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Monday, January 25, 2021

*** This Is My Story/My Affiliate Links *** {500}

 💝I started in Network Marketing back in 2006 with a company called Quixtar. It's a sister company of Amway. I had no intention of ever starting a homebased business because it was outside my comfort zone, but a very close friend was with Amway back in the mid 90's, and doing quite well for him and his family, And was always begging me to get involved but I was perfectly happy at my long time factory job punching the time clock.

Things all changed because that long time job that I had decided to shut their doors and move, putting thousands of us out on the street, making me rethink my future. 

That's when I decided to get involved with a company called Quixtar. I met some people in my hometown of Indiana that were already involved, and they invited me to sit in at one of the seminars at the local Holiday Inn, and then back to one of the houses to discuss further. 

After listening to the speel, and how everyone loved the business and the products, I made up my mind to join. I went to the meetings, and did my due diligence by studying very hard. 

I then started to work the business, and after a few months got very discouraged because I wasn't making any sales, and ultimately failed miserably, and ended up quitting!

But it doesn't end there. "OH NO"... We are just getting started! You see, I don't accept failure, and continued on to my next venture, which was with Herbalife. I jumped in with both feet, and spent over $3,000 just to get started. 

My sponsor was giving me poor advise by telling me that I had to purchase all the products which I did, and that's because by me doing so, she got a percentage of my package purchase. I was new to the business, and had no ideal, until after I made my purchase, my sponsor was never heard from again. Imagine that!

If you know anything about the industry you already know that, that's a common theme. Your sponsor rolls out the red carpet until you make a payment, and then they go into the witness protection program and you never hear from them again!

Because of that, I told myself that I would NEVER be like that with anyone, and I haven't been. I have a very good track record, and have earned the respect of my peers!

If you haven't already figured it out by now, yes I failed once again, and quit Herbalife. On to my next venture.

I probably spent about a year between the two companies with absolutely no luck. It wasn't because of the companies because they are both still around, and very good companies. I failed for 2 reasons. First, I was a newbie, and second, I had no sponsor, at least in Herbalife. I had good people with Quixtar,  I just never gave it a chance for me to be successful and wanted to make that clear incase someone wants to join either company. Just make sure to find a good upline even if you have to call several levels up!

Again failure just didn't set well with me, and after doing more research I got involved with (GDI) - Global Domains International. Another very good company, that has been around for over 20 years now, and still running.

This is where I finally made a few sales. Even though I was still considered a newbie and still learning, I always reached out to my downline as if I were a marketing guru always trying to help. That's just who I am! 

I continued to work the program for a few months but only received a few sales, and that prompted me to quit once again! 

The frustration was mounting, but I refused to quit. I kept pushing on. I started one program right after another, and I continued to fail, and didn't stick around long with any of them. I went through probably dozens of inexpensive programs, and they were all complete scams! 

Now keep in mind that all these programs had no sponsoring, and I'm still trying to learn the ins and out's on the fly. 

Now here is where I finally found a program that I liked, and found success. The company I joined was the Daily Income Network. 

We ended up with over 48,000 members from the US, UK, & Canada. I started making YouTube videos, and sending out Postcards, and because of the inexpensive price tag, I was making sales effortlessly. 

I moved up to the number 7 recruiter within the company, and was really enjoying my new found success, and was able to sponsor a lot of people, and help them as well. 

And then the inevitable happened. We had server problems, and they said it was going to cost too much money to fix, and decided to shut it down. I was pissed, because I really enjoyed the business, and was finally successful after many years of tried and failed opportunities.

I have to admit, that was pretty deflating for me, but I continued on my journey for success, and went back to the drawing board, and started looking for something else to try!

And guess what? Yep, you guessed it. I found yet another program to try, and that program was DigiSoft Payline!

This is where I'm at now and have been for over 5 years. We are a 6 year old worldwide Network Marketing company! (NOT MLM!), and with any luck this will be where I will stay for as long as possible because I'm very successful and have helped many people solve some of their problems!

