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Thursday, December 31, 2020

*** (10) MLM Golden Nuggets/Happy New Year 2021 *** {483}

💥Here are just a few random MLM golden nuggets... 

Just because someone tells you "NO" today, that doesn't mean it's forever. Follow up until they buy or die. You never know when their situation might change for the better.

Find one good company, and stick with it for better or worse. Just know that it's going to take time to build any network marketing company you join. 

Prove the haters and naysayers wrong by having ultra success.

This industry is a numbers game, and the people who makes the most exposures of their products/services are the most successful. 

The reason why most people don't get involved in the MLM industry is because they don't truly understand it. Otherwise they would all be doing it.

You have no leverage when you have a job. (just over broke) The day you are no longer working, is the day you have no money coming in. MLM can certainly change that.

Successful people stick with one company and keep their nose to the grindstone, and unsuccessful people are looking to get rich quick. (doesn't exist)

You must have balance in your life. You can work your butt off, but always make sure to enjoy family time as well. If you aren't successful at home, the odds are that you won't be successful with your business. Just enjoy your journey.

You should always to strive to be the best you can be. Never settle. Come out of your comfort zone, because it's the only way you can be great.

Most companies within our industry are built around leverage, and it only takes just a few good leaders to help you build a business. No one person can build an empire by him/her self. Also no one builds their business the same way, and that's the beauty of our industry.

😇https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 👈(Go here now) - A re-brandable E-book with 57 ways to generate more leads to your offers and 88 FREE Classified websites to post to post your affiliate links...

{Pre-written AD}:

Can I afford to start a home-based business?

Most Americans would agree that our economy has seen better days, but that doesn't mean your finances need to feel the slump, too. Home-based businesses are an inexpensive way to begin a profitable, reliable, venture. So if you want to change your financial future then click the link below and let's get you started on your way to financial Independence!!

👍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 👈(Go here now) - The viral list building system that pays you 100% commission on every sale...


{E-mail for your tour takers} (IGNORE 👇)

Who wants to be a millionaire? 

Yes, it's very possible, and you don't need a lottery ticket. 

All you NEED is:

1) A winning business plan –created by experts.

2) A small investment –($22/$57 Investment 1 time)

3) Some effort on your part-Work it like a business, and not a hobby!

4) Time and patience – yes, this is not get-rich-for-one-night-scheme. Interested? Take the first step now.

5) Join (DigiSoft Payline: http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323) Watch the 6 minute how it works movie (GONE)

6) Checkout the FAQs page. (Should answer your questions, but if not...)

7) Then PLEASE contact me for any questions. (http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323)

We show people how to make 230k within the next year, just by following our lead...


Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. - Bo Jackson 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

*** How To Recruit 5-10 People A Week Into Your Network Marketing Business (video) *** {482)


💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13  👈(A call to action) - You will receive a plethora of FREE downloadable E-books from me over time, and 200 FREE Leads with an E-book of scripts so you can follow up...

💜In this video Linsey Moore gives you several methods for recruiting more people into your MLM business, and one method that she mentions is blogging, and that you can start one for a minimal amount of money due to hosting costs, but if you should decide to start a blog, and you're strapped for cash, you can start one for FREE right here on 👉blogspot.com. She gives some really nice tips...

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now)  - Get paid up to $300 as soon as today! ($7/$25/$100/$300 packages to choose from)

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Start 2021 out with a bang!!!

Where do you see your self in a year from now?

Still working away in your J.O.B

or living a life style that is more relaxed and refined.

What if I told you I have a way

for you to accomplish that easier lifestyle goal.

The time for new resolutions is now

and the time to take action could not be better.

When you join today using the link below

We are going to completely set you up and get you some

instant traffic to boost you into the New Year.

💪https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now) - Leverage The Work Of Your Referrals! When your referrals send people to one of your lead capture pages, they “Pass Up” every 5th lead to you. So, if 10 of your referrals generate 100 leads each, that’s 200 leads sent directly to your autoresponder account! That's right! You get 20% of all leads generated from the efforts of your referrals! And if any of those leads sign up for a membership, the commission on any product sales go to you!

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier


"One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than 50 preaching it. - Knute Rockne"

Sunday, December 27, 2020

*** Random MLM Tips *** {481}

💥Below I listed a few random tips that you should know about the MLM industry. 

