1) The best way to train your new distributors, is to get them involved in money making activities as soon as possible!
2) Give your business some time, and never judge your results the first few months, or even the first year. You should give it anywhere from 2-5 years before deciding if it's what you're looking for. I know you probably don't want to hear that, but that's the reality on Network Marketing!
3) You start out your first year or so earning very little money, but with hard work and dedication, over a period of time, you could be earning an amazing income with very little effort at all!
4) Success in Network Marketing is all about duplication! (With that being said, results will obviously vary from each person!)
5) You will have much more success with a team versus doing thing by yourself! (Leverage)
6) You must be consistent in order to be successful as a distributor!
7) You should be working your business daily, and not treating it like a hobby, so you can form positive habits. You will have a much better chance at success!
8) You must be trained first before talking to anyone about your business!
9) When it pertains to Network Marketing, facts are obviously important, but stories inspire people to take action!
10) The most important story to share is your own!
11) One of the first things you should do as a new distributor, is to put your work schedule on your calendar! (Make sure you tell your new team members to do this)
12) Your top priority is recruiting and retailing. This is what generates your income and builds your business!
13) Create a game plan, and when prospecting (1 on 1), talk to as many people as you can as quickly as possible! (It doesn't matter if you choose to talk to 5 people daily, or 25). This is a numbers game, and the more people that say No, means you are that much closer to someone saying yes! By prospecting, you cannot fail unless you quit!
14) One of the best way's to contact people is by phone. Personally I like to use Facebook Messenger with one of the strategies that only I use!
15) Anyone can hand out a DVD, but unless you are properly trained, not everyone can give a presentation, so make sure to fully understand your business before promoting it!
16) Most people won't sign up or upgrade as a distributor the first time they see content from you. It generally takes on average 7-20 times seeing your content before your prospect will make a decision to join you in your opportunity!
17) One of the disadvantages of trying to sell your products on the first approach is the prospect for whatever reason may not be interested in purchasing. But if they knew more about the business, they would be more likely to purchase products from you!
18) Let the company tools do your selling/telling/& explaining!
19) If you're not sure weather your prospect is interested, just ask. always at the end of your meeting/phone call, ask for the sale! (Always closing)
20) If you have to beg your prospect into signing up, chances are that you would have to talk them into working the business, and you definitely don't want to do that because they will not achieve success, and possibly hinder your efforts at success also!
21) When someone tells you NO they are doing you a favor because you are that much closer to a YES!
22) As a sponsor, your number 1 goal with your new distributor is to get them acclimated to the system, and help them recruit their first, or first couple of new distributors. and then they are responsible for their business from that point on!
23) Network Marketing is an event-driven business!
24) Learning how to promote is one of the most valuable skill sets to have!
25) Always look for the positives in what your distributors are doing, and let them know by compliments!
26) It is understood that every successful Network Marketer's business is built through the leadership of a small number of like minded distributors. You no longer need hundreds of distributors in order to be successful because a lot of company's are built around leverage, So you only need to develop a select few!
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite (New Sign Up Link)
{Quick Tips}:
“You aren't doing "nothing" when you choose to put your well-being first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.” ―
{Quick Tips}:
Take an hour or so today to do the following things:
1.) Write down your business goals for the year!
2.) Create your game-plan for the year!
3.) Create you daily mode of operations!
4.) Share these three things with your spouse and upline mentor!
5.) Plan out your first week in your new business. What will you do each day moving forward!
“You aren't doing "nothing" when you choose to put your well-being first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.” ―
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