Signature Fonts - Turn your signature into a signature font and sign documents digitally.
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Ultimate Font Download - Download 10,000 Fonts with one click. The Ultimate Font Download is a collection of 10,000 quality fonts from award winning font designers. Supports Windows & Mac OS X.
Font Search Engine - Didn't find the font you are searching for? Then visit Font Search Engine, who offer one of the largest commercial archives online. There are currently over 30,000 commercial fonts on offer.
Free Mac Fonts - If you are a Macintosh user then this website is for you. They offer one of the largest Macintosh compatible archives online. Unlike other archives 100% of the fonts contained in this archive are Macintosh compatible.
YetiShare - A ready made file hosting website with a multiple file uploader, user registration, admin area, video player and more.
Font News
Font-Curious? Try These Tools That Identify Fonts on the Web (Yahoo Tech) Evidently the Internet is full of people trying to identify their type. I don’t mean members of dating sites — I mean people who are curious about the name of any given typeface they’ve encountered, online or off. Luckily for such folks, the Internet is a font of typography-identifying information and tools. Ha ha. Ahem. Anyway. Here’s the latest handy example we’ve heard of, via The Atlantic: The Chrome extension Fontface Ninja (also available as a Safari extension and a bookmarklet).
Google Is Designing the Font of the Future (NY Mag) Among the thousands of features on your smartphone, one you’ve probably never thought about is which fonts it uses. Typography is involved in almost everything we do on our devices — the emails we send and receive, the texts we compose, the tweets we scroll through — yet to most of us, letters are just letters, numbers are just numbers. We might pick Garamond over Comic Sans for a cover letter, but on a phone, who cares? Google, though, is paying attention. It’s spent years trying to create the perfect fonts for Android devices, a sprawling ecosystem that includes small phones, big tablets, and everything in between. And now, as Google is installing Android into cars, TVs, and watches on your wrist, the company is attempting an audacious task: making a typeface that looks good on all of them.
Fonts In Chrome For Windows Will Look Better Soon (Tech Crunch) Google released the latest beta version of its Chrome browser today, and if you’re a Windows user on a machine that runs at least Vista, fonts will now look better on your screen. That’s because the Chrome 37 Beta now supports Microsoft’s Direct Write API, a technology that improves the way fonts look on modern screens. For the longest time, Google didn’t support this and instead used Windows‘ Graphics Device interface — which is based on technology from the mid-80s, when LED screens were still far off and computers were much slower.
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Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. – Lance Armstrong
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. – Lance Armstrong
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