πAlways work with the newest reps at the bottom point in the organization. Be there for anyone on your team when needed, but try to get the newest reps a sign up or two as soon as possible, because by doing so, you're more likely to keep them around due to the confidence boost from that initial sale...
The key to long-term success in the business is working in depth. When you work at the bottom most level of a leg, you light a fire in the basement and automatically excite everyone above them. Working in depth also anchors in the people above them, (fear of loss).
You only need four leaders. four best friends to make it big in Network Marketing.
To make a lot of money in Network Marketing, you only need a few serious people. Four good people can make you a fortune. If you are doing the business the correct way, you will build a good relationship with these leaders, and become best friends in the process. (This is according to the most compensation plans!)
Always think long term.
Most Network Marketers are extremely short sighted; looking for a quick dollar. Whenever you make a decision about your business, always ask yourself how it will affect you in the long term. Make sure ALL of your decisions are focused on the long-term. For instance, it's smart to work beyond your pay level. It's smart to help someone who is at a higher rank than you (in your downline). Don't be shortsighted and just focus on the quick dollar.
Any fool can complicate something, but it takes a genius to keep it simple.
You need to keep the business so simple that even an eight year old could do it. Don't complicate anything. Don't reinvent the wheel. Keep things caveman simple! (You probably won't make much if any money your first couple years, but you can't quit!)
The X factor is personal growth.
One of the most important keys to success in Network Marketing is your personal growth. This is definitely the best personal development industry I know of. For things to get better you have to get better (thanks Jim Rohn). You need to work your people skills, your attitude, your confidence, your posture, and your knowledge. This takes time. Strive to get a little bit better every single day! Focus on incremental growth. (Set a goal and try to achieve it, but be realistic!)
You need two things to build the business: Coachability and work ethic.
To succeed in Network Marketing, you must be willing to humble yourself enough to listen to your successful mentor, and follow their lead. In addition, you must be willing to outwork everyone else. You have to roll up your sleeves and do the work that most people are not willing to do. (If it was easy, everyone would be successful!)
If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
This business should be fun! Most people already have a full time job in their life, and they don't need another full time job or boss. You need to have fun. Celebrate your success. Laugh. Don't take yourself too seriously. Have events and parties for your team. Recognize people when they do a good job. (This is absolutely true, but everyday won't always be a good one!)
Bonus: People are either leaders or doorways.
People are either leaders themselves or they will lead you to someone who is. Even if your newest rep is lazy, and isn't willing to do anything, there is a good chance that they know a leader! Your goal is to get your new people (all of them) to lead you to leaders.
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"Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy. " - Denis Waitley
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