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Saturday, November 1, 2014

*** FREE Traffic Tool *** (www.alexa.com) {71}

*F*ree gift... Join me @ List Infinity, and I have a plethora of FREBIES that you will receive from me in order to help build your Affiliate Marketing Business....

πŸ’›If you want to check out how much traffic your Websites are getting, just type the website URL into the search bar at the top of the page, and it tells you how popular each site is, and any additional info... πŸ‘‡

{Example}: Top 3 Trafficked Websites...

{Pre-written AD}:

List Infinity is on the move.

I would like to welcome all the new Payliners who joined us over the last week or so, and there were a lot of you! Now let`s get you making M0NEY!

There is no time to waste here to make some extra c-a-s-h before the Christmas Holiday Season. So you guys and gals need to get your ads out there right away! A minimum of 10 a day, that`s an hour a day!

Fast C-A-S-H!

All the ``smart people`` who want to make some fast c-a-s-h before the holidays know that you cannot do it with one of those Matrix style pay plans because with these types of pay plans you will only have 2 pay days before the holidays!

The reason for this is because Matrix pay plans pay you once a month!

The sales you make in October is not paid until mid November. The sales you make in November is not paid until mid December. The sales you make in December is not paid until mid January.

The only way to get paid fast c-a-s-h before the holidays is through a Member To Member Pay Plan like we use at List Infinity!

πŸ‘€https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - All you have to do is set up your system, select a Lead Capture Page, and and promote your link. It's that simple, and I help you with my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months...


{Happy Thanksgiving Message}:

Happy Thanksgiving:

I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving.  Even if you don't celebrate the holiday (if you live in another country) I hope you take the time to cherish and love your friends and family this week.

 Key to Success in Life:

Determine what you want to achieve, map out a game plan, and get to work.  Success is getting what you want in life; happiness is enjoying what you get! That's a quote I recently read and loved it.

 Tips to Be More Productive:

Here are a few things you can do to be more productive in your business from now on.

-Wake up earlier each day!
-Plan out your week each Sunday night!
-Schedule your business activities!
-Only focus on money producing activities, which are retailing and recruiting!
-Batch your activities and do similar tasks at the same time!
-Make your calls during your lunch break!
-Spend as much time building depth as you do personal recruiting!

πŸ’–https://listinfinuty.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - We have a private Facebook Group page with over 9.1k members worldwide where you can see all of the testimonials of payments received. To date members have made over a quarter of a million dollars with List Infinity, and I don't see it going anywhere, anytime soon...

 πŸ‘‰ http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{Admin Update}:(IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Feb 6, 2019

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

I would like to welcome all the New Payliners and Tour Takers who joined us since my last Admin Update!

February is off to a great start! To all the Tour Takers reading this, please do not waste any time sitting on the side lines, our Payliners are receiving instant $15 and $35 commissions!

You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you can go all in at both package Levels like most people do for $57

If you are a Tour Taker and you are no sure how everything works, login Now and watch the How it Works Movie!

Keep up the great work everyone!

DigiSoft User ID: 


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


"A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship." - John D. Rockefeller Jr.

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