1) Wake Up Early-You can get more accomplished throughout the course of a day!
2) Read Daily- Try doing this for about 30 minutes per day!
3) Eat Well- 5-6 small meals daily are best!
4) Love Yourself- If you don't, who will...!
5) Judge Less- You'll find that the less you judge, the less headaches you create for yourself!
6) Set Goals- Make them realistic, and do everything in your power to achieve them!
7) Plan Your Day- You don't have to account for every second, but you will find by doing this, that your life will be much less chaotic!
8) Positive Attitude- Your accomplishments will be far greater throughout life!
9) Be Yourself- Show people the real you. You will build a far better rapport with acquaintances!
10) Have Purpose- You will have self-worth, which in turn will give you more confidence with every day life!
11) Find Inspiration- This is strictly up to you, how you find it. Could be church, or things that make you angry, or even through a loved one, Etc...!
12) Love Others- You never know how someone else feels, or what they are going through, and you just might make their day!
13) Network- If you're an Entrepreneur such as myself, you will be able to build a much bigger business, and might even be a problem solver for others!
14) Save Money- This is obvious and needs no explanation!
15) Automate- This piggy backs off of Networking. By Automating, you are able to make your job much easier, and again will allow you too grow your business!
16) Delegate- Life is so much easier if you can get others to complete some of your daily tasks!
17) Track Finances- It can curb impulse spending, help you achieve your financial goals, cut unnecessary purchases out of your budget, force you to focus on what is worth spending your money on, and overall, will make managing your money easier!
18) Build A Brand- Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. ... A brand represents the sum of people's perception of a company's customer service, reputation, advertising and logo!
19) Fail Fast- is a philosophy that values extensive testing and incremental development to determine whether an idea has value. An important goal of the philosophy is to cut losses when testing reveals something isn't working and quickly try something else, a concept known as pivoting! (There is a saying that says, you have to fail before you succeed, and that's very true in almost every case)
20) Interact- You can build many quality relationships with more interactions!
21) Learn Skills- Here are just a few benefits. Critical thinking, Leadership, Communication, Adaptability, Etc...!
22) Invest- Expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting into financial schemes, shares or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture!
23) Journal- You are able to keep daily thoughts and events, and track your life from beginning to end! (Leave your legacy behind)
24) Meditate- This is for spiritual purposes, and for relaxation of mind, body & soul!
25) Get a Mentor- Mentors can guide you and answer questions, in your walk of life!
26) Think Big- Being able to dream and visualize what you're capable of achieving, with no limitations!
27) Be Productive- Creating or producing a larger amount of things you do throughout the course of your day!
28) Do More- This can allow you the opportunity for greater success!
29) Spend Wisely- This can help you from stressing out financially, and helps create positive spending habits!
30) Ambitious- Always striving to reach a goal, through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This is crucial for success, no matter what that is!
➤You've just seen my definitions of 30 way's to make better progress in life. If you decide to make your own list, I'm quite certain that it will differ from mine, and that's ok!!!
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We have both of these at List Infinity! List Infinity will be 4 years old in 7 months! As you and I both know most programs online these days last no more than 3-6 months. You cannot make M0NEY that way! When those programs fail, you fail by default!
And as for an honest Admin, Derrick VanDyke created our one-of-a- kind pay plan to pay instantly member to member! He could have designed it where everyone had to send their payment to the company, but he knows how important it is for people to get paid fast!
List Infinity is the real deal! You will not find a better opportunity online that pays instantly member to member!
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“Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.” ―
“Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.” ―