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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

*** By The Numbers/Get Your Websites Indexed Below *** {375}

💚If you just reach out to 20 people a day, for 12 months, that’s over 5,760 people.
Let’s say that 10% of those check out your presentation or watch a company video.
50% of those you get phone appointments. And yes, I said phone appointments. (I use Facebook Messenger and face time my prospects.)
5% of those you get signups. This is a VERY low percentage of people that you reached out to that’s joining your business. I want to be conservative here. (On average you will get anywhere between 3% - 7% to sign up for your opportunity per every 1,000 people)
Let’s say after reaching out to 5,760 people, you got 120 signups. (Never work a job again!)
If you talk to most top earners in the industry, the average top earner has recruited between 50 and 150 people. So, you’re well on your way to getting that top earner status.(It doesn't take a lot of people to help build your business) You can actually build a recession proof business with just a few like minded people. If you look at it over a year, it’s pretty amazing what you can accomplish.
{Get your websites Indexed here} 

Getting Indexed Has Never Been So Easy PingMyLinks Website Submission is a Search Engine Optimization service that automatically submits and updates your website, blog and business to a large number of FREE online services, tools and directories. This is a great way to add and update your website to the most popular who is records, databases, web tools and business directories online today. All directories are search engine friendly and checked for quality assurance. Get Indexed by Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu and many others... Full Access - GO <<=== Click Here

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10  (New Sign Up Link)


“Leaders Concentrate Single-Mindedly On One Thing– The Most Important Thing, And They Stay At It Until It’s Complete.” -Unknown

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

*** Craigslist "AD" & Script (Responding To Interested Prospects) *** {374}

👍{Craigslist "AD"}

Hello {firstname},

Are you looking for...?

Hundreds Per Day...From Home?! (Details Inside)
I know it sounds ridiculous compared to what
“the real job market” is offering you…
They want you to be a slave.. Period!
They want you to accept peanuts.
They want you to drive in rush hour traffic.
They want you for stupid hours.
They want you away from your family.
They want you under their limits.
They want you playing their game.
They want you dressing THEIR way.
They want you jumping when they say jump…
We want you to be you.
We want you to set your own schedule.
We want you to set your own pay.
We want you to set your own limits.
We want you to spend time with your family.
We want you to be authentic and dress YOUR way.
We want you to make a boat LOAD if you want it.
We want you to click on this link and stop making excuses.
We want you to stop procrastinating.
We want you to stop thinking and acting like a broke person.
We want YOU to start WINNING in life!

(Your contact Info)


Craigslist Script: - Responding to someone who has reached out to you about your opportunity

Me: Hey______, this is (your name)  giving you a call back about the craigslist ad you responded to about (working from home. insert your business)
Me: I’m glad you called, so we can get to the position. I would like to learn a little about you first to see if you're someone I would want to work with.
Me: Can you tell me a little about yourself?  (take notes here, things that you have in common mention to your prospect and connect with them, maybe you are both insurance agents, who knows)
Me: Why are you looking to make extra money? or Why do you want to work from home? ( this is the most important question to ask because you will want to use their “why” to help close them when you follow up. if you get a general response i usually say, “what do you mean” or can you elaborate on that?
Me: What level of income are you looking to make on a monthly basis?
Me: How serious are you about that? Tell me why. (just listen and take notes)
Me: Ok (firstname), you sound like someone I could possibly work with, what I’m doing may or may not be a good fit for you. I think the best thing for us to do is get you some information. I have received hundreds of calls about this and I only have room to work with {#} people, I have a short video that you need to watch to see if you qualify. I plan on taking this video down shortly, how soon can you watch it?
John Doe: I can watch it now, i cant watch it at 2:00 pm. ( If they say something like next week or 2 weeks from now, kindly excuse yourself from the call by saying, “john I'm looking for people who are little more serious are you sure you can’t watch this today?” if no, ” thanks for your time good bye.”
Me: Ok great john, now I’m very busy and value my time, I’ll be calling you at 2:30 to talk about working with us.  Keep in mind that this may or may not be a good fit for you.  Talk to you then…
👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9  (New Sign Up Link)
                                                  (How to Post "ADS" using Craigslist)


