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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

*** 5 MLM Master Tips (Article) *** {243}

πŸ’₯I found this article by a legend in the network marketing arena, named Rod Nichols, and he talks about what you should be doing on a daily basis, in order to grow your business...Check it out below!

Please contact me if you would like to subscribe to my mailing list. you will receive daily Tips and tutorials on how you can grow your business!

πŸ’ͺhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2  (New Sign Up Link)



ADMIN UPDATE:  {E-mail for your tour takers}:

You need to unlock the door!

As a DigiSoft Payliner your main job is to promote your DigiSoft Website, and you should be doing that at least 1 hour a day. You can get a lot of ads out there in 1 hour.

If you are not promoting daily it would be like having traditional store front business but you do not unlock the door every day to let your potential customers in your store. We all know this is not the way to run a successful business.

Below you will see an ad that you can post online every day!

I would also like to acknowledge all of those people who have been using the DSP Team Mailer! It is so important for Tour Takers to hear from their DigiSoft Sponsor. Keep It Up!

DigiSoft IntelliProTrac:

When you receive a notification email for our DigiSoft IntelliProTrac Software you have to be following up with that Tour Taker as soon as possible!

There are a choice of 4 Follow Up Emails in the notification email that you receive our DigiSoft IntelliProTrac Software, make sure you send one of those emails to your Tour Taker, or compose your own Follow Up Email. Follow Up Is The Key To Success!

Below are some subject lines, and an ad for you to post online.

Fact, 85% of all Payliner Upgrades come from the United States, so it only makes sense to target networkers from the U.S., and the subject lines below reflect this.

But they still attract non U.S. Networkers because they want to know what is so important for U.S. Networkers to see and they open the email.

Pick A Subject Line:

URGENT NOTICE For All Networkers From The United States!
ATTENTION All Networkers From The United States!
United Sates Networkers Are Flooding Into DigiSoft! => WHY?

Post The Ad:

Who Else Wants To Make 230K In 12 Short Months! We Close Your Sales, and You Keep The C-A-S-H!

Pays Instantly Member-To-Member With a 100% Payout!

DSP Team Mailer:

The above ad is NOT meant to send to your current Tour Takers, It is for you to post online to ``Get NEW Tour Takers!``

Here is an email that you can send to your Tour Takers today.

DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online today!

Here are just a few of the reasons why I joined DigiSoft Payline:

* Low Start Up Cost & One-Time Package Purchase
* You Keep 100% On All Personal & Infinity Team Sales
* You Get Paid Infinity Deep On All Paylines
* Earn Unlimited $15 and $35 Commissions
* Pays Instantly Member To Member
* 230K Splash Page & Business Plan a BIG HIT
* How It Works Movie Does All The Selling and Explaining For You
* IntelliProTrac Software Identifies & Follows Up With Your Hottest Prospects
*Admin/Ron Walsh Helps To Close Your Sales

I could go on and on but I will leave it there for now.

Fact is people are making mo-ney with DigiSoft every day and you could be one of them! Please go back and watch the How It Works Movie, and if you have any questions afterwards please let me know.



“If you fill your mind with FEAR, doubt and unbelief in your ability to connect with, and use the forces of Infinite Intelligence, the law of auto-suggestion will take this spirit of unbelief and use it as a pattern by which your subconscious mind will translate it into its physical equivalent.” - Napolean Hill

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