Introducing The DigiSoft Payline 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan
The 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan is the Intellectual and Proprietary Property of Ron Walsh, and Any Reproduction in Whole or in Part Will Result in Legal Action.
Our one-of-a-kind proprietary "1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan" was engineered by Ron Walsh, our CEO & Founder. DigiSoft Payliners earn commissions selling your 2 Digital & Software Product Packages. Each Product Package has its own unique Pay Plan, and while each Pay Plan pays commissions independently of the other, Pay Plan #1 seamlessly flows into Pay Plan #2 to create one of the most affordable and profitable income opportunities online today! We payout a full 100% on all Package Sales, and commissions are sent instantly member-to-member! So there's no waiting to get paid, and the company never touches your money!
Package #1 $15 One-Time Payment - 100% Payout - Commissions Paid Instantly Through a 1UP Infinity Pay Plan
Package #2 $35 One-Time Payment - 100% Payout - Commissions Paid Instantly Through a 2UP Infinity Pay Plan
Getting Started!
To get started you would upgrade to a DigiSoft Payliner, for just $7/month. The monthly Payliner Fee is for your DigiSoft Website & Hosting, Tracking Software to run your business, and Training & Marketing Materials found in the Payliner's Room. The $7 Admin/Payliner Fee is the only way the company makes money because we payout a full 100% on all sales.
After you have upgraded to a DigiSoft Payliner you would submit your Purchase request for the Package Levels you wish to earn commissions at. You cannot skip Package #1. You can start by purchasing Package #1 by itself, or you can purchase Packages 1 & 2 from the very to maximize your earning potential. This is what most people do!
Package Level #1 (One-Time Payment of $15) - 1UP Infinity Pay Plan
When your payment is confirmed by your Package Sponsor you will be placed in our 1UP Infinity Pay Plan, and receive an email telling you it's ok to start promoting your DigiSoft website. You will also learn where to download the Digital & Software Products in Package #1. Please Note - The Tour Taker Sign Up Form on your DigiSoft website will not be activated until your payment for Package #1 has been confirmed by your Package Sponsor.
1UP Infinity Pay Plan - How It Works!
- You would send $15 to your Package Sponsor for Package #1.
- Your first sale is called your 1UP Qualifying Sale, and that Person/Sale is passed up to your Package Sponsor whom he or she will pay $15 for Package #1.
- Your second sale onward (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.) is called a Personal Sale, and each Personal Sale starts a new Payline. When you start a Payline you become the Package Sponsor for everyone in that Payline, so your Personal Sales will pay you $15 for Package #1, and they will also pass up their first Person/Sale to you.
- When someone is passed up to you, you become their Package Sponsor and they pay you $15 for Package #1. They will also pass up their first Person/Sale to you. This continues Infinity Deep in each Payline, and we call these sales Infinity Team Sales.
Please Note: Your personal referrals and or the people passed up to you as an Infinity Team Sale earn commissions the exact same way you do at Package #1, in that they start their first Payline with their second sale onward (2, 3, 4, etc.).
* DO NOT send $15 to anyone for Package #1 until you have submitted your Purchase Request, and our Tracking Software tells you who your Package Sponsor is. Only our Tracking Software can tell you who your Package Sponsor is going to be, and who you need to send your $15 payment to.
It is not inconceivable for anyone to have 25, 50, 100 or more Paylines at Package Level #1, and every $15 Infinity Team Sales is Passive Income because someone else did the work to give you their 1UP Qualifying Sale! Imagine waking up in the morning or coming home after work every day to find 10 or more $15 payments deposited into your favorite online account, and all you have to do is login to your DigiSoft Payliner's Room to confirm the payments!
Package Level #2 (One-Time Payment of $35) - 2UP Infinity Pay Plan
If the $15 Infinity Deep payments at Package #1 have you excited, you're going to be blown away when you see the doubling effect a 2UP Infinity Pay Plan has on your Paylines, and income at Package Level #2!
