Day 1 - You refer Dave, and he purchases both Product Packages. Dave is passed up as a Qualifying Sale at both Package Levels. You are now Qualified at Package #1 and need one more Qualifying Sale at Package #2.
Day 2 - You refer Nancy, and she also purchases both Product Packages. Nancy starts your first Payline at Package #1 and pays you $15, and she is passed up as your 2nd Qualifier at Package #2. You are now fully Qualified at Package #2.
Day 3 - You refer Andy, and he purchases both Product Packages. Andy starts your second Payline at Package #1, and he also starts your ``first`` Payline at Package #2 and he pays you a total of $50 for both Product Packages!
With these 3 people you have just made $65. You got your $57 back, and you are in profit by $8. But that`s not all you have!
You have 2 Paylines going at Package #1 with Nancy & Andy, and they must each pass up 1 Qualifying Sale/Person ($15) to at Package #1. So in essence Nancy & Andy are working for you at Package #1 ``until`` they pass up 1 Qualifying Sale. AND the person that is pass up to you will also pay you $15, and pass up their first Person/Sale $15 to you. This continues INFINITY DEEP. We call these Infinity Team Sales.
You also have 1 Payline going at Package #2 with Andy. This means that Andy will pass up his 2 Qualifying Sales to you at Package #2. So again Andy is ``working for you`` until he makes his Qualifying Sales, and the 2 people he passes up to you at Package 2 will pay you $35, then they will each have to pass up 2 People/Sales to you. This is the doubling effect at Package #2 that you see in ``The Accelerated 230K Business Plan``, and it continues INFINITY DEEP well beyond 16 Weeks!!!
You are now in the Driver`s Seat and every time you make a new Personal Sale at both Package Level you receive another INSTANT $50 commission, and start a new Payline at Package Levels 1 & 2 that will continue to pay you INFINITY DEEP for life!
Day 4 - You refer John, and he purchases both Product Packages. John starts your third Payline at Package #1 and, he also starts ``another`` Payline at Package #2 and pays you a total of $50 for both Product Packages!
As you continue to make new Personal Sales, and your Team Members At Package #2 pass up their 2 Qualifying Sales to you, your Paylines will grow exponentially as shown in ``The Accelerated 230K Business Plan!``
If you study the ``The Accelerated 230K Business Plan`` carefully you will notice that you make only 16 Personal Sales, and by week 16 you have 4200 Paylines! That`s 4200 people working for you ``until`` they pass up their Qualifying Sales. So well over 99% of your income is from Infinity Team Sales, which is also Passive Income for you because someone else is doing to work!
If you have any trouble following along with this example, please create an account or login to your Member Center, and click on the red tab called How It Works. On that Page we have a Flow Chart for each Package Level and you can follow along with the exact same names we use in the Flow Charts
If you will click the link below, you can create your FREE tour takers account if you don't already have one, and watch the 6 minute how it works movie. CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh shows exactly what you just read. (You will need to set aside about 10 minutes)
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“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”―
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