230k Banner

230k Banner
100% Daily Member to Member Payouts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

***Writing An Advertisement For Your Business*** {159}

πŸ’₯The key to writing a successful ad is knowing who your audience are and what they want. You should already know your target market before you even consider writing an advertisement. You also need to be clear on what you can offer them and what you are trying to achieve.

Even if you are planning to write the advertisement yourself, you may find it helpful to imagine how you would explain what you want to a freelance copywriter. A good copywriter or agency will always ask you to explain who your advertisement is aimed at and what you want them to do as a result of reading it.

Grabbing attention with your advert:

Focus on a single, clear message that you want your advertisement to put across. Then use the headline, an illustration or both to grab the reader's attention.

The simple approach is usually best. A successful headline might highlight the key benefit your product offers, or simply arouse the interest of your target audience. Looking through the ads in the publications you are planning to advertise in should give you a good idea of what works and what doesn't.

Building the body copy of an ad

Once you've got the reader's attention, the body copy adds more information. Again the key is to concentrate on what your target reader is interested in and what you are trying to achieve.

Big brands sometimes produce ads with no body copy at all: the illustration along with their brand name is enough to convey the image they are after. At the other end of the scale, ads in specialist magazines may include more extensive details for the enthusiast.

Straightforward, punchy writing works best. Keep sentences short

If in doubt, leave it out. Don't be afraid of having plenty of white space in your advertisement. But do make sure you have given the reader the information they need. It's essential to make it easy for them to do what you want them to do. So make sure you include your contact details, and consider encouraging them to act now by including a deadline.

Checking your ad

Once you've drafted your ad, leave it overnight before you read it through. If you can, get the ad properly laid out before you check it.

Then put yourself in the shoes of one of your target customers and have a look at the ad:

-Does it grab your attention?
-Would it stand out from all the other ads in the publication?
-Does it make whatever you are advertising seem interesting?
-What effect would it have on you — would you do anything as a result of reading it?

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9  (New Sign Up Link)




“A man is but the product of His thoughts. What he thinks, He becomes.”  - Mahatma Gahndi


***USA Gov. Freezes Payza Account of all USA Based Network Marketing Companies! *** {158}

😎People all over the world are now turning to a trusted 6+ year old Canadian based business called DigiSoft Payline to make  fast mon ey online for the following reasons: 

- Low one-time start up cost 
- Proprietary one-of-a-kind pay plan 
- Pays infinity wide and infinity deep 
- Pays instantly member to member 
- Admin helps to close your sales 

DigiSoft Payline is the perfect program for Americans because we pay instantly member to member! The company never holds or touches OUR M0NEY, and we get to pick how we pay each other! We can even use PayPal! 

This is moving fast so register for the F-R-E-E Tour using the link  below to learn more!  

NOTE: Solid Trust Pay has been shut down as well. CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh has added NEW payment processors! you are allowed to use any major credit/debit card in order to make package/s purchase/s. I'm letting everyone join me for a 1 time payment of $22.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8  (New Sign Up Link)



“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply.”  - Stephen Covey

Friday, December 26, 2014

***Pre-Written Ads for your Internet Business*** {157}

πŸ’œThese are samples ADS, & will give you a good base for your opportunities. Change these to fit your narrative!


1) Before you start, open up a MS Word or Word pad blank page

2) Pick the Ads you’re thinking of using, I’d pick a handful….maybe 3-10 then copy them on word or wordpad

3) Add your links on those ads and make modifications and customizations on the ads

4) Then just copy & paste those onto different ad venues and you don’t have to add the link every time

5) Place the ads in different locations, not only Business Opportunity or Jobs but even under Resume’s, Services like Automotive (for MCA) or Insurance, or Marketing, Financial, etc….

6) Target maybe different cities every day.

7) Use a tracker like http://vzturl.com/ or http://bit.ly to help determine how many clicks you got from either a day or which ad or even ad venue ( I know this may be getting a little advanced but it is important…tracking your results will tell you which ads or ad venues or even which capture page gets clicked more).