Ask questions & listen:

Make sure to ask the questions so you are in control of the conversation, but also listen to what your prospect has to say, otherwise they are in control and you are at their mercy. 

What it will take to be successful:

You must stay focused throughout the process for at least the first couple of years, and try to reach out to as many people as possible consistently. (5,10, 20,) that's up to you.

Stay away from the tire kickers:

These people will only drag you down, and waste your time. Serious people will not beat around the bush. 

You have to fail before you succeed:

There is an old saying that says "3 steps forward, 2 steps back." Which means that every time you get knocked down, you get back up. You will run into many pitfalls on your ways to success. Learn from them, and move forward.


Everyone has their own ways to motivate. The great Michael Jordan used trash talk to elevate his game and made him the best NBA player of all time in my opinion. My point is, that you have to find what motivates you. Wife, kids, more money, quitting your job, etc...

Multiple streams of income:

Network Marketing takes years to master, so keep it simple, and focus on building one stream of income first before trying to build multiple streams of income.

Make sure you're prospecting:

The amount of money you make will be a reflection of how many people you talk to. If you talk to no one, then you will make no money. Talk to a lot of people, and make a lot of money, it's that simple.

It's not necessary to know everything:

Earn while you learn is our moto. Relax, and don't stress out because you don't know everything about your business, or products. All you really should know is how to share your business, and products with your prospects. It's cool if you don't totally understand your compensation plan. Get started, and if you make a few mistakes along the way, (because you will), that's OK! I've actually seen people upgrade into a business, and then not start because they said they wanted to learn all aspects before starting. My response to them was, how much money do you expect to make while you're idle and learning? (zip, nada, zilch)

Get yourself out there. It's ok to make some mistakes!

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 👈(Go here now) - High-Converting Lead Capture Pages. Our lead capture pages consistently convert 30% to 50% depending on your traffic source. And you can view the clicks, leads, and conversion rate for each page you promote.

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{Pre-written AD}:

I Can Show You How To Earn six Figures Online!

Work with our team and learn this step by step system for earning daily, weekly, and monthly sales!

I will even help you advertise your affiliate site!

Join Today! 👇

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈(A call to action) - Members Have Posted HUNDREDS Of Testimonials In Our Facebook Group!


{FREE Traffic Sources}

Not all traffic is equal, so I'd like to share some traffic sources that are adding subscribers from marketers worldwide 

 Remember the 80/20 rule. 80% of your signups will come from 20% of your traffic sources. That is why I like to share the ones that have been tested & proven to work.


“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” – Vince Lombardi

Friday, December 25, 2020

*** 3 Questions You Can Ask Prospects To Get Them Curious *** {480}

 😀I thought I would share 3 questions that you can ask your prospects to get them wanting more info about your MLM opportunity. These have been tested by me, and do work, but you're welcome to change them anyway you see fit, or create your own. Should you decide to create your own, make sure you don't off pushy because that is a sales killer. Also there are a couple closing techniques you can try after asking questions. Be a good listener, and let them do most of the talking. If you want to even add a couple more questions, that is totally up to you.


1) Have you ever been involved in network marketing before?

2) If so, why do you think you things didn't go very well? (Obviously things didn't go well, or they wouldn't be interested in your offer)

3) Is the timing right? and do you feel you're committed? Because if so, I think I have something that may help, but wanted to make sure you're open to my offer before I tell you more about it. (You always want to give them an out, so they don't feel pressured)

💥Now that you have peaked your prospects interest with your questions, you are now ready to close the deal. The first one is more common.


1) "Based on your feedback, I think my business opportunity/product will help you ____ "(Whatever their goal is), and don't mention the name of whatever you're trying to sell them.

This one takes a little more guts, so you may want to practice first.

2) Awesome! I have 1:00 and or a 2:15 PM open today. Otherwise I'm booked solid with appointments. Do either of these times work so we can chat for a few minutes before I send you the info? I just have a couple questions to ask so I know what info is best to send."

Now, how you make contact is totally up to you. Could be by phone, Text, Skype, etc... Personally I like to use Messenger. Use what works best for you. Being comfortable is important.

