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Thursday, September 19, 2019

*** My Story To Network Marketing *** {330}

πŸ’₯I thought for this post, I would talk a little about me and how I got here, So bear with me, because I'm not very good when it comes to talking about myself. I started this journey back in 2006 after the company I worked for, for over 15 years shut down, and moved. I owe my success to a very close friend of over 40 years, because He actually got me into this industry. Back in the early 2000's he Joined Amway, which we all know, and still is a Phenomenal company. He not only worked a full job in corporate America, but was kicking butt with Amway as well.

He tried for years to get me into the company, but it was totally out of my comfort zone, because selling was not my strong suit, and I continued to tell him "NO" that I wasn't interested. I was perfectly content working my 8 hour, 5 days a week job...It wasn't until my company closed, that I said to myself, that I wanted more out life than punching a time clock day in and day out for the next 30 years or so. Once my company finally let us all go, I had enough money to last me for at least the next couple of years before I would have to do something, So during that time, I decided to look into Network Marketing, and see if it was something that I could do to earn money from home, because I didn't like the thought of having to find a new career, and starting all over again.

In 2006 I finally jumped into a company with both feet called Quixtar. Some of you may know it. It's the sister company to yes, you got it... Amway. I was very eager to learn and was on my computer for hours everyday. I studied, and was always on the phone with my upline doing 3 - way calls. My upline, and her upline were showing me how to close my sales. I listened and learned, or so I thought, because they told me that I had to purchase all of our products, which cost me $3,500. After my purchase I found out that I was taken, because I didn't have to do that, but my upline said I did, and that's because they got bonus points, which earned them a commission off of my purchase, So I chalked it up as a bad experience, and lesson learned. I guess on a positive note, I was able to use most of the products, So it wasn't a total loss...Needless to say, I felt betrayed and decided to move along to something else...

After I was finished with Quixtar, I was still determined to succeed, and continued my quest to find something else that I could do. I did what you're absolutely not suppose to do, and that was jump from program to program just throwing good money after bad away. It was always the next best program, which again I learned that you can never succeed in any business if you're bouncing from one program to the next, and I still see people doing that today.

I must've worked at least 50 programs, with very little results, but I was still not ready to throw in the towel...I'm stubborn that way...(lol) I finally got my big break when  I joined a company called (The Daily Income Network), and finally was able to taste a little bit of success. I was a top 10 recruiter with the company that had over 48,000 members at that time. Unfortunately they had server errors and was forced to shut down. I wasn't happy about it, but still I wasn't ready to quit, because that's not what I do!

In 2015 after doing my due diligence I found DigiSoft Payline, and things took off for me, because I had finally been in the industry for awhile now and at least had some knowledge about what I was doing. I created my own business plan, and pretty much didn't have someone to show me the ropes. Every time I signed up for an opportunity, I never heard from my sponsor once they got my money, So with that being said, That's a big reason why I'm a good sponsor for my people, because I know what it's like not having anyone there to help

I have made enough of a name for myself now, that people will contact me asking to check out an opportunity to see what I think. Now when people join me @ DigiSoft Payline, the learning curve isn't near as bad as when I started, because I offer daily training, and try to simplify things as much as possible. Most of the work is already done for you. This is simple copy and paste advertising, getting people to our (6 minute how it works movie). It does the selling/telling/& explaining so you don't have to... I do teach some very unique strategies, but they have worked for me, and others within my Downline! You just have to tell yourself, that this is for the long haul. You can't work it for a month and expect success...I'm not telling you that you can't make money quickly, but this is a business and as long as you treat it as such, you can be successful! If you like my story, and wish to work with me, the link is below. All you need to do, is click & create your free tour takers, and then watch the how it works movie. takes less than 10 minutes. Our CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh will explain the compensation plan and how you are paid. (Paypal/Solid Trust Pay/Western Union/Money Gram) - Worldwide!

πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4  (New Sign Up Link)



Isaiah 41:10 ESV

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
The one things you need to be on guard about is negative self talk. When you make a mistake learn to forgive yourself quickly. Dwelling on negative words from customers or employees will just hold you back. Use negative feedback as an opportunity to grow, but don’t hang on to it, Treat it like water off a duck’s back. Treat each day as a new start. Love yourself and be loving to others.

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