8) Also use a rotator which typically will allow you to track and rotate your different capture page…so one link will promote different capture pages for you.

****Just google “Free website tracking and rotators*** there are FREE ones.. usually have some ads or require your email or very low cost. Serious internet marketers use Hypertracker.com….complete powerful system but cost $19.95+ a month. I would suggest Craigslist AdTracker also (free version only allows you to track 10 but paid membership gets unlimited…you can use it on any ad venue, not just craigslist.

Your NMSS marketing system has a built in Campaign Tracking (under campaign) and website statistics that shows how many unique visitor, how many times they visited and how many actually opted into your websites (under View Stats link)





(Use these ads to post in the Business Opportunity/Financial Section of classifieds)

$??? SALE=???% Commission…Cash Paid Every Friday!

Got Laid off?

Out of options?

Think again, We have your plan B… and it works like CRAZY..
(your link)




If you have a computer and internet access, you’ve got all you need to make this work!

(your link)


My WEEKLY INCOME is through the Roof!

As the subject says – I’ve built an awesome monthly income!
I didn’t even talk to anyone! They all just came
across my website from one of my free ads or my low budget
ads and signed up.

The sales are pouring in as well – which means OTHERS
are cranking with this bad boy, too – it is UNREAL!!

Isn’t it making you sick to hear about all this success I’m having?
Well I’ve got your medicine.

Jump in now and you’ll be pingin’ off the walls just like me.

This is the one and only business that is making me a ton of money!
This kind of support is unparalleled and is the only time you’ll
receive an opportunity like this – guaranteed!

Talk to you soon!

This is a serious work from home opportunity! Go here now .. (your link)


Would Just Another $??? a Day Help?

Less than a month ago one of our team members signed up WHO HAD NEVER MADE ANY MONEY ONLINE.

Within a week they started earning OVER
$?? a day (that’s an extra $???? per month)
paid directly into their bank account.
Can you imagine?
How would your life be different if you could
“work” less than ?? minutes per day to rake in
an extra $???? per month (or more!)… and by
work I mean…
Can you copy and paste?
If you can, then you have everything you need to start posting and..
to start making money because when you join our team today – we GIVE YOU all the content to post to your ad. So you just have to “copy and paste” to start making money
Get the juicy details below..

(your link)


Hey There! So you want to Market Online? {Earn while you learn}

I just wanted to let you know that this is literally taking the industry by storm! it’s Crazy!

We’re just getting warmed up. Never before has it been so easy to make this much money online.

I’m still pinching myself sometimes thinking it’s a dream… But it’s REAL!

This works for anybody, regardless of your background, your experience, your financial situation, where you live, who you are

- anybody can succeed with this!

Learn more here.. your link here


Internet Marketing Business

Record-breaking growth has driven us to the top of Internet marketing businesses.

You can build a profitable home-based business working part-time from your home computer!

Training, support, Marketing system, and product all provided!

Earn $???-$??? Weekly! Learn how (your link)


MAKE MONEY ONLINE TODAY! Don’t waste another minute!


Don’t waste another minute!

Click here and learn how you can make $80.00 a sale over and over again.

Every single day from anywhere… even while you sleep!



Learn more here ..(your link)


Make $?? Within The Next 30 Minutes

JUST WATCH a short video that will explain.

Its very simple.

In addition, to the $??, you will have the opportunity to make much more if you choose.

FYI: This is not a get rich quick scheme, its just a way to put a few extra bucks in your pocket.

Get info here (your link)


Looking for Income? We’re Looking for Partners

Find out how you can make a GREAT salary helping People and…
Increasing profits . . . All while working…
Comfortably from your home office!
Click here for more info (your link)


Immediate Work available.. You Can Make $??? Weekly!