Just make sure to let them know the times that you're available, and those don't work, then simply figure out what works for you both, and move forward. You want to make it sound like you're very busy. If they're serious, then they will get back to you, and if not, no harm, no foul. No time wasted. Move on!

Most marketers like to engage by phone, and that's fine, I've done it myself many times. The reason for this is because you can gage by conversating with them, as too how serious they are about your opportunity.

Don't be upset if you send the info, and they don't look at it. It happens to everyone. If you can get a commitment before sending the info, that's great. Your job is to get them qualified anyway you can.

I'm showing you what works for me. Prospecting is a vital component for your success, so I really hope that you give it a try!

😎https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 👈 (Go here now) - You can accept Paypal, Credit Card, Cash App, Bitcoin, Zelle, Wise, and more...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{Pre-written AD}:

Hundreds per day...From home?! (Details Inside)

I know it sounds ridiculous compared to what “the real job market” is offering you…

They want you to be a slave.. Period!

They want you to accept peanuts.

They want you to drive in rush hour traffic.

They want you for stupid hours.

They want you away from your family.

They want you under their limits.

They want you playing their game.

They want you dressing THEIR way.

They want you jumping when they say jump…

We want you to be you.

We want you to set your own schedule.

We want you to set your own pay.

We want you to set your own limits.

We want you to spend time with your family.

We want you to be authentic and dress YOUR way.

We want you to make a boat LOAD if you want it.

We want you to click on this link and stop making excuses.

We want you to stop procrastinating.

We want you to stop thinking and acting like a broke person.

We want YOU to start WINNING in life!

👀https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 👈(Go here now) - 3 step process. Step #1: Set up your system/Step #2: Grab a capture page/Step #3: Promote your Affiliate Link...


{Admin Update} (IGNORE 👇)

You can't have what you don't want.

Aug 18, 2018

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

You Can`t Have What You Don`t Want!

- IF you do not want to own a nicer car, you never will

- IF you do not want to own a nicer home, you never will

- IF you do not want financial freedom, you will never have it

No matter what it is, if you do not want it, you will never have it!

But if there is something in life that you want and you are willing to work for it, then I believe you can have it! We all want more, we all want something better for ourselves and for our families.

We have the Pay Plan that can make all you dreams come true! All you have to do is find some like minded people who like you, want something better in life!

Please login to your DigiSoft Member Center, and take another look at the How It Works Movie, then take a real close look at the 230K Game Plan on the Status Page in your Member Center.

The 230K Game Plan shows how you can make $230,000 in less Than 12 months if everyone made just one Package #2 sale every 2-3 weeks.

One sales every 2-3 weeks, that`s not a lot of sales to make 230K! Even if you only made $100,000 in the next 12 months, that will still be life changing M(0)NEY for everyone!

We have to Pay Plan to do, and it is not going to cost you a fortune to get started at both Package Levels ($57)!

DigiSoft User ID: 

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


"It's hard to beat a person who never gives up" - Babe Ruth

Thursday, December 24, 2020

*** Guidance Lesson/The Truth About Failing (MLM) *** {479}

💘{Guidance Lesson}

Guide people. Lead them, but don't be a boss, or bossy. They deal with that 5 days a week, 8 hours a day at their day job. Never ask anyone to do something that you wouldn't do yourself.

If you start micromanaging everything they do, you will lose them. Remember, this is their business to do as they wish. You are there to give them advise, or answer questions.

Generally people will do about anything for a great leader, but will shut down and ultimately quit when being bossed around.

Be a leader, that inspires others and brings out the best in people.

{Truth about failing}

Every successful person regardless of what they did to achieve that success, will tell you that they failed at least multiple times before eventually achieving success. 

There is nothing wrong with failing. Learn from it, make the necessary adjustments, and move forward, but no matter what, never QUIT!!!

Believe it or not, most people take at least a decade, and sometimes longer before they find success! Persistence is key!!! 

If you're a Network Marketer, or thinking about giving it a try, and you don't have persistence, than you might as well stick to your day job in corporate America, working long hours, weekends, and holidays, While missing out on a lot of quality family time!

😍https;//litinfinity.net/rick2323/9  (New Sign Up Link)



{E-mail for your tour takers}

[Proven path to success] Follow the path!


