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Thursday, June 4, 2020

*** Marketing Tip (Managing Your Expectations) *** {395}


In this industry you must learn how to manage your expectations. Too many prospects join a company, and expect to make money right away. You can, but it takes a lot of time and effort to make the kind of money you're looking for. Entrepreneurs need to understand that no matter what company they join, in many cases it will take at least a couple of years before some make their first dollar of profit online.

And then you have prospects who believe that they will make hundreds to several thousands within their first month or two, and typically it doesn't work that way. (Although it is possible, and has been done, just not a very realistic mind set to have).

Once again it does take time to build any business in any niche. When you own your own online business, it's not like having a job where you trade time for money.

Instead, you are trying to build a business that has ongoing residual income. And if doesn't, you at least need to be with a company built around leverage. These are the only 2 ways you can make the kind of money you want. You must display a bit of patience. We can help you out here at List Infinity. 

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My suggestion to you is, first determine how much money you would like to make realistically in the next couple of years, and then make sure you understand your company's compensations plan, so you will know exactly how many customers, distributors, and leaders you will need in order to reach your income goals.

Once you understand the necessary numbers needed to achieve your goals, Do some planning to see what you must do to achieve them over the next couple of years. This is much better than just hoping for the best. (You always want to strategize.)

Before starting, come up with a game plan, and get to work. Look at your business from year to year, instead of week to week, or month to month. You are in it of the long haul.

Finally, never have expectations of others who join your business, because you will just be disappointed. By expecting nothing from others, you can never be let down. In this case, you can hope for the best.

Regardless of which Industry your involved with, you must give yourself time to succeed. If you're working your online business consistently and doing all the right things, the results will soon follow...

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Rick Brier


“To be heroic is to be courageous enough to die for something; to be inspirational is to be crazy enough to live a little.” ― Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

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