{"AD" For The Resume Section - Marketing To Job Seekers}

* If you are interested in great pay with weekends off apply within

DigiSoft Payline is in it's 6th year and is rapidly expanding

We are currently looking for highly motivated individuals, who
are willing to work at least an hour per day from the comforts
of your home as an Independent Distributor (No selling involved)

*No experience required, as we do provide a comprehensive training program!
*Must be at least 18 (Serious enquirers only)!
*100% commissions (Daily/Paypal)!
*We are worldwide!
*We are looking for people to start immediately!
*This is a career opportunity, not just a job!
*Small 1 time fee ($22 or $57)!
*Complete training provided by me!
*Fully Automated!

P.S. Please contact me for full details

*For questions contact me @

(Your Contact Info)

***Change anyway you like to fit the Narrative That Fits You***
“The Man Who Has confidence In Himself Gains The Confidence Of Others.” – Hasidic Proverb

Monday, March 23, 2020

*** How To Post "ADS" Using Craigslist (Stats Below) *** {373}

Where in Craigslist to Post Ads

There are ONLY TWO sections to post ads in to get good responses… 

The Gigs/Computer section and The Jobs/Sales section

That’s it.

If you are on a very tight marketing budget, then the Gigs/Computer section will cost you only $5 - $7 an ad, depending on the city.

You will get a lot of responses (using the "AD" on the next page!) in that section.  People will reply back to you, and you will respond back to them using the (Script on the next page. Click the link directly below)

💚https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8  (New Sign Up Link)



Now… I must admit, you get a much higher quality of people in the Jobs/Sales section of Craigslist. 

In the Gigs/Computer section, it’s been my experience that many people reply, but also many people don’t have the money to join.  Many of them are just looking for a quick gig to make money. 

But marketing is a numbers game, so the more responses you get, the better your chances to attract someone who likes what they see and has the money to join your team.

The Strategy for Posting Ads

You can post in ANY city in the U.S.

You want to choose only medium to large size cities.  Not small cities.  The larger cities for Gigs/Computers will be $7 an ad.  The smaller cities will be $5 an ad.  You will see the ad price once you choose a city to post in.

For Jobs/Sales ad, it is $20 for smaller cities, $25 for medium cities and up to $35 for large cities.

When you go into either section for a city, take notice of how many ads per day are there. The point is that you want YOUR ad to show for at least several days.  So you don’t want to pick a city where there are a TON of other ads from the same day, because within a day or so, Your ad will be way down there.

On the other hand, you don’t want to pick a city where there are hardly any ads for each day or worse yet, where there are some days that have no ads.  You will not get much action in those kinds of cities.

So find cities that have several ads per day (but not too many) and post there.

Once you have chosen a city, copy and paste what i send,  carefully following the Craigslist prompts along the way, and then pay the fee.


You want YOUR ad to stand out amongst the others in the listings, and here is how you do that…

Put an emoji in the very beginning of your title.

You can get great emojies here:

Scroll down to the Animals and Nature section.  Pick one of the gold color symbols like the gold star, or fire, or lightning bolt, or smiley sun. (Optional)

Copy that emoji and paste it at the very beginning of your title.

This is a VERY IMPORTANT step that will make your ad stand out in the listings. I also Market to Job seekers in the Resume section at the bottom of the page. (See link above for the exact "AD" I use)

Craigslist Statistics

  • 60 million users Tweet 
  • 50 billion page views per month.
  • 13 languages.
  • 80 million ads.
  • more than 1 million job listings.
  • 200 million postings.
  • 100 forums.
  • 40 Craigslist employees.


