๐Welcome To Your DSP Mailbox!
On this page you will find pre-written emails that you can use to send to your Tour Takers using the DSP Team Mailer. If you want to add anything to these emails or edit them in any way, you certainly can. As time goes on we will be adding more emails to this page, so keep checking back!
Email #1
You took the first step when you registered for the free Tour at DigiSoft, but you have to take the most important step if you want to start making M0NEY, and that is to upgrade to a DigiSoft Payliner!
As a DigiSoft Tour Taker you do not get to see what I see in the Payliner`s Room, and I can tell you that DigiSoft is one the best programs online today!
With a start up cost as little $22 we are affordable to the masses, and because of this DigiSoft is EXPLODING all over the world! This is not hype - this is FACT!
Do yourself a favor, login and have another look at the How It Works Movie. You should also read the text version on the How It Works Page (red tab in the Member Center) where you can study the 1UP and 2 UP Flow Charts to see how ALL the M0NEY flows directly to YOU after you have Qualified at each Package Level!
I have been networking for quite a while now and I have never seen a Pay Plan that is so affordable and so powerful at the same time! DigiSoft is the Real Deal! So happy I upgraded, one of the best business decisions I have ever made for sure!
If you join my Team by upgrading to a Payliner I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!
Email #2
I am going to keep this short so that you read it!
In all my years online I have never seen a program like this! DigiSoft is as the say; ``The cream of the crop!``
You need to take a serious look at DigiSoft if you are SERIOUS about making M0NEY online!
We have an honest Admin here in Ron Walsh, and we both know that is hard to find these days! Ron engineered this pay plan to pay instantly member to member so that the company never touches YOUR M0NEY! Think about that for a minute!
I do not care if you only start at Package #1 to give it a test run, but you owe it to yourself to do just that! Give DigiSoft a $22 test run!
At Package #1 you will start receiving instant $15 commissions with your second sale, and Ron Walsh is going to help you close those sales!
Email #3
Once again Ron Walsh has challenged all DigiSoft Payliners to make one new sale over the weekend, and I am inviting you to be my ``One New Sale!``
If you have studied the Accelerated Business Plan on the Status Page in your Member Center you will know that if everyone made just one new sale a week at Package #2 we would be looking at pocketing $230,000 in 16 weeks! WOW!
Even if it took you 60 weeks to make half that ($115,000) I think you would still be very happy! I know I would!
DigiSoft pays instantly member to member so you can start making M0NEY with your second sale a Package #1, and Ron Walsh helps us to close our sales!
Bottom line is, DigiSoft has one of the best pay plans online today, and it`s not going to cost you a fortune to get started! So what do you say; you ready to come make some M0NEY with me?
If you become my ``One New Sale`` this weekend, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!
Email #4
Do you know the #1 way to distinguish a legitimate program from a potential rip off program?
If you don't, let me tell you how I do it!
It all comes down to the owner, and the Pay Plan. Allow me to explain. If the pay plan requires everyone to send their mon-ey into the company first, and the owner does not reveal his or her true identity on the company website, then there is a very good chance (99%) that you are going to get ripped off if you join that program!
Every day we see new programs popping up online and they tell everyone that you do not have to sponsor anyone to make mo-ney. They also promise tons of spillover. This is how they suck innocent people in! People like you!
The owners of these programs never reveal their true identity because they know the program is only going to last a few short months, and when they shut it down they know they are going to run off with everyone`s mon-ey.
Think about it, why do bank robbers hide their face? I will tell you why, because they do not want to get caught! Just like these dishonest program owners!
Now let`s take a closer look at DigiSoft Payline!
The owner, Ron Walsh does not hide his true identity! Ron is one of the few owners who will actually stand out front on the website in a video for the world to see.
Why does he do this? I will tell you why, because he is not here to rip people off, so there is no need for him to hide!
Then there is the DigiSoft Pay Plan! Ron personally engineered this proprietary one-of-a-kind pay plan to pay instantly member to member.
Think about that for a minute! The owner designed the pay plan so that the company can NEVER touch anyone`s mon-ey! As Ron says; ``It is honest by design!``
We have one of the best owners, and pay plans in the industry, and if you cannot see that then I feel so bad for you because you are a victim in waiting for someone to rip you off!
DigiSoft has been in business for over 6 years, and real people are making real mon-ey!
You can get started at Package #1 for as little $22, and you will start earning instant $15 commissions with your second sale! Ron will also help you to close your sales! He has already close thousands of sales for my upline!
If you upgrade to a Payliner today and purchase Package #1, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!
Email #5
There are so few legitimate opportunities online today where someone can started for an affordable price, and start making mon-ey fast!
99% of all NEW Start Up Programs fail within their first 3-6 months, and if you join one of those NEW Start Ups you stand a 90% chance of failing because when they fail, ``You Fail By default!`` STOP FAILING BY DEFAULT!
As an upgraded Payliner I can tell you DigiSoft is the ``Real Deal!`` We have been in business for over 2 years, and you can get started at Package #1 for as little as $22, and commissions are paid instantly member to member!
If that is not enough, Ron Walsh (the owner) helps to close our sales!
If you are serious about making mon-ey, then it is time you got off the fence, and upgrade to a DigiSoft Payliner.
Let`s do this! Upgrade today, and I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!
๐ฅhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 ๐(Go here now) - List Infinity has a plethora of Video Marketing Tutorials such as Social Media, YouTube, and Email Marketing just to name a few...
๐ http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)
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