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Thursday, January 14, 2021

*** How Can A First Amendment Audit Help With Your MLM Business? *** {492}

 πŸ’₯I'm sure the title has you a bit mystified, and I completely understand your confusion.

I always talk about thinking outside the box, and this method I'm going to discuss is very unique indeed. 

Let's dive right into this for a few minutes.

What is a first amendment audit you ask?

And how in the H**L can it help my MLM business?

These are men and women civil rights activists of all ages and nationalities that travel all over the country while bringing awareness about our civil rights, and about the filming in public laws, and also holding police officers accountable for their actions.

I have watched probably over a thousand of these audits in my spare time, and will say that in my opinion a lot of them are very well done. I'm all for keeping our officers accountable because they aren't any better than we the people, and have to obey the law as well.

I'm all about good police, but want the bad one's weeded out and gone just the same, because they are not only a danger to the public, but also get good officers hurt and even killed. When some of these auditors are only out filming officers in their capacity, and are only there to antagonize, and try to get a reaction, so they file a complaint, or in some cases get the officer in trouble, I'm NOT for that at all!!!

Generally these auditors go into government buildings to film in order to see if they get their 1st amendment right violated (freedom of the press.) By the letter of the law, anyone who decides to pick up a camera, or their phone, and go out and film in public, you are absolutely within your right. Unfortunately we have officers in this country who don't know the photography laws, and try to implement their feelings, instead of the law, and some of these auditors do get unlawfully detained, and sometimes arrested. Once it goes to court, the auditors almost always win, and the judge throws out the case.

By now you're probably asking yourself, why do they go to these extremes. They've said on many occasion that they are just trying to bridge the gap between law enforcement, and the citizens. From what I've seen, it does look like their is a definite disconnect from both sides. 

The way the law works, you are allowed to film anywhere in public, as long you don't go into a restricted area, and not causing a disturbance, or impeding business, you are fine. With that being said, I've seen bad officers arrest some of these people enforcing feelings, and not law. These are the officers that I would like to see gone.

Some of the places these auditors will go are such places as the police station, Health facilities, BMV, Courthouses, and even the post office. This one is funny because every post office in the united states has the rules and regulations on the wall called "poster 7" which gives them the right to film in lobbies and foyers for news purposes, and any accessible areas, I still see postal workers violating their rights, and hitting the panic button by calling law enforcement. 

Also if you are walking down a public road, and you film a factory, business, or even a prison, as long as you are on the side of the road (public easement), you can film whatever your eyes can see, even if a security guard, or an officer tells you otherwise, because they are wrong. The supreme court has ruled on this many years ago. 

The individuals from these facilities are trying to impose their policy, but policy does not trump law, and these people don't understand that. Some officers aren't aware of that either. 

The tyrant cops that get called our will immediately try to get an ID, and they are usually shut down. Depending on your state laws, most places are not a stop and ID state. As long as you haven't broken a law, you do not have to show ID. Again check your state statutes to make sure, because I would hate to see anyone arrested because they didn't know the state law. Bad cops will lie, and do whatever it takes to get your ID so they can run you for warrants. If they can't articulate that you've committed a crime, or about to commit a crime, then you can tell them to kick rocks! 

Some of these bad cops try to say they are loitering, or being disorderly. These are the most common offenses that they use. Again the supreme court has ruled that public photography can't be deemed as loitering, and disorderly is if you're Impeding business, or putting your camera in someone's face. If you are standing, and filming a citizen doing business in the post office, you may hear them say: "You can't film me without my permission", and that is false. Anyone in public can be filmed anywhere out in a public area. There are camera's all over us wherever we go. If you don't want to be filmed, stay home with your blinds closed. Not trying to be hateful, but that's just the reality of the situation. (You can't trespass what my eyes can see. That's the law!)

Most of the auditors aren't there to film the patrons, they are usually there to film our government employees, unless you engage with a camera man, and get hateful, and in that case, they will film you, and even follow you out to your vehicles sometimes filming your license plates, and I'm afraid you're going to be on Youtube, and there's not a thing you can do about it from legality stand point.

I know, you're yelling at me to get to the point of the article, and that's where I'm going now. Just wanted to give you a little info about what these individuals do. You must flex your rights, otherwise they are like muscles, you lose them. 

There are also some of these auditors that will open carry, and again that's a second amendment right, just look up the state laws before doing this so you don't get yourself jammed up. 

Now to answer the million dollar question? How does this in anyway help my MLM business you ask? 

Most of these auditors, and there are a lot of them, have 40, 50, and over million subscribers to their channel world wide, and during each video (usually 10-20 minutes), they will ask everyone to like, share, and subscribe to their channel. 

So let's say you watch a 15 minute video, and you happen to actually like what the auditor is doing, or how they conduct business, you can like, share, and subscribe to their channel, and most of them want to hear some feedback, good or bad, and usually their E-mail is in the description of the video. Contact them, and let them know what you thought of the video, and ask them if they can give a shout out about your business or website. 

Let's say that you watch a couple auditors videos, and they show you some love by plugging your website? You're probably going to have a couple hundred million people worldwide that watches these videos, and will now see your website, that can potentially be a huge amount of traffic coming to your site, and all you did was watch a couple of short videos, liking, sharing, and subscribing to. 

How easy is that? You may to shy to create your own Youtube videos, and that's fine, no one says you have to. This is just another avenue to take to get noticed on Youtube. 

There is so much more I could tell you about auditors, but if this is something you may enjoy watching, I will give you small list of a few good ones. Many of these people have made 500-1000 videos, and they are all over Youtube, Tick Toc, and other platforms.

1) News Now Community - He's one of the best I've seen (David)

2) Amagansett Press and son the Watchman (Jason, and Ben) very good also

3) Accountability for all (Josh & Hot Tow Truck Girl)

4) News Now Patrick (Some I like, and some I don't)

5) Auditing America  (Enrique, Fake Mic Real News, Chase of the Allen Report) Some I like, and some not so much

6) Rights Crispy

7) Rogue Nation

8) Nasty Nathaniel

Believe it or not, a lot of these Auditors have such a huge following, that a lot of them will deposit money into their Paypal account in order to help fund them so they will come to their States, and Cities to an audit. They are peaceful until they get their rights violated, and then you might hear some language. These are just a few. There are other good auditors out there, but these are some of my favorites

Hope this rather unique method helps get you tons of traffic to your sites. Always think outside the box. I've actually heard some of these auditors talk to people in public, and ask if they had a site that wanted to get out there to the masses, so they are cool doing this, but as I said, you will probably have to like, share, and subscribe to their channels even if you never watch another video. By watching these videos, I've now educated myself on a few laws that I was unclear about before. 

I'm not saying this is ever going to be something I go around doing, but it's never a bad thing to know the laws in your area. Because let's face it, there are some pretty dirty cops out there. I read an article recently that said there was a survey done about how many officers have beaten their spouse, or girlfriend, and I was actually somewhat shocked with I saw. approximately 40% of all officers have done this to a wife or girlfriend, and that means if they can do something like that to a loved one, what would they be willing to do to someone they don't care about, especially someone with a camera on them? 

If you watch some of these videos, you will be blown away about some of the things that bad cops get away with, and that's pretty scary for our country! 

Know your rights!

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