shot at writing your life story. Make it a great one 👊😎🔥

Believe in miracles. Because they happen every day. You got this! 🙏🙂💯

Find friends that support you. Ditch the ones that doubt you 🙂👊🙏

The poor think, “me, me, me”. The rich think, “you, you, me”.

Have the courage to walk a new path. There is always help along the way 🔥🙂✊

Gratitude is the seed for a happy life. Make sure to water it every day 🙏🙂👊

Don't let the Internet rush you, be yourself and attract great people 🙌🔥👊

It costs nothing to be a kind human being, but it can be worth everything to someone in need 🙏❤🙌

Begin with the end in mind, worry less about the how, and care more about your people 🎯🙇

Create a vision that ignites you. Then go and do it everyday 🔥✊💯

I’m grateful to have such great friends and a community where everyone just wants everyone to win.

If you’re seeing this, you’re one of them 👊❤

If you could start all over again in your business, what would you have done differently? 🤔

The Secret to Getting What You Want Is Helping Others Get What They Want 💯

Life doesn't come with a remote, get up and change it yourself! 📱 👊

Ever thought about it this way?🤔

If you're afraid to promote your products, then I'm afraid to spend my money on them...right?!🤣

=> http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (Subscribe To My Blog @ The Bottom Of My Page)


“Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die Tomorrow.”