If you do not purchase Package #2 (one-time $35 payment), and or one of your Personal Referrals submits their purchase request for Package #2 before your payment for Package #2 has been confirmed, they will Roll UP to the next Active Qualified Payliner at Package Level #2, and you will not receive credit for the sale. This is why most people are choosing to purchase both Product Packages from the very start for a one-time payment of $50!
The big difference between a 1UP and 2UP Infinity Pay Plan is the number of Qualifying Sales everyone needs to pass up before they start their own Paylines. With a 2UP Infinity Pay Plan everyone passes up their first 2 People/Sales to their Package Sponsor. This is a very exciting because it has a doubling effect on your Paylines that'll send your income through the roof!
Pay close attention to your 1st Payline in the 2UP Flow Chart below. Note how Andy passes up his first 2 People/Sales to you (Sally and Tom). You now have 2 Paylines because in a 2UP Infinity Pay Plan each person who is not fully Qualified represents a Payline. Then Sally and Tom pass up their first 2 People/Sales to you, and your 2 Paylines turns into 4 Paylines (Mike, Sam, Cathy, & Karah)! Then the 4 Paylines will turn into 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and so on to Infinity Deep! This does not happen in the 1UP Infinity Pay Plan.
As your Personal Referrals/Sales follow you over from Package Level #1 this doubling effect to Infinity Deep will happen in all of your Paylines at Package Level #2! You sell Package #1 (which is not hard to do), and Package #2 will sell itself because of the Doubling Effect, and the Infinity Deep $35 Payments!
2UP Infinity Pay Plan - How It Works!
- You would send $35 to your Package Sponsor for Package #2.
- Your first 2 sales are called your 2UP Qualifying Sales, and those People/Sales are passed up to your Package Sponsor whom they will pay $35 for Package #2.
- Your third sale onward (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.) is called a Personal Sale, and each Personal Sale starts a new Payline. When you start a Payline you become the Package Sponsor for everyone in that Payline, so your Personal Sales will pay you $35 for Package #2, and they will also pass up their first 2 People/Sales to you.
- When someone is passed up to you, you become their Package Sponsor and they pay you $35 for Package #2. They will also pass up their first 2 People/Sales to you. This continues Infinity Deep in each Payline, and we call these sales Infinity Team Sales.
Please Note: Your personal referrals and or the people passed up to you as an Infinity Team Sale earn commissions the exact same way you do at Package #2, in that they start their first Payline with their third sale onward (3, 4, 5, etc.).
* DO NOT send $35 to anyone for Package #2 until you have submitted your Purchase Request, and our Tracking Software tells you who your Package Sponsor is. Only our Tracking Software can tell you who your Package Sponsor is going to be, and who you need to send your $35 payment to.
Thanks to the doubling effect of Paylines infinity deep at Package Level #2, our members are able to generate substantial amounts of cash in a relatively short amount of time, and thanks to our Tracking Software you do not have worry about a thing because every time a purchase request is submitted everyone involved in that sale receives an email with instructions on what they need to do if anything, and all your Referrals, Paylines are displayed in your Payliner's Room!
How and When You Get Paid!
After you have upgraded to a DigiSoft Payliner, and enter the Payliner's Room for the first time you will be prompted to submit your Preferred Payment Options. This is where you will enter your payment details for Pay Pal, Payza, and SolidTrust Pay.
When someone has to pay you for a Product Package, they will see your Preferred Payment Options as soon as they submit their purchase request, and they would send their Package Payment directly to youusing one of the Payment Options you submitted. After you have received a Package Payment, you would login to your DigiSoft Payliner's Room, and go to the Confirm Payment Page where you will click a Smiley Face button next to that person's name, then follow the prompts to confirm their payment.
PLEASE NOTE - You are not permitted to tell someone to pay you for a Product Package before they have submitted their purchase request. Our Tracking Software cannot track sales that have not been entered into the system, and only our Tracking Software can tell someone who and when they have to pay.
If your account slips into Inactive Status, all new sales from your Paylines will Roll UP to the next Active Qualified Payliner at each Package Level. Inactive Status happens when a DigiSoft Payliner does not pay their $7 monthly Admin/Payliner Fee on time.
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