If someone took you by the hand and showed you exactly what they did to earn money online; would you duplicate them exactly?

I hope the answer is yes! However there are huge numbers that would not follow. Strange isn't it?

The real key to earning online is:

1) solid business

2) excellent marketing system

3) growing traffic sources

This Proven Path gives you all of that and more!

Here is the link

This is the system and the path that could change your life!

Talk to you soon

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier


“Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.”– Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

*** What Makes People Fear MLM? *** {478}

😀In this post I'm going to talk about in my experience about what holds people back from wanting to join an MLM company...

Can't find a good mentor/sponsor:

Every successful marketer has had someone teach them. This is important because a good Mentor can also help you master the necessary skill set needed for your success! 

When joining any company find someone in your upline, let go of your ego and follow their lead. You can achieve success a little quicker by doing so!

No objective:

Most people have no idea what they would like to accomplish in life, because they don't take the time to write them down!

Write down your personal and written goals, and be specific. Make sure they are attainable, and refer to them when needed. hang them on your refrigerator, so you will see them on a daily basis!

Strong Mindedness:

The best of the best have mastered managing their time and emotions. being able to do things needed when they really don't feel like it. Self control has never held anyone back, but the lack of sure has!


People are afraid of many things within our industry such as failure, success, what others think, and/or rejection. 

They always say that when afraid of something you have to tackle your fears. (Just do it!) In most cases you will fail before you succeed. Learn from it, and move forward!


From personal experiences, most new reps will join a company thinking that they will be making big money within the first 30-90 days, and when they don't, they usually end up quitting, or jumping into another company, and that's a recipe for disaster. 

Realistically you may go the first year without making any money @ all. The important thing is, that you can't quit! If you never quit, you can't fail! 

Work with your sponsor, and work the numbers. You will hear more "NO's" than "YES's. Fact is that you only need a few leaders within your organization to help build your business, and this is due to leverage! (Good companies have that implemented within the structure of their compensation plan)

As you develop your skill set, you will gain confidence, and you're giving yourself time to succeed. Give it 2-5 years before deciding what you want to do moving forward!


A lack of confidence in yourself will also make success impossible. If you want to be successful you must believe in yourself, your company,  & your products!  

Educate yourself about the industry, by reading, or researching, or even youtube videos. This falls under personal development. which you should be doing about 30 minutes daily, or for however the time you have allotted yourself. Use your products, so you pass along the info to others who may be interested in purchasing from you!

Lack of Investment:

Most reps don't take their business seriously because they have very little money vested. When the going gets tough, it's real easy to throw in the towel because you have such a minimal amount of money vested, so it's not a big deal to them.

Your traditional brick and mortar business owner has vested at least 6 figures to start a business has much more to lose, and go all in, in order to do whatever's necessary to achieve success. Most  MLMer's don't seem to have the same mindset.

The best way to succeed as a network marketer, is to think like you have vested millions into your business, and only have a limited amount of time to earn it back!

Lack of a good system:

If you're not comfortable with the system that was implemented than failure is a certainty. 

You must find a system you're comfortable with and develop a plan that works for you, and once you master it, teach it to others, and repeat!

Time management issues:

It is said that you only have to spend a few hours a week in between your busy schedule to build your network marketing business. For best results, more time will create better results. If you can't work it a few hours a week with any results, then you certainly won't be able to work it full time.

You must create a plan and stick with it. Plan your work, and work the plan, until you get the results you're looking for!


What is your why? If you're not sure, then you better do some sole searching otherwise you won't stick around long. You will begin to make excuses, and ultimately will let life get in the way.

When you know your why, make sure to write it down, and refer to it often. Only you know the answer!

Over optimism:

I see this all the time. Someone will join a company, do very little work, and expect miracles. And will ask why they haven't made any money. Instead of complaining how about putting your nose to the grindstone, and actually put some effort into your business. Take some pride in what you do.

I know you don't want to hear this, but when starting a new business venture. You will go through a learning curve with the development of your skills, and will probably have to work at least a year or so before making a profit. Plan on working the business at least 2 years before making a decision either way, if it's something you want to pursue!

Lack of self guided improvement:

Your business will only grow as much as you do. You can be the smartest person on the planet, but if you don't consistently work on your skill set, your business will never grow. This industry has a lot do to with your mind because you have to develop a specific knowledge. You must become the person you want others to follow!