“A Room Without Books Is Like A Body Without A Soul.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

*** 4 Prospecting Scripts You Can Try When Using Facebook/Messenger/ 3 Bonus "ADS' Below *** {372}

💥Prospecting Script #1:
Hey! I was just scrolling through my friend list and realized that we hadn’t talked in a while. How are you? What have you been up to? (They answer back, and then you say…) Well hey, you know what? I’d love to catch up soon, but I wanted to let you know that I’m doing this side project, and I immediately thought of you because (insert the reason you thought of them). I have no idea whether it’s a fit for you, but would you be open to watching a short video that shares some quick details? If not, no worries!
Prospecting Script #2:
Hey – I’ve been meaning to reach out. How are you? I know this is strange to say, but your name kept popping into my mind when I was thinking of people that might be open to this new thing I’m doing. It’s a product I’m LOVING lately because it X (insert your favorite product benefit here). Not sure if it’s a fit for you, but if you’re open to it, I’d love to send you some more info. If not, totally cool.
Prospecting Script #3:
Hey, {firstname}! How are you? Look – I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I wanted to let you know that I started this new side business a little bit ago because I have a passion to help people that want (better skin, more financial freedom, etc.). I have no idea whether that is something you might be open to, but if so, I’d love to send you a quick video that explains a bit more. If not, no worries! (These 3 are for people you already know)
Prospecting Script #4:
Hey {firstname}!, My name is Rick Brier, and I noticed that you're looking for ways to earn more money from home...Do you have an interest in learning how to make money in a home based business?
===> Script #4 is only used when prospecting strangers (Cold Market). This is a very unique strategy, but it does work. If you scroll through your Facebook feed, Usually at night, I'm sure you've seen others posting their offers all over the page, And always at the end of the AD they say reply "INFO", and you may see a lot of people from all over the world reply. All I do is contact these people to see if they are open, and that's it! I've got many of my company sign ups for my team and I this way. This method takes a little more time and effort because this is your (cold market). I work on building a rapport with these people, and keep around 500 on my list that I talk to regularly. Some of them won't be interested in your offers, and that ok. Move on to the next person. By playing the numbers using prospecting techniques, you cannot ever fail! There will always be opportunity seekers out there that will want to join you in your company ventures. If you're with a company that has implemented a really good compensation plan built around leverage such as what we have at DigiSoft Payline, You only need a handful of like minded individuals to build you a recession proof business! You just have to sift through the crowd to find them! Feel free to change these anyway you like to fit your narrative.

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7  (New Sign Up Link)


*3* MLM Ads to Generate Qualified Leads

 => Ad #1 Are You OVER Qualified and Frustrated with Your Future Financial Goals? Stop Wasting Your Time! CALL (insert number) NOW to Hear about What Business Leaders Around the World are Calling the Best Financial Vehicle for Today's Economic Trends and the Safest Way to Secure Your Financial Future. 

=> Ad #2 ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS Revolutionary New Business Concept! Incredible Success Rate! Have Fun and Earn More $$$ Than Ever Before Call (insert number) - Available 24/7

 => Ad #3 Are You Tired of Making the Company You Work for Rich? We’ll Show You How to Earn What You are Really Worth for Yourself! CALL NOW to Receive the Details that will Change Your Life! (insert number) - 24 Hours/7 Days

*** Feel free to change these to fit your narrative... Not for social media!


*Bonus Script:

This may or may not be a good fit for you!

Just curious, would you be at all OPEN to a side project

if it didn't interfere with what you are doing?

This may or may not be a fit for you,

if you are open, GREAT, if not, no big deal.

I wish only to give YOU an Opportunity to

Evaluate Information,

to Make a Choice that YOU Believe is right for you.

I care not if you say yes or no to my Products as a Customer.

I care not if you say yes or no to my Opportunity as a Team Member.

I only care that YOUR Choice is the one that you know is right in your heart.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”– George Bernard Shaw

Friday, March 20, 2020

*** Corona Virus Update & Good News Facts *** {371}

😰I've been talking to people from all walks of life, In other countries about this Corona Virus, and how it's affected them. The Filipinos have been quarantined, and not leaving their homes for over a week now as of my writing this post (3/20/20). I live in a small Indiana town of about 60,000, and we just had our first confirmed case of the virus. Since all of this has started, I've seen so many people literally in panic mode, Running over others in the Grocery stores because they are afraid of this because it's all new, and no one knows how this will play out, So I thought that I would post a little bit of info below, and even further down the page, are my updated stats, that you won't hear on the News, because they are basically giving everyone a death sentence, and that's just not the case at all! I want to make this perfectly clear when I say that in NO way am I making light of anyone's tragedy, But to give hope, and try to get people to stay positive. Still do what you are being told, such as try to stay in as much as possible, Wash your hands, Don't get around large groups of people, etc...

