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Sunday, April 26, 2020

*** 5 Tips To Focus On You! (Get More Out Of Life:) *** {384)

πŸ’₯Do you feel like something is missing in your life?  Learning to focus on you, instead of others, may be the  key you've been seeking!  So for today...this entire post will be about you... If you find that you're comparing yourself to others and coming up short, it's time to stop that destructive habit. Comparisons get you nowhere. Rather than leading to positive improvements, they only cause you pain and discontent. 

A better choice is to focus on your own personal needs and wants. You're a unique individual who requires a  personal approach! This helps you boost your self-image because you're focused on improving yourself and not trying to beat someone else in some uncharted race. 

Learning to focus on you rather than everyone else around you can be a difficult task. Too often, we're so used to focusing on our families and friends that we don't even know how to begin the process of focusing on our own choices and decisions that determine our lives. 

Follow these five tips to help you focus on fully enjoying your life: 


1) Devote one hour a day to "me time." During this time, focus completely on yourself and the things you need or desire to feel strong, lovable and important. Reflect on what's important to you. Dream big dreams and figure out small steps you can take to achieve them. 

Your "me-time" can be anything you like it to be: take a relaxing bubble bath, go for a walk, take a nap, get a  manicure, read a novel, or do something else. Anything that brings you pleasure simply for the sake of pleasure qualifies as me-time. (I like to go on late night walks by myself)


2) Take care of your own physical, spiritual and health needs. Relying on someone else to meet your needs only leads to dependence and resentment. Don't wait for someone else to do these things for you. 

You have the power within you to meet your own needs and the only way you can be truly whole is to do just that. 


3) Feed you mind and body good healthy fuels. You cannot expect your mind and body to function at their best if you don't provide them with the fuels they need to work at full capacity. 

Feed your body good foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Drink plenty of water  to keep your body fully hydrated. (I drink Apple Cider Vinegar for health purposes)

Feed your mind by reading informative, well-written books, newspapers, and magazines. Choose recreational reading that builds your mind and spirit. Limit your TV watching and spend your time pursuing things that stimulate your thinking instead. 

Play board games rather than video games. Listen to music designed to stimulate your brain waves with binary beats. 


4) Spend time each day doing something you love. No matter what your hobby is, it's healthy to indulge in a creative pastime. (Bodybuilding is my passion)

Gardening, painting, woodcarving and pottery are all hobbies that encourage your creativity while you use your hands to create something beautiful. (I'm an aquariust, and enjoy my fresh water fish tanks. it's very relaxing)


5) Start a gratitude journal. Begin and end each day by listing five unique things you're grateful for in your life. Before long, you'll find that you spend more of your time dwelling on all the good things you have in the world rather than negative obstacles you might face. 

Focusing on you helps you take the best possible care of yourself. It allows you to replenish your batteries and regain your strength so you can be fully present and engaged in the rest of your day. 

Use these tips to start changing your focus today, and have many happy tomorrows! Believe me, try these methods out and you'll be pleasantly surprised with the results =) 

Please feel free to share your results. I look forward to hearing from you. And watch for more of my blog posts. Have a great day!  Hope this helps!

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{Pre-written AD}:

Is it the money?

Why are so many smart people choosing the Internet market as a career? It's the money, stupid! Think about it. When it comes to what you do for living, your earning potential has to rate pretty high on the list—unless you want to live on Spam sandwiches! But there's more to it than that. People are choosing Internet businesses because:

You don't need special talent or training to succeed.

You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

You can be in charge.
You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

You can grow your business at your own speed.
You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

You can work out of your home.
You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

All you need is a computer and a few inexpensive Internet tools.

You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

The best thing is that you can start right now! You don't need to quit your day job—but you may decide to. When I chose to start my own business as an online entrepreneur I quickly found out that I can make more money than some of my friends who slave away in the traditional business world.

Before you decide if an Internet business is the choice for you, you need to ask questions and get answers. A lot of the answers can be found on my Web site. Just select the Web site below and don't waste another day!

😎https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Members have 24/7 access to me if they need to talk or help with anything...


“The roughest roads often lead to the top.” ― Christina Aguilera

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