πA review of good and bad programs. Click the link below to find out more. →http://scamxposer.com/business-directory.html

πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 π(A call to action) - When you join, I will provide you with my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and much, much, more...
Advise from an Amway Legend!!!
Here is a quote I found from Amway Legend Bill Britt.
This is what he credits to his success...
"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said 'NO' and only 300 signed up. Of those 300 only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."
This statement validates the power of working the numbers until you find your key players. This is a numbers game, no matter what anyone else tells you.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 (Go here now) - Can you work from home 1-2 hours per day, over an extended period of time, if it meant you could change your future, and ultimately QUIT your dead end job? I challenge you to contact me for full details...
{Pre-written AD}
My name is Rick Brier, and I am your List Infinity Sponsor.
Thank you for registering for the Tour! List Infinity is moving very fast, and we are getting paid just as fast because List Infinity pays 100% commissions instantly member to member!
Please click the link below and watch the 3 minute minute Movie as soon as you can, and make sure you check out the rest of the website before making a decision either way...
Thank you for registering for the Tour! List Infinity is moving very fast, and we are getting paid just as fast because List Infinity pays 100% commissions instantly member to member!
Please click the link below and watch the 3 minute minute Movie as soon as you can, and make sure you check out the rest of the website before making a decision either way...
The mon-ey you can make here from such a small one-time purchase is Truly AMAZING!
If you join my Team at any Level, I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you get off to a FAST START!
Please send me a quick email to let me know where you saw my AD so I know what advertising resources are working the best. Thanks :)
Team Work Works & I look Forward To Working With You!

{Admin Update}:
I Just uploaded a New Feature to the About Me Setup Page in your Payliners Room!
This New Feature will allow you to place a Personal Message and or YouTube Video on the "Your Sponsor" page in the Member Center of your Personal Referrals!
You can use this space to make a more personal connection with your Tour Takers by way of a YouTube Video! Having a video on YouTube could also drive more traffic to your site!
To learn more, go to the About Me Set Up Page in your Payliners Room and scroll down to Section 4.
Advertising Tools!
Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 "ADS" a day. For the new Payliners; in your Payliners Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails.
Scroll to the bottom of the AD-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230k Splash Page.
Those of you who are new Payliners or are not fully Qualified yet, it is important for you to get your "ADS" out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!
DigiSoft User ID:
Let's Do This!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
"Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them." - Vaibhav Shay
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