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Monday, September 28, 2020

*** 10 Ways To Help Your TEAM (MLM) *** {446}

 πŸ’™Network Marketing is about sponsoring, and teaching. As a personal sponsor, our job is to teach people, to teach people and so on. 

We are only coaches, and not their boss, just their trainer to always be there for motivation, and to encourage them. 

By doing the 10 things I mention below, I'm quite sure you will be able to help your "TEAM" advance. You cannot make anyone successful in Network Marketing. Each individual is responsible for their own business. You do however play an important role. All you should be doing is setting a good example,  and hopefully your "TEAM" will follow your lead. (Teach, Teach, Teach!)

1) Be patient with your "TEAM" members:

Keep in mind as you help your members that everyone has a different learning curve. Most people already have a boss in some form, and they definitely don't want/need another one, so don't be bossy. Try to offer suggestions instead.

2) Look for good in people:

Everyone of us is flawed in some ways, so try to find the good in each individual, and remind them of the good you see in them. We all have good in us as well, it's the sponsor's job to find it, and always pass that along. Everyone enjoys compliments and who knows, you may just motivate someone just by letting them know the great things they are doing.

3) "TEAM" members should also be working on personal development as much as possible. Make sure to encourage that:

Always try to teach new skills, share helpful videos and podcasts when you can. Network Marketing is all about personal development with a compensation plan attached.

4) Help your "TEAM" sponsor their first couple if people, and with a few names building their list: (The money is in the list)

By helping your "TEAM" sponsor a couple of new members, and to help them with a short list of possible prospects. By doing this, and getting quick results, you are helping them build confidence, and having belief in themselves that they can do this. This will also have a trickle down effect, because they can share their success stories with their new prospects. (A win/win for everyone)

5) Never do something for someone that they should be doing themselves:

The "GOAL" is to get your "TEAM" independent as quickly as possible, so they aren't always dependent on you. Keep it simple, and show them what they need to be doing. It's their responsibility to do it. If everyone is fully dependent on "YOU" then no one is being successful. 90 days is more than sufficient enough time for them to get acclimated to the system.

6) Encourage your "TEAM" to attend and promote events:

Events are usually when people attend and make their decision to build a business. Network Marketing is an event driven industry, and many reps usually attend company events. As a sponsor, you should be promoting your social events, so you can to as many people as possible. When you get outsiders to your events, it's giving them social proof about your company, and you are more than likely to sign up a few reps while you're there.

7) Treat everyone with respect. Your relationships should be first:

Long term relationships equal long term money. If you want your "TEAM" to stay, you must treat them with respect. With that being said, You are still going to have reps quit. It's inevitable! Show them you care. This industry is all about relationships, and your reps are less likely to quit on friends. (You're still going to have a high percentage of people quit, that's just a fact!) - You only need a select few like minded individuals on your "TEAM" in order to build it big!

8) "NEW" "REPS" will go at their own pace, never push them to do more than they want to do:

Everyone has different "GOALS" and a work ethic, so that means that they may not be as committed as you. Find out what their "GOALS" are and help them achieve that, and never pressure them, because they may get aggravated and quit. Be patient, and work with each rep at their pace. (You will be able to see where each "NEW" rep is at once you start!)

9) You want your "REPS" to have a positive experience with the products, so encourage them to get auto-ship:

Teach your "REPS" to be their own best customers. You have to use them in order to have belief in them. That will give them a good testimonial for their customers. If no one purchases your products, that means no one earns. So make sure you get them on auto-ship

10) If you want your "TEAM" to follow suit, you must lead by example:

Set the bar very high, so even if they do a fraction of what you do, you will be happy with their results. Sometimes leading your "TEAM" is like being a parent. Do the things you want them to do, and hope they follow. You can't force anyone to do what they don't want to do. Be there for them regardless. Just focus most of your energy on the "REPS" that truly want to learn.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323  (New Sign Up Link)




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Hi {firstname}

Welcome To DigiSoft!

I would like to welcome all the NEW Payliners who joined over this past week!

It was a strong week as people are positioning themselves for a successful 2021!

Keep posting those ads daily (10+ a day). Even if your New Tour Takers do not upgrade right away, you are building your DSP Mailing List, and those very same Tour Takers you sign up this month could be the first to upgrade to a Payliner in 2021!

September to the December Holidays is a great time to make mon-ey online, BUT January to June is an even GREATER time to be making mon-ey online because people spend more time online during the winter months, and until the kids are out of school in June!

So It Is M0NEY Making Season All Winter!

DigiSoft User ID: 


Team Works work!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


Rosa Parks was 42 when she refused to obey the bus driver’s order to give up her seat to make room for a white passenger

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