The moral of my story is that I payed a price for success, but I never completely quit. I had to fail before I was to succeed. Anyone who joins me won't have to worry about me going into the witness protection program, and also I can shorten the learning curve because I had to basically learn this industry by myself, and I won't let that happen to my TEAM! 

Where would I be if I decided to quit after my first failed attempt? Not where I am now, that's for sure!

Thank you to my followers who read my content. I really appreciate it, it means a lot!  

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 👈 (Go here now) - 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time is what it takes in order to be successful...


{My Sites}


👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)





👉https://www.pinterest.com/rick2323/_created/  (GONE)









👉{E-mail} - powerprofitcenter@gmail.com


{A Thank You E-mail For Your Tour Takers}

This is Rick Brier and I wanted to thank you for recently visiting my website. You may not remember because you may be researching things online. I just wanted to introduce myself and encourage you to pay attention to the E-mails you will receive from me.

It's so important that when you start your search online for an online business, that you keep your mind open!
As I'm sure you are well aware. There are some very strange characters out here on the internet, and some are only interested in one thing.....Your mo-ney.
But you need to know that not everybody is the same. Some do actually  want to help you on your journey to success!
I'm happy to be one of them:)
I have been fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad for sometime now, and I have to tell you it's exciting!
I like to give back, And there is no better feeling than knowing that you have played a big part in someone else's journey to financial freedom. Very satisfying I can assure YOU.
Talk soon 

Rick Brier (DigiSoft Payline - Sponsor)


Bonus - {E-mail for your Tour Takers}

It IS a Numbers Game

This always has been and always will be a numbers game.  Everything in life is a numbers game.  In most cases, you don't marry the first person you date.  You don't stay at your first job forever.  You don't live in the same house forever. 

Most people who join our industry will do nothing and quit. You already know that.  You are looking for the few key people who are serious and are willing to do whatever it takes. This is a VERY small percentage of the people who join your team, less than 3 percent. 

You can spend all your time trying to turn a donkey into a stallion, or you can work the numbers until you find your key people. 

One last point. This business is also a business of skill and strategy.  As you improve in those two areas you can go through fewer people and get better results. 

What are the numbers?  Well, in most cases you will have to personally sponsor 100 to 500 people personally to find your 2-5 winners who generate 90% or more of your income.  That is the trend I have seen in the industry.  

You could sponsor 260 people in five years, by sponsoring just one person a week. To sponsor one person per week, all you need to do is approach 5 new prospects per day, every day, Monday through Friday.

Anyone can do that, although most people will not do it.  Now you know.

👀https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 👈(A call to action) - The viral list building system that pays you 100% commission on every sale...


“I’ve learned two things. Never, ever believe in ‘can’t.’ And be good to people and people will be good to you.”— Dick Vitale

*** (20) Great Questions To Ask Your Upline *** {499}

 💥Once you decide to join a network marketing business, One of the first things you want to do if you want to be successful is find someone successful in your upline, and be their best friend. They have a plethora of knowledge and should have no problem helping you succeed. This person may be several levels above you, so you will have to find out who that person is. You may have to start calling, and once you've found that person, here are a few questions you can ask, and you're welcome to always add more, but I would at least start with what I've listed first.

➤What should I be doing to get started?

➤Who is your mentor?

➤What is your daily routine?

➤What is a good expectation of a good conversion rate?

➤Should I lead with the business or product?

➤What are your best methods for building your business? (Online/Offline)

➤What business tools do you use?

➤How do I show the plan?

➤Best methods for getting leads?

➤How many people have you sponsored?

➤How can I increase my conversions?

➤What books, and or audios/videos are you looking at, and what helped you the most?

➤What mistakes did you make along the way, and what did you do to correct them?

➤How much time do you typically spend daily in building your business?

➤How did you get your spouse onboard?

➤What should my monthly budget be?

➤How do I get duplication for my team?

➤What are your exact steps to success?

➤What can I do to retain your help?

➤How do you keep your team motivated?

