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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

*** What To Look For Before Starting An MLM Business? *** {434}

πŸ’₯Here are a few things to look for before stating any business:

1) IS it legit? do your research...google, to find out such things as: How long have they been in business?

2) Have they had a lot of complaints? a few is fine, and will happen.

3) Find out who the creator of the site is, and back ground check him/her?

4) Try to find out how many members they have?

5) Look at the capture page/s?  is it generic looking?

6) Checkout the product/service? is it saturated all over the internet?

7) Do they offer a Residual Income/Multiple Streams of income? ( If they don't offer these, it's not necessarily bad)

8) Do they have a refund policy implemented?
( again, not necessarily bad if they don't...just know if they do or not)

9) Is there contact info for admin? Don't be shy if you have questions...call them and ask?

10) Can you navigate freely around the site/back office area? if you're having a lot of problems finding things in your back office area, chances are your "NEW" prospects will also? 

11) Are there several FEE's involved along the way? This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you'll want to know from the get go what to expect, and make sure to pass this along to your potential customers?

12) Do they have a good marketing strategy implemented in order to advertise? If they don't offer any marketing strategy/s, you will have to  use my training blog

13) Is it inexpensive? If you have problems recruiting, it's no easier to pay for a high ticket item?

14) This one's a killer? are you able to contact your sponsor? more than likely you will never hear from him/her once signed up, so be prepared to learn while you earn? (You don't have to worry about this with DigiSoft Payline)

15) What kind of compensation plan do they have? do you get paid, daily, weekly, monthly? and how do you get paid? There are several payment processors, but I like Paypal myself.

===>  Always have a game plan, and Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!!! When starting out, post as many FREE ads as humanly possible, and slowly  get yourself some cheap advertising, until you start making a considerable amount of $$$, and then up your spending as you make more...

Now only you can determine, whether or not a business is meant for you, Once you've completed your research. No business is perfect, so don't try to find it...Because you won't!


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J.K. Rowling was 30 years old when she finished the first manuscript of Harry Potter

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