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Monday, January 25, 2021

*** (20) Great Questions To Ask Your Upline *** {499}

 πŸ’₯Once you decide to join a network marketing business, One of the first things you want to do if you want to be successful is find someone successful in your upline, and be their best friend. They have a plethora of knowledge and should have no problem helping you succeed. This person may be several levels above you, so you will have to find out who that person is. You may have to start calling, and once you've found that person, here are a few questions you can ask, and you're welcome to always add more, but I would at least start with what I've listed first.

➤What should I be doing to get started?

➤Who is your mentor?

➤What is your daily routine?

➤What is a good expectation of a good conversion rate?

➤Should I lead with the business or product?

➤What are your best methods for building your business? (Online/Offline)

➤What business tools do you use?

➤How do I show the plan?

➤Best methods for getting leads?

➤How many people have you sponsored?

➤How can I increase my conversions?

➤What books, and or audios/videos are you looking at, and what helped you the most?

➤What mistakes did you make along the way, and what did you do to correct them?

➤How much time do you typically spend daily in building your business?

➤How did you get your spouse onboard?

➤What should my monthly budget be?

➤How do I get duplication for my team?

➤What are your exact steps to success?

➤What can I do to retain your help?

➤How do you keep your team motivated?

This is a good starting point. Make sure to take notes, and keep them handy so you can refer to them when needed. Don't feel bad if you need to make contact frequently because your upline whould have no problem wanting to be accommodating! 

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12  πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You can accept Paypal, Credit Card, Cash App, Bitcoin, Zelle, Wise, and More...

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

This Is How You Get Paid At List Infinity! 

If you are like me you are tired of getting scammed, and having Admin’s run off with your m*on*ey! 

This is one of the biggest reasons why I decided to join List Infinity! The Admin here can never run off with your m*on*ey because they never touch your m*on*ey! Derrick VanDyke engineered this Pay Plan to pay instantly member to member. I really like that! 

After you upgrade to a Payliner and enter the Payline’r Room for the first time you will be asked to submit your payment details for any major credit or debit card

When someone has to pay you for a Product Package they will see your payment options. For example if someone wanted to pay you by Pay Pal, they would copy your Pay Pal email address and login into their Pay Pal account and send the payment directly to you! So the company never touches YOUR m*on*ey! 

Another reason I joined List Infinity was because of the Pay Plan! One of the best I have ever seen! We get to keep 100% of the m*on*ey from all Personal and Infinity Team Sales! 

We earn real commissions here, up to $300 per sale! Unlike those Matrix programs that pay you a lousy dollar per sale. Check this out! If you are getting paid a lousy dollar per sale you need 500 people in your Matrix to make $500, and you have to wait for the end of the month for Admin to pay you! That sucks! 

At List Infinity10 people who purchase the Elite Package can make you $3000, and you are paid instantly! We both know it’s easier to find 10 people than it is to find 500 people! 

Bottom line is, we have a better Pay Plan, and a far better Payment System! 

Please go watch the How It Works Movie again, then upgrade to a Payliner, and let’s start making some real m*on*ey! 

πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Members Have Posted HUNDREDS Of Testimonials In Our Facebook Group!

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)


You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation. – Homer Rice

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