This is a good starting point. Make sure to take notes, and keep them handy so you can refer to them when needed. Don't feel bad if you need to make contact frequently because your upline whould have no problem wanting to be accommodating! 

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12  👈 (Go here now) - You can accept Paypal, Credit Card, Cash App, Bitcoin, Zelle, Wise, and More...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

This Is How You Get Paid At List Infinity! 

If you are like me you are tired of getting scammed, and having Admin’s run off with your m*on*ey! 

This is one of the biggest reasons why I decided to join List Infinity! The Admin here can never run off with your m*on*ey because they never touch your m*on*ey! Derrick VanDyke engineered this Pay Plan to pay instantly member to member. I really like that! 

After you upgrade to a Payliner and enter the Payline’r Room for the first time you will be asked to submit your payment details for any major credit or debit card

When someone has to pay you for a Product Package they will see your payment options. For example if someone wanted to pay you by Pay Pal, they would copy your Pay Pal email address and login into their Pay Pal account and send the payment directly to you! So the company never touches YOUR m*on*ey! 

Another reason I joined List Infinity was because of the Pay Plan! One of the best I have ever seen! We get to keep 100% of the m*on*ey from all Personal and Infinity Team Sales! 

We earn real commissions here, up to $300 per sale! Unlike those Matrix programs that pay you a lousy dollar per sale. Check this out! If you are getting paid a lousy dollar per sale you need 500 people in your Matrix to make $500, and you have to wait for the end of the month for Admin to pay you! That sucks! 

At List Infinity10 people who purchase the Elite Package can make you $3000, and you are paid instantly! We both know it’s easier to find 10 people than it is to find 500 people! 

Bottom line is, we have a better Pay Plan, and a far better Payment System! 

Please go watch the How It Works Movie again, then upgrade to a Payliner, and let’s start making some real m*on*ey! 

💖https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now) - Members Have Posted HUNDREDS Of Testimonials In Our Facebook Group!

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)


You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation. – Homer Rice

Friday, January 22, 2021

*** Fiverr Tips & Tricks Tutorial-Beginner Friendly/FREE AD Submitter (Video) *** {498}


😍What is fiverr and how does it work?

Fiverr works by letting buyers pay in advance for "gigs" which are any type of freelance service, ranging from web design, to social media marketing, to copywriting. For example, a $5 gig means the freelancer will receive $4 for a completed order. These are 2 ways to view the site, as a freelancer or as a buyer.

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 👈 (New Sign Up Link) - 100% commissions paid directly to you. When you refer someone to List Infinity and they sign up, you get paid instantly and directly to your account! You can accept payments via PayPal, Stripe, Square, Authorize.net, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle, Bitcoin, And Wise!Imagine Seeing $7, $25, $100, and $300 Payments Hitting Your Account Every Day!

How do I use fiverr for my business?

How it works:

1) Create a gig. Sign up for FREE, set up your gig, and offer your work to a global audience

2) Deliver great work. Get notified when you get an order and use the system to discuss details with customers.

3) Get paid. Get paid on time, every time. Payment is transferred to you upon order completion. Become a seller.

Fiverr Buyers List Traffic 24/7 - Get 20,000+ Buyers List Clicks

Your Link Sent To 12,000,000+ Fiverr Buyers Ready to Purchase Your Offer.
- You Get Guaranteed Buyer Traffic
- You Get Detailed Click Tracking
- You Get 100 Percent Tier1 Traffic

Fiverr Buyers List Traffic247     

👉 http://www.FiverrBuyerslistTraffic247.com


Submit a F'REE ad on our high-traffic website today. It only takes 2 Minutes!



👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

What Is Your Why?

Why do you want to earn some extra c-a-s-h online?

Everyone has their own reason, their own WHY!

I would encourage you to share your ``WHY`` today with your Tour Takers, and also with the MOST IMPORTANT People in your business, your Unqualified Payliners!

And be sure to ask them why they want to make some extra c-a-s-h online! Who knows, you might share the same ``WHY``!

