Nobody wants to give away their hard earned money to a program, and get nothing in return... I've put together some tell-tale signs to better educate you in your search for a legitimate online business... It should be noted that their is no such thing as the perfect business...
They all have downfalls, and it's your job to do the research....
➽{Tell-Tale signs}:
π1) If a business tells you to send cash or money orders by mail, Then it's probably not legit. Most online opportunities allow payments to be made by credit card, or Paypal...
Paypal is the same as having a second online bank account, and it's 100% FREE to use... (Just create an account) π
2) Another sign is if the website has a lot of glitches, and Mis-spellings, and doesn't generally start out with (http://)... Also if the website has a lot of capital letters, this is a pretty good sign that you might want to steer clear of these programs.
3) Avoid FREE offers from the company, because that usually means that you will have to pay for it later... One of the complaints that I've dealt with over my years of work at home opportunities, is that most businesses only tell you the cost to get started... They almost never let you know what costs you will occur along the way... (With my opportunities, I send a complete price breakdown to all of my prospects... I hide nothing, and have done most of the work for people who join my team.
4) Here are some key words/phrases to look for... "NOW or NEVER" "GET RICH QUICK" "GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING" "QUICK" "EASY" "NO WORK REQUIRED" "NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY" "BIG MONEY FAST" "MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP" "MAKE MONEY IN YOUR P.J'S" If it sounds to good to be true, then more than likely you'll want to stay away from these opportunities!!! ... Before joining any opportunity, I urge you to do your due Dilligence and find out the facts first... Here are just a few things you can do...
1) You can" Google" any business, and you will see plenty of pages full of links, good and bad... Even some good opportunities have a few negative responses, so make sure to check it out thoroughly.
2) You can go to ➤( and see what people have posted... If you're looking at a particular opportunity, and don't see anything bad posted, then there's a pretty good chance that it might be legit.
3)You can also call the website owner and ask some tough questions, making him/her tell you everything that you're wanting to know... Admin also has contact info on the web page... Send questions to them as well... If it is legit, they will have no problem answering your questions... *These are just a few ways to better educate you on making a potential life changing decision about your financial future... Unfortunately, because of the saturation online, {98.2%} of all internet marketers are failing to make any money at all... With List Infinity, members are taught the correct ways to market both online, and offline...
π (New Sign Up Link) - Join FREE today, and I will be giving you my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and 200 FREE Leads with an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...
{Pre-written AD}:
Be your own boss...You call the shots!
Retired? Unemployed? Laid-Off, or Insufficient Income?
Start your own Internet business from home. Build residual and leveraged income to create real wealth.
World Wide Income System that REALLY WORKS! All it needs is you.
FREE Training and support, websites and products all provided!
ππ(Go here now) - 7 day FREE Trial Offer, and then you can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose. I use Aweber because they pay me when I bring others into the program...
{Admin Update}:
The power of the drip!
June 17, 2016
Hi Rick,
I am pleased to see that more and more people are starting to use the DSP Team Mailer in the Payliners Room to encourage their Tour Takers to upgrade to a Payliner!
For all the new Payliners who joined us over the last few days, the DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool you have in your Payliners Room!
The people who use the DSP Team Mailer are making more sales, and that`s how you grow your business faster, and make more M0NEY!!!
I call it; ``The Power Of The Drip!``
If you have not used the DSP Team Mailer yet, here`s a short email you Can send to your Tour Takers right now!
Start Tour Taker Email
______________________________ ____
DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online, and you are missing out on all the fun because you have not upgraded to a Payliner yet! You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you purchase both Product Packages from the start like most people do for only $57.
The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get sign ups, and Admin closes your sales for you!
If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my BEST Advertising Resources to help you get off to a fast start!
______________________________ ____
End Tour Taker Email
DigiSoft User ID:
Let’s Do This!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
➨ (We Close Your Sales!)
Hi Rick,
I am pleased to see that more and more people are starting to use the DSP Team Mailer in the Payliners Room to encourage their Tour Takers to upgrade to a Payliner!
For all the new Payliners who joined us over the last few days, the DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool you have in your Payliners Room!
The people who use the DSP Team Mailer are making more sales, and that`s how you grow your business faster, and make more M0NEY!!!
I call it; ``The Power Of The Drip!``
If you have not used the DSP Team Mailer yet, here`s a short email you Can send to your Tour Takers right now!
Start Tour Taker Email
DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online, and you are missing out on all the fun because you have not upgraded to a Payliner yet! You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you purchase both Product Packages from the start like most people do for only $57.
The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get sign ups, and Admin closes your sales for you!
If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my BEST Advertising Resources to help you get off to a fast start!
End Tour Taker Email
DigiSoft User ID:
Let’s Do This!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
➨ (We Close Your Sales!)
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