{Corona Virus Update}:

According to a recent New York Times article, "Between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to one projection. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.

And, the calculations based on the C.D.C.’s scenarios suggested, 2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds. Fewer than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill."

Here are the people most at risk:

If you’re over 50
If you have diabetes
If you have a heart condition
If you are overweight
If you have a compromised immune system
If you are a smoker

Fact of the matter is...

This is no ordinary flu; it is much more aggressive. If your immune system can’t fight off the infection, it quickly turns to pneumonia and is often fatal. Even worse, if things really take off like they are predicting, you won’t even be able to get proper treatment because the hospitals will be flooded... Simply put, the very BEST way to protect yourself is to make sure your immune system is in top shape. This can both prevent contracting it in the first place, and even if you do, preventing it from turning into pneumonia and becoming fatal.

A Vienna Laboratory is saying the people who have died from this all had Ibuprofen in their system, so whatever you do, DON'T TAKE IT! The people who have recovered didn't take it. If you get the symptoms, you can take Paracetamol! (generic Tylenol) or (Vitamin C). also drink hot tea and liquids. Heat also kills it.  you can't catch it through the air. it can get on your clothes and be passed from person to person. When drinking hot water, cut up some lemons or oranges to put in your water. 

{8 New Good News Statistics}:

1) There was a new born baby in China (Where this originated), recovered from the virus in (17) days with NO medication!

2) Recovery to Death ratio worldwide is (10/1).  (8,000 Deaths/80,000 Recoveries)!

3) Fatality rate worldwide was expected to be between (2%-3%)- Now is down to (1.4%)!

4) South Korea 2 weeks ago had (909) cases daily that caught the virus out of their 50+ Million population, and as of a few days ago were down to (74) cases daily, and NOW actually have more cases of recovery, versus new cases!

5) To this point there have been (116) Deaths in the U.S. versus (106) Recoveries! (The Recoveries will obviously surpass the Deaths)!

6) There are (42) Apple Stores in China that were closed for about 2 weeks, and are all open NOW!

7) A (103) year old woman again in China has beat the virus, and is cured!

8) A few weeks ago China opened (17) makeshift Hospitals to combat this, and all of them are NOW closed because they don't have enough cases! Unfortunately Italy is being greatly affected at this time because they have an older community of people, and that seems to be the most individuals attacked!

My point of this is again  to show people that this isn't a death sentence, and will get better. I believe there's no need to panic and be a hoarder when you go to the stores. The Government has already quarantined people to there homes, only to go out and get food, or maybe check on a loved one, and saying to stay away from large groups of people. The likely hood of actually dying from this is slim to none. Again I'm not making light of the few casualties we've already had, just trying to put a positive spin on a bad situation!

P.S. If you're someone that has been greatly affected financially, and looking to possibly supplement your income, click the link below and checkout my offer. You just need to be Coachable, and be able to devote at least an hour a day to this! (Full Training Provided by Me!)

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6  (New Sign Up Link)

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (Contact me with Questions!)


"Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years". Bob Brown

Monday, March 16, 2020

*** How Long Will It Take To Build A Successful Business? *** {370}

💥I am going to assume you mean from the time you join the business until you can live off of it as a means of a full-time income.
In normal cases it will take you between 3 to 5 years of working the business before you can really live off it, similar basically to getting a degree in any profession when you think about it. (I have known people to go as long as 10 years.) The bottom line is that it really doesn't matter, as long as you don't quit!
The majority of people within the industry join for everything other than a new career or even thinking that the industry is a job, why you might ask there are two reasons I can think of the first being they are sold on the dream someone else had created for them. The second is those who are successful within the industry know it is a full time job but it doesn't bother them because they love what they are doing, they have what most people lack time freedom to do what they want when they want.
I say 3 to 5 years because in the first year you will have one set back after another, possibly in the second and third year as well depending on take a guess ... YOU yes you determine how well and how fast you will earn within the industry this is also what makes it so difficult because you have no boss that has you on a time card.
So realistically speaking if you roll up your sleeves, and put your mind into a action mode of positive activity you can easily enjoy a 5 to 6 figure income per month after 3 years of full commitment.
I must warn you however, the industry is addicting, if you are not careful you may find yourself making great friends, enjoying fun travel adventures and creating the mindset of a champion long before you earn 5 to 7 figures within the industry. With time though the money will come your biggest asset is you, you control your future. Treat it like a business and not a hobby and your chances of success are much greater.