Post 10+ Ads A Day!

Are you posting 10 or more ads a day?

This is even more important for those of you who have not Qualified yet!

M0NEY is a great motivator, and once you are Qualified at BOTH Package Levels, it is such a nice feeling to start receiving those instant $100 commissions!

I want to see all of you making M0NEY, a LOT of M0NEY! After all this is why you are here, right!

But you have to realize, it is a numbers game so to speak. The more ads you have out there, the more success you will have. It is that simple!

If you want to out earn your sponsor, then all you have to do is out post your sponsor!

Let`s Go Make Some M0NEY Today!

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 👈(A call to action) - Leverage The Work Of Your Referrals! When your referrals send people to one of your lead capture pages, they “Pass Up” every 5th lead to you. So, if 10 of your referrals generate 100 leads each, that’s 200 leads sent directly to your autoresponder account! That's right! You get 20% of all leads generated from the efforts of your referrals! And if any of those leads sign up for a membership, the commission on any product sales go to you!

DigiSoft User ID: 

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.”— Bo Jackson

Thursday, January 21, 2021

*** Millionaire Mindset Tips/FREE Download/1 Signup A Day Strategy 2.0 *** {497}

💘I'm going to share some of the best MLM Millionaire Mindset Tips that I've learned over my many years in this industry.

1) MLM is affordable to everyone:

Most online opportunities cost less than $100, which is why a very high percentage of people quit. They don't take it seriously, and treat it like a hobby. You must think that you have a million dollars vested into your business, that way you will treat it like a business, and less likely to quit. (You can join us @ List Infinity for under $30!)

2) Everyone is excited when they start an online venture:

The excitement wears off after a few months, and it's important how you approach your business once it does. Try to keep the momentum going because once you lose it, it's hard to get back. Be passionate about what you do, otherwise you're destined to fail, and you m ight as well quit anyway.

3) You never know who your next rock star will be:

Always be aware of what people do and not say, so never prejudge. Your next rock star could be the person who quits, or says No about joining you at first.

4) This is a numbers game:

If you're told different, then you are being lied to. The unfortunate problem is that most people quit after a month or two because they don't understand how the numbers work. They get impatient because they aren't making the money they they think they should be. If they would just put in a little work each and everyday for an extended period of time, and have a game plan, they give themselves a better than average chance at success. You only need a few key people in order to take your business to the next level, and make a full time income.

5) You should never have expectations of others:

People are going to let you down, that's just part of the process, so don't stress out about what you can't control. Work with the willing and you will be just fine.

6) It's ok to have self doubt:

I can assure you that everyone in this industry had doubts when first starting, so that's normal. So don't let your emotions control your actions. Baby steps. learn and get better with everyday. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint. No one finds success overnight.

7) It takes time to master and develop your skillset:

You're going to be bad and make mistakes when starting out, don't be afraid, just learn from them and move forward. Patience is another key on the journey of your success.

8) Don't even bother getting started if you're not willing to put in at least 2-5 years consistently, everyday:

You can still have full time employment, while doing this in your spare time, and succeed. Commit yourself to working an hour or two a day for at least a few years, and then evaluate your situation at that time to see if you're willing to move forward.

9) This is a people business:

Always be cordial, and likeable, so people will enjoy working with you. No one wants to work with someone who is bossy. They already have that at their day job. You will have much better results if you keep it professional, and know what you're doing, and where you're going. Most people will follow you to the end of the earth if you demonstrate these traits.

10) People will do anything to avoid pain and rejection:

This is another reason why a lot of people won't even get involved in our industry. In the back of their mind, they think they are going to fail, so rather than doing that, they just stay on the sidelines. Some of the greatest successful people in world history have failed many times before they actually succeeded. You must fail before you succeed, and that's just a part of life. By actually failing, you gain self confidence, and those few pitfalls along the way are nothing more than a speed bump. So don't let fear prohibit you from living your dream. Just do it!