The biggest reason why people fail in our industry is because they aren't approaching enough people. You should be trying to contact at least 5 people daily, otherwise it's nothing more than just a hobby for you.

Being Idle will lead to frustration, and self doubt. Take massive actions, and your confidence will grow along with your business. My favorite method of contact is Facebook Messenger. You decide what works for you! 

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7  (New Sign Up Link)



Luring someone into business is the promise of a lucrative income with less investment or no investment at all. Dreams are being sold here but your hard work and hustle is sold separately. It seems to have let loose the entrepreneur in these people with the dream that one day, they will also become millionaires like those who have been successful in this industry. (98.2% of all marketers are failing, for many of the reasons listed above)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Your lucky day!


You have just received one of the most coveted links in the world!

The link at the bottom of this email was only sent out to a few select people, and you are one of them!

If you don’t click on it soon, the embedded script will deactivate the link.

This kind of offer rarely presents itself, so I’m happy it found its way to you.

Please consider what you’ll miss out on if you don’t take this option to click on the link. You will understand what I mean once you do!

I hope you’ll do the right thing - take care and talk soon!

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier


You’re only as strong as your weakest link.”– Phil Jackson

Thursday, December 17, 2020

***Common Question? How Can I grow A Recession Proof Business? (MLM)/ Merry Christmas *** {477}

💥Probably the most common question that Network Marketers get asked is:

"How can I grow a successful recession proof business?"

So I thought I would post some things you can try. Breakdown below! Always think outside the box. you can think of more!

Place a few classified "ADS"
Send your affiliate link to 3 people
Mail 25 postcards randomly (it will take around 1000 to see results)
Add 5 new friends/connections from Social Media
Publish a short YouTube video (preferably around 4 minutes)
Post in @ least 5 Facebook group pages
Go to a Forum or blog post, and leave a comment with your link
Attend a Network Marketing Event
Hand out a few drop cards @ your local mall
Contact 5 of your leads, any way you like
Give someone a free sample of your product
Sell someone your product or service
Invite a prospects to some form of presentation
Share a testimonial with a few prospects. (doesn't have to be yours)
Send a few hand written notes, or flyers in your bills
Contact someone who opted out of your business, to see if they want to opt back in.
Create new content (could be a blog post), and share with others
Have a meeting for team members, or prospects
Sign up 1 new rep (try to do this on a monthly basis)
Contact one of your team members and help them do anything on this list
Collect a few business cards off of cork boards in your town, and contact them about your offer
Read a book, or watch a YouTube video, and learn a new strategy
Check your E-mail and reverse prospect someone by text, phone, mail, or email

Depending on your goals, try to do a minimum of 5 things on this list and for best results, you should be able to do around 10. Consistency is key, so create a daily routine, and stick to it. There is no reason why shouldn't be able to achieve your daily goals within a couple hours! There are plenty of ways to build a business, you have to choose what works for you, or utilize other strategies! 

htts://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6  (New Sign Up Link)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

One Team-One Dream! Financial Independence!


Whether you are...

- New to Internet marketing...
- Tired of programs which collapse and simply just stop paying...
- Looking for something to complement your current business...
- In need of an extra income (full or part time)

We Have An Affordable Solution!

- Unique and extremely lucrative compensation
- 100% commissions paid daily
- Rapid withdrawal requests
- A Team Which really cares about You

Don't think you can refer? We've got it covered!

So, there's no chasing...

- Family members
- Money making doubters
- People with no ambition

Aside from our company's products and services you will also receive...

- Ready made Lead Capture Pages
- Pre-written Autoresponder Emails
- Massive Advertising Resources
- Help With Your Advertising
- Much, Much, MORE

This is real, the company is real, the people are real...the opportunity to make a lot of money is REAL!!!

Join me in this business, see the huge potential, make it yours.

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


💝{Merry Christmas} - The meaning of Christmas!

Christmas (which means "Feast day of Christ") is a Christian holiday that refers to the birth of Jesus (whom Christians believe is the Son of God), and a cultural holiday for non-Christians. Christmas is celebrated December the 25th! ... Modern traditions of Christmas often focus on the giving of gifts.