Do NOT Ever Quit!

The ONLY way you can ever fail in network marketing is by quitting. This might sound cliche, but it is true. The successful network marketing professional’s of today at one time or another, had thoughts of quitting but didn’t, and that’s why they are where they are now… TOP INCOME EARNERS! Network marketing does take time, but be assured the Results WILL SOON Follow!

Advise from an Amway Legend:
Here is a quote I found from Amway Legend Bill Britt.  This is what he credits to his success. 

"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said 'NO' and only 300 signed up. Of those 300 only 85  did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and  out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire." 

This statement validates the power of working the numbers until  you find your key players. This is a numbers game, no matter  what anyone else tells you. 

💛https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  (New Sign Up Link)
{Pre-written AD}:

Do you HATE your job?

You hate your job am I right?

In fact you don't even need to answer that, let alone think about your job....

Because I have this for you and you're gonna love it!

Not only will you no longer need a day job, you'll be able to spend time doing the things you enjoy..

Like spending time with your kids or going out to eat at fancy smancy restaurants.

If that's not your kinda thing, heck, just make a ton of cash and kick back with a cold beverage.

Right Here is where it all begins (don't delay)

If you love your job, that's fine with me....

I know a bunch of ballsy action takers that will be chomping at the bit to get on this...

So if you snooze you lose my friend, that's just how it goes.

Talk soon
👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 👈 (A call to action)
“Entrepreneurs Are Great At Dealing With Uncertainty And Also Very Good At Minimizing Risk. That’s The Classic Entrepreneur.” – Mohnish Pabral

Sunday, March 15, 2020

*** A Thank You E-mail For Your Prospect (Follow Up) *** {369}

💥If you're using E-mail as one of your advertising strategies, which I think you should be, I've created an E-mail to send them for checking out your company website, Or watched a video you sent. I set mine up this way because if you will read my first paragraph, I encourage them to pay attention to my E-mails. Unless they ask for more info, don't start bombarding them with your link. I have strategically planned out content that I send them every few days or so, So they can get a better understanding on how Network Marketing works. If you start sending your website link right off the bat, you're going to lose your prospect, and may even make them mad. The average person that's possibly interested in Network Marketing needs to see 7-20 connections from you before they will make a decision one way or another. This is said to be just an average, So I suggest you have some content to drip on them. I even send my prospects some of our Downloadable Software Products. Most of them will help you build a recession proof business. It is very important to always have a game plan, because without one, you're setting yourself up for failure. If you join me @ DigiSoft Payline, Our CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh, along with myself have pretty much done everything for you, So your success rate is much greater. This is completely Automated, and almost impossible to fail unless you quit, and sometimes that does happen because people get impatient and expect success without putting in the necessary work. If you're looking for an inexpensive, easy to do business opportunity, I recommend contacting me so I can give you the no-hype details on exactly how I can help you become successful just like my "TEAM" and I. If you're already involved in another great opportunity, feel free to use or change the E-mail below!

💙https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4  (New Sign Up Link)




{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Hi, {firstname},

This is (your name), and I wanted to thank you for recently visiting my website. You may not remember because you may be researching things online. I just wanted to introduce myself and encourage you to pay attention to the E-mails you will receive from me. It's so important that when you start your search online for an online business, that you keep your mind open!