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 👈 (Go here now) - High-Converting Lead Capture Pages. Our lead capture pages consistently convert 30% to 50% depending on your traffic source. And you can view the clicks, leads, and conversion rate for each page you promote.


{Free Download: 1 signup a day strategy 2.0} ☝


{Sales Statistics}

48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect

25% of sales people make a 2nd contact and stop

12% of sales people make a 3rd contact and stop

Only 10% of sales people make more than 3 contacts

2% of sales are made on the 1st contact

3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact

5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact

10% of sales are made on the 4th contact

80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact

The fortune is in the follow up. You already know that. The average prospect will need to hear from you 7 to 20 times before they buy or join. Many prospects will take even longer than that.


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Are you tired of nickel and dime programs?

Every once in a while you come across a program that is worth your time and effort!

This is easy and duplicatable and yes advertising is point and click. Offline works well as Online. Start getting $50 Payments every day over and over again! Why this program????

 1. $27 anyone can afford. 
 2. Built around leverage (Every 5th pass up goes to you from your downline..
 3. Total Free Marketing system/Training.
 4. Build your list at the same time.

 Much, Much, More

Need I say more. get the facts Join Today! 

👌https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6 👈(Go here now) - Build your email list and generate sales in 3 easy steps. Step #1: Setup your systyem/Step #2: Grab a capture page/Step #3: Promote your link...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


“Cancer can take away all my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever.” – Jimmy Valvano

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

*** 100 Offline Recruiting Methods/FREE Download: Winning Phone Scripts *** {496}

💥Most people only recruit online, but there is a whole world out there for you to utilize some of these offline methods below. Word of mouth is the number 1 way to get your message out there, and a lot of these methods you can do just that...

1) Chamber of Commerce

2) Farmers Market

3) Job Fair

4) Find A Charity To Sponsor

5) Yard Sales

6) Sporting Events

7) Business Cards (Cork/Bulletin Boards)

8) The Zoo

9) Flyers

10) Clothing Items (Shirts/Hats)

11) Circus/Fair

12) College News Letter

13) Newspaper ADS (Limit The Wording For Cheaper Cost)

14) Radio ADS

15) Drop Cards

16) Grocery Store

17) Yard Signs

18) TV ADS (Very Expensive)

19) Billboards (Very Expensive)

20) Wear a Pin/Button

21) School Functions

22) Bumper Stickers

23) Car Magnets

24) Neighborhood Cookouts

25) Brochures

26) Custom License Plate

27) Magazines/Catalogs

28) CO-OP (This is when a retailer launches a locally run AD that incudes a specific mention of a big name brand, who in turn repays or credits all or part of the of the cost of the advertisement)

29) Church Services/Newsletters

30) Contests

31) Birthday Parties

32) Cold Calling

33) Elevator Speech (Obviously this is no longer than a sentence or two)

34) Ask A Friend For A Favor 

35) Civic Groups

36) Flea Markets

37) Pamphlets

38) Gift Cards

39) Community Events

40) Fundraisers

41) Food Drives

42) Fish Bowl Raffle (Ideas for fundraisers) 

43) Home Party

44) Posters

45) Post Cards

46) Seminars

47) Telemarketing

48) Workshops

49) Trade Shows

50) Purchase Leads

51) Name Badge

52) Public Speaking

53) Thank You Notes

54) Department Stores

55) Restaurants 

56) Leaflets 

57) Cell Phone Contacts

58) Surveys

59) Warm Market

60) Marketing Events

61) Door Hangers

62) Demonstrations

63) Gift Your Product

64) Contact Former Customers & Reps

65) Referrals 

66) Interviewing Industry Leaders

67) Periodic Newsletters

68) Donating Products To Silent Auctions

69) Print ADS

70) Health Fair

71) Free Samples

72) Reverse Mailings

73) Classified ADS

74) Customer Loyalty Program

75) Memory Jogger

76) Genealogy Leads (Make connections with people who already have experience with a certain type of business, and how it works)

77) Strategic Alliances (An arrangement between 2 companies to undertake a mutually beneficial while each retains it's independence)

