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Sunday, August 16, 2020

*** 10 Thing That Will Absolutely Kill Your MLM Business *** {426}

 πŸ’šIn no particular order I listed the top 10 things you shouldn't do because they will destroy your MLM business.

1) Lack of focus:

Focus is definitely key. Could you imagine being married to multiple people at the same time, and trying to keep them happy? Or how about watching a great movie on TV that you are totally into, and trying to study for a  test? I can't either...

Promoting multiple MLM companies, or trying to create multiple streams of income all at once will destroy your business because you can only be good at so many things, and when you try to do to many things at one time, you will lose productivity, and the results you're looking for won't be as good!

Focus strictly on one MLM business, so you can give 100% in order to grow your income, and then once you have mastered your craft, you can then invest in, or create multiple streams of income!

I'm sure there are individuals out there promoting multiple companies, but I don't know anyone who is, and is also successful.

2) Starting and Stopping:

This happens everyday, even from people on my team. They get excited Initially  because it's something new, and for a few day, maybe even a few weeks, they will put in the work, and get some growth in their business, and then life gets in the way, and the business gets put on the back burner for a period of time, and in some cases, permanently.

Every Sunday evening, develop a game plan, and set your own hours, whatever works for you, and then have the self discipline to see it through.

Truth is you will never "find the time" to grow your business, but instead you must "make the time" if you want to build it big. Your priorities dictate where and how you spend your time.

Every time you "stop" or "slow down" you will lose any momentum that had, plus your team will more than likely follow your lead.

Small daily actions add up over time, so never let a day go by where you aren't doing something to grow your business. (Be persistent, and consistent).

3) Being Unlikable

Network Marketing is a people business. Building, and keeping long-term relationships will ultimately lead to long-term money!

You must learn to develop your people skills, or this will destroy your business because no one wants to do business with a dictator.

Building a massive business will have you interacting with many different "types" Of people, and it's vital for you to learn how to deal with the many different personalities that you will encounter.

Remember what it was like for you as "Newbie." always stay humble, and hungry.

Focus on serving and helping others. Work on your people skills, and follow the lessons how to win friends, and influence people. Be a better listener, and take your eyes off of yourself, and focus on them, and you can't go wrong!

4) Bad Relationships:

This one is tough, but try not to date anyone on your team, even if they're attractive and flirt. You both will most likely lose focus on your business, and focus your attention on other things. (I think you know what I mean. lol). These almost always end badly. I do however know of a few successful couples in the industry but they are married. Character is everything, so do the right thing!

5) Money:

You are not a bank, so you shouldn't loan money to a team member, and never rob your business. The first couple of years you should use your profits to invest back into your business instead of spending foolishly. 

Don't borrow off of your team members, and don't mess with their money either. Every decision made should be for the long-term goal of your business!

6) Ego:

Be nice to everyone on your team. Not everyone on your team will think like you, or for that matter, they may not all like you, so keep your ego in check. Respect the differences of your members. This is what will make your team unique and powerful.

Not everyone on your team come to you for advice, and some will do little to nothing to grow their business. Those people just like to be a part of something. Always be nice, and love everyone.

All you can do with the tire kickers, is try to encourage them to do something to build their business. Don't spend much time with them, but always be available whenever they need you!

7) Jealousy:

You should never ever be jealous of other peoples success. There will be times that other people on your team will build their business quicker, and make more money than you do. 

Be happy for them and don't let it bother you. When someone accomplishes something in your company, it shows that you are great mentor, and also that it can be done. Anything is possible.

Focus on becoming the best version of you, and never compare yourself to anyone else. You performance speaks for itself. Have an attitude of gratitude!

8) Dictatorship/Leadership:

Everyone on your team already has a boss at home and work, and doesn't need another one. Set a good example and try to inspire them. Don't sit around and bark orders. Your actions send volumes. Work with the willing.

Everyone has a different goal, so help them achieve what they are looking for, and not what you want for them. If they aren't as committed as you are, don't make them feel bad for it. 

9) Lack of Belief:

Over time you must have belief in your company, products, the industry, and above all else, yourself. This doesn't have to happen on day one, but as time goes you will  need to adapt "unshakable" belief in all 4 for massive success!

10) Short-Term Thinking:

Building any successful business takes time, and not normally in the first year or two. If you don't keep your why in front of you, when things get tough, most people will throw in the towel. And if things don't go exactly as planned, you could also throw in the towel.

Don't let all the problems of today throw you off track. Keep your eyes on the prize.

We live in a society where people expect gratification immediately, and want it now. This type of thinking will destroy your business!

-Use the products, and learn everything you can about your company, and the owner/s. You should be watching videos, reading books, attending events, associate with other successful marketers, or talking to your coaches.

-You should get a job and keep it while you're building your business part time until you're debt free, and have at a bare minimum of 6 months of living expenses saved up, and are earning around 3 times in your business compared to your job. at that point FIRE YOUR BOSS, and go full time in your business!

-You will find that all the hard work you put in now, will only pay off in the long run. I tell people that if they decide to start an online business, they better be prepared to go anywhere from 2-5 years, and in some cases, even longer before you really start to make a significant amount on money!

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Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III was 57 years old when he successfully ditched US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River in 2009. All of the 155 passengers aboard the aircraft survived

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