Using co-op advertising cuts down not only on your media costs but also on your ad production and creative expenses as well. A smart advertiser will factor co-op advertising, if available, into his or her budget. The major drawback to co-op advertising is that some manufacturers have more restrictive programs than others.
Another form of cooperative advertising is sponsored by shopping districts or centers, which feature an advertisement from each retailer in the shopping center. These promotions are often found in local newspapers for back-to-school specials, St. Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Mother's Day, Father's Day and so on.
Be careful to coordinate any co-op advertising you do within your overall marketing scheme. Only use co-op advertising if it meets your needs. If you??ve chosen a different approach in your advertising campaign, don??t switch in midstream just to take advantage of free advertising dollars.
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of co-op advertising:
Keep careful records of how much you've purchased from each supplier. If you try something unusual, such as a sales video or catalog, get prior approval from each vendor before proceeding. If you're preparing your own ads, work with an advertising professional to prepare an ad you think will appeal to the manufacturer. Keep in mind the image the manufacturer presents in its own ads. Make sure your company's name stands out in the ad. Your goal is not so much to sell the supplier's product but to get customers into your store. If a manufacturer has no established co-op program in place, pitch your ad campaign to the vendor anyway. Expect vendors to help out; after all, you're bringing them business. If your vendor doesn't offer co-op advertising money, you should look for another vendor who does. Be sure to follow up. Money goes only to those who submit claims.
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Home business is about relationships with the people you are in business with.
When you join with someone in business, You want to know upfront your sponsor will be there for you.
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How many times have you tried to reach your sponsor for some help, Only to find they make you feel like you're bothering them?
It's the worst feeling. You're stuck and you just need a little help, Or to get a question answered.
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In fact, the thing I enjoy most, is helping people. It's much more satisfying when someone says thanks, than when they pay me!
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“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” - Anthony Robbins
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