78) 1st Amendment Audits (Go to YouTube, and watch an audit. Like, and Subscribe, and contact one of the auditors and ask them for a shout out about your company/product. A lot of them have millions of views)

79) Sticky Notes

80) Local Gyms

81) Ask A Family Member If They May Know Anyone

82) Pizza Place

83) Car Wash

84) Your Work Place

85) After Wedding Ceremony

86) High School Graduation

87) Pet Stores/Shows

88) Airport/Flight (Going on vacation)

89) Cruise (Meet new people)

90) Baby Shower

91) The Park (While the kids are playing)

92) Concerts (Rock/Country/or your choosing)

93) Car Shows

94) Air Shows

95) Auditions/Plays 

96) Bike Rides (Meet & Greet on the Street) LOL

97) The Bank/Credit Union

98) Car Drive To The Nearest Town

99) Ice Cream Shop

100) Weekly Poker Game

Hope this helps. I'm sure you can think of even more, but you get the idea. There are no limits to the amount of people you can come in contact with. They are out there, you just have to get out and do the leg work.

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 👈 (New Sign Up Link) - 9.1k members worldwide and growing by the day...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


(FREE Download: Winning Phone Scripts)  ☝


{E-mail for your tour takers}

This pays while you sleep.

There are many shady business opportunities out there, designed to rip you off and steal your hard earned money.

List Infinity is a solid, long term and legitimate opportunity that you can operate from the comforts of your own home.

Not to mention, you can tap into the financial markets for the low starting price of ($27)...

P.S. Upgrade today, and I will send you a complete list of my
best advertising resources!

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 👈(A call to action) - Build a profitable email list from the efforts of your referrals...

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier



“It ain’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.”– Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa

Monday, January 18, 2021

*** 7 Daily Tips To Make Your Year More Successful (MLM 2021) *** {495}

 😎For a better, and more successful business in 2021 try some of the things I've listed below on a daily basis. We are creatures of habit, and by implementing these key strategies, You will see better results with your home based business, I promise!

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now) - Step-by-step training shows you how to get free traffic from Facebook and profit from solo ADS...

⧭It's all about habits...(Have an easy to follow game plan):

Be Passionate

Be Focused

Be Consistent

Be Committed

Be Cordial

⧭Stay away from multi-tasking:

You must concentrate, and focus on one thing at a time, because you can't afford distractions, otherwise your business will suffer. Unfortunately sometimes we are our own worst enemies by getting in the way of ourselves.

⧭Choose your friends wisely:

I'm always telling my son to keep his circle small because it's really sad to say, but the human race can't be trusted. Stay away from negative nellies, and surround yourself with positive successful people. You want the least amount of stress in life as possible. Find a mentor, and become a mentor.

⧭Listen to others:

When prospecting it's all about them, and not you. let them dominate the conversation and you just answer questions. Make sure to keep your answers brief otherwise you will confuse them, and they won't join your team because they now have self doubt. Listening is a skill.

⧭Relax, and take time to...

Smell the roses, watch the birds and squirrels. Pay more attention to the little things in life. 

Strive to grow and be a better version of yourself daily.

Life is short, so spend time with family and friends, and even your pets.

Make GOD a part of your life.

⧭Create a morning routine:

Set an alarm and get up the same time everyday and before long your body will adapt. Work your business for an hour or two daily. Whether you have to go for a walk or a jog after breakfast, do that. Whatever it takes to get you motivated. Only you know when you are at your most creative. 

⧭What does the 80/20 rule mean?:

This simply means that 20% of your daily activities will account for 80% of your results. Target those 20% activities first, and then teach your team to do the same.

The person you become tomorrow, starts with what you do today!


{Bonus Tip}:

I won't join your company unless you pay my way in... (What do you do?)

If you're already involved in MLM then I'm sure this has already happened to you, because it happens to me all the time. 

I do a lot of prospecting as you already know, and I use Facebook Messenger most of the time. 