As I'm sure you are well aware, There are some very strange characters out here on the internet, and some are only interested in one thing.....Your mo-ney. But you need to know that not everybody is the same. Some do actually  want to help you on your journey to success! I'm happy to be one of them:)

I have been fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad for sometime now, and i have to tell you it's exciting! I like to give back, And there is no better feeling than knowing that you have played a big part in someone else's journey to financial freedom. Very satisfying I can assure YOU.

Talk soon 

Rick Brier (DigiSoft Payline -- Sponsor)


“People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.” – Rob Siltanen

Thursday, March 12, 2020

*** My Exact (3) Steps That I use To Contact Tour Takers @ DigiSoft Payline *** {368}

😀Here @ DigiSoft Payline we are a fully automated system, and wanted to show you my exact (3) steps that I use to follow up with my "TOUR TAKERS". I have other methods that I use, but the reason I'm showing you this is because regardless what business opportunity you choose, you need to implement a game plan/strategy, otherwise you will never be successful. You want to keep it simple, because at some point you will need to work with your Downline members, training them with some of your best Marketing strategies. Anyone on my team has full access to daily E-mails, access to my blog, and complete training. I even Advertise for my TEAM by using paid methods, so they don't have to!  All of my methods are tried and proven to work!

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  (New Sign Up Link)


{3 Quick Steps To Follow Up}:

{Step 1}

I send this exact E-mail. just fill in your personal info

{firstname}, I wanted to introduce myself! 

Hi (firstname),

I seen that you requested more info on {DSP}. I know we all get a ton of E-mail, So I will keep this short. Just wanted to let you know that I am absolutely committed to changing our financial future together...

I would love to connect: Please add me as a friend on Facebook! My direct Facebook link is

My best E-mail is

===>  (Your E-mail address)

I really look forward to working with you and helping you grow a great business from home!

Talk Soon!

(Your Name)


{Step 2}:

Next I send this (1 of the 4) messages that we are sent from the automated system. just pick 1 of them. doesn't matter which one, and send via E-mail. (copy & paste)

=> Subject Line  {firstname}, I'm on my way to 230k, care to join me?


Joining DigiSoft has been the best business decision I 
have ever made online! The Products are great, and the 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan is even greater! PLUS! Admin helps to close your sales!

Our 230K Splash Page and Business Plan is making it so easy to get signups! You're going to love those unlimited instant daily $50 payments!

To get started, login to your Member Center and upgrade to a Payliner, then purchase `both` Product Packages so you can take advantage of the 230K Business Plan at Package #2.

If you join me at both Package Levels today I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you get off to a FAST START!!!

Your User ID: ???


(your name)


{Step 3}

For the last step, I send them a text message. you can use this one or create one of your own if you like, just input your info. The automated system captures this info once they click on the link to my website, and create their FREE "Tour Takers" account. (Takes about a minute to create)


Hey (Their name),  (your name), here from DigiSoft Payline,

and I just wanted to thank you for checking out my site,

and to encourage you to watch the 6 minute how it works

movie if you haven't already done so, and then contact me

so we can discuss further to see if this will be a good fit for you.

(The system even shows if they've watched the 6 minute  How it works movie, and how many times they watch it)

Have a great day!


Once you've completed these steps, you've put yourself out there for them, and now it's up to them to contact you... Remember, you still have your "TEAM MAILER" in your back area that you can send random messages to them all...I use mine several time a day because most people won't purchase anything on the first mailing...On average it takes 7-20 mailings before individuals will potentially want to join your business...These are just rough numbers, and obviously no guarantees! By using these methods, I've actually signed up many of my "TOUR TAKERS" ...  If you should get some "TAKERS" wanting more info, you can either contact me, or if you talk to them yourself, keep it very simple, and let them do most of the talking...The key is to get them to the 6 minute how it works movie!  By sending a text the likelihood that it will be seen is far greater than an E-mail. (about 98% chance it will be seen). Calling is always the best option, but not everyone is comfortable doing this, So do what you're comfortable  with. We also have a tool in the back office area called an Intelliprotac Software. It automatically follows up  with your Tour Takers, no matter how many you have.

Please be patient, because it will take time and effort to build any business! Hope you enjoy my posts continue to check them out. I will posting more of my strategies!


“Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.” – Will Rogers