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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

*** Network Marketing Quick Tips *** {428}

 πŸ’–You should be trying to contact a minimum of 10 people per day about your business. Obviously more is better, but make this a priority. This is what I would tell every PART TIMER. Network Marketing is an industry of exposures. For you to be successful, you must reach out to people daily. I once knew a 6 figure earner that heard the word "NO" 450 times before getting his first "YES!" Now think of where he would be now if he had QUIT after hearing "NO" a few times! For every "NO" you hear, you are that much closer to a "YES". Never confuse busy work with productive work!

You should be contacting your "COLD MARKET" as well as your "HOT MARKET". With that being said, you shouldn't be trying to prospect your broke uncle Joe, or your unemployed cousin Joann. Your best prospects are those who like to HUSTLE. Look for people with credibility, and who are already successful. These individuals will likely have a lot of contacts who are also successful, and will also be respected by their peers. The HUSTLERS already work on commissions, and won't be opposed to possibly joining your "TEAM".

It will make all difference in the world if you recognize all the good things your "TEAM" members do, even for the smallest of things, and commend them whenever possible. This is a really nice motivator, because everyone likes to be appreciated.

You can only control what you're doing, so don't try to control anyone else. Keep recruiting, and building your business. If you lead from the front, you will ultimately find the right people. Accept the fact that between 80%-90% of your "TEAM" will do nothing to build their business. They won't share it, won't attend meetings, or calls, and will probably only order the products a time or two. This isn't your fault. Work with the willing, and still be available to those who aren't.

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Suzanne Collins was 46 when she wrote "The Hunger Games"

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