Because my company (List Infinity) is worldwide I talk to a lot of people from such places as Africa, Germany, The Philippines, and Pakistan just to name a few.

After talking to a lot of these individuals, and trying to build a rapport, they usually know who I am, or at least have heard of me, because as I stated I do this all the time, and have for many years. 

Unfortunately our industry has taken a major hit over the years because there are a lot of scammers out there, and many of these people have been taken for large sums of money, and they now have trust issues, and I can't really blame them for that. 

I just had a gentleman from Pakistan ask me for more info about List Infinity, so I gave him the link to my Q&A blog post, #376, because it explains everything more in detail.

👉https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html  (GONE)

So he checks out my site, and contacts me with, "How do I know this isn't a scam?" Pay my start up fee, and I will pay you $100 and bring in all of my friends, once I make a sale" (Not Happening!)

If you're wanting to start a business, or you just haven't experienced this yet, There are some ways to combat this, but you have to choose what works for you, and this will happen if you're involved in the industry long enough. Obviously no one in their right mind is going to pay someone to join their MLM company, unless perhaps, it's a close friend, and know they will pay you back, but otherwise NO!

1) When they ask, I always tell them, that I would be happy to get them as much info as possible, and answer any and all questions, always being cordial, again trying to build a rapport.

2) I thank them for their time, and wish them the best in all of their endeavors. Believe it or not, I have actually got a few sign ups this way, because they are thinking that I'm going to argue with them, ultimately giving in to their demands, but I'm not desperate, and will just move on. With that being said, about 99.9% of them will just say thank you and move on as well, and that's perfectly fine, because you don't want to waste a lot of time on people like this.

3) I don't really recommend doing this, but I have, because it doesn't bother me at all, and that is to show them some income proof. First off it isn't anyone's business how much money you've made, but again, I understand the mindset. They want to see if you've made money because if you haven't, why would they join you? You could be brand new to the business, so that really isn't a fair assessment on their part. 

If they do ask for income proof, you can simply say, that you aren't really sure how much you've made to this point, because you're still earning, and that will usually detour them from asking again. If they are persistent, then you simply tell them that you don't feel like they would be a good fit into your business and move on. After all, it's your business to run as you see fit.

💛https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9  👈(Go here now) - Simple copy and paste advertising. Work 1-2 hours per day over the next few years and you might be surprised what you can accomplish...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php?rick2323 (GONE)

{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE 👇)

Hi Rick,

Don`t forget to set aside some time to post some ads today. Everyone should be posting a minimum of 10 ads a day every day! It does not take that long to post 10 ads! Plan your work, and work your plan!

New Tour Taker Email!

And don`t forget to email your Tour Takers today too!

Yesterday I uploaded a new Tour Taker Email to your DSP Team Mailer. As always you can edit the email if you want before you send it, but please login and send it!

Not emailing your Tour Takers is like refusing to talk to your customers if you had a traditional retail store.

There is also a growing list of pre-composed emails that you can send to your Tour Takers in your Payliners Room. Click on the tab called: DSP Mailbox

You should be emailing your Tour Takers every 2-3 days at the minimum, and if you want to do it every day, that`s ok too!

If you are not emailing your Tour Takers about DigiSoft, I can GUARANTEE someone else is emailing them about another program! So keep dripping on your Tour Takers with the DSP Team Mailer!

Downline Tour Taker Email!

If you have Inactive Payliners directly under you and they have Tour Takers, You can email those Tour Takers too. We call those Downline Tour Takers, and when you have them, a second Team Mailer shows up below your first Team Mailer with a pre-composed email in it. Just add your subject line and
click to send!

Inactive Payliners

Some of you have Inactive Payliners, and you should also be using the DSP Team Mailer to encourage them to reactivate their account.

If they reactivate their account for just $7 they…

- will not have to purchase any Package that they already paid for
- will not have re-qualify at any Package Level that are already Qualified at
- if they had any Tour Takers, they will still be there when they reactivate

DigiSoft User ID: 

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent.”– Arnold Schwarzenegger