We show you how to set up everything. You only need an email address and Internet access so you can work anywhere. All work is done online and you will NOT have to package, print or ship anything at all. That’s right – a REAL work from home position that pays you WEEKLY and costs you as much as it would to drive to interviews for a week.

Make a smart move and get started! (your link)


πŸ‘‰How to make money if you’re lazy!

Look… I’m kind of lazy.

I hate admitting it, but there’s no denying the truth.

That’s why I love the fact that I can still pull in $??? a day and only work a few minutes a day.

When you’ve got the best thing out there, it all becomes a reality.

Join me… you’ll quickly see how possible this all really is:

See how I do it here (your link)


Make $?? Over and Over EVERYDAY! I will personally show you how.

This is extremely easy to do, but gives you the ability to make several hundred, or several thousand dollars per day, week, or month. What you will be doing with this position is simple web based work. If you can copy and paste, send emails and surf the web, the you can do this – either part-time or full-time. Get started right now! (your link)


I Want to Help You…

I’m tired of seeing good people throw away
their money on programs that don’t work
as advertised.

I believe… if I help enough people get what
they want… I’ll get what I want.

In order to provide you with the best possible
service, I am currently looking for only 5 people
that are willing to be trained using my proven
marketing strategies.

I will spend my time showing you how to make
more than you could ever imagine.

No hype, just fact.

You must be willing to be trained and stop
using methods that just eat away at your income.

If you have had enough of the insanity and really
want to succeed, then visit my site. (your link here)


These Three “Words” Close Sales Like Magic!

These Three “Words” Close Sales Like Magic COPY PASTE POST

So, if you’re not closing at least one sale a day right now, you’re about to learn how to :)

It’s easier than you think..

You will even see how to close more sales than the so called “closers”….all WITHOUT ever picking up the phone.

It’s a pretty simple trick..

Trust me here: If you want to go places and do things in your business – you need to know how to close – and that’s what you’re about to discover how to do!

Discover the secret here (your link)



(Use the ads below to place in the employment section of classified sites)

The ads found below are just samples. Feel free to use these ads but you can also edit the ads anyway you like.

Rapidly growing company is seeking online referral agents.
Agents average $??? to $??? a day after training and setup.
Must have basic computer skills and Internet access.
Training and support provided. Get Paid WEEKLY!

For details and to apply, visit us at (your link)

Full-Time and Part-Time Available–Become an Online Referral Agent

$?? to $??? a day average after training and following a simple system

Full support provided—MUST have basic computer skills.

If you have great work ethic, we are looking for you. Get Paid WEEKLY!

To review the requirements and see position description, go to (your link)

Like working with people? Independent? Looking for work that’s actually fun? Put your skills to work from home.

Earn up to $?? an hour. (THIS IS NOT A TYPO) We are growing especially in this economy. We have positions open for those who are independent and self motivated. We are looking for organized and professional candidates.

No experience necessary. These are entry level positions. Proven system is helping people every day.
We provide all training. We have full and part time available.
You make your own schedule. Get Paid WEEKLY!
For job description and to apply visit (your link)

If you’re looking for a legitimate way to make money online, you’ve come to the right place.

We are rated one of the top programs online.

We are looking for people to join our team TODAY in this step-by-step
proven system for making money online fast.

75% of people that watch this video want to get started right away.
$??–$??? a day realistic after training and setup.

To watch our full description:

(your link)

Start working with us today!

We are looking for sales people who can start working with us today.
Earn $??? daily or more!
**(This is a work from home position)**
Start today!!
Go to www.yourdomain.com for full description video.

F/T P/T Virtual Reps Needed!!

Very easy sale…
We will train you…Get Paid WEEKLY!
Must have basic computer and Internet experience.
work from home or office!!
Start with us today!!

Go to (your link) for full description.

This is a work from home position
Earn $??  hr or more!! (NOT A TYPO)
F/T P/T – Get Paid Daily!
No Experience Necessary…
Complete Training Program In Place..
Make your own hour’s. Start Today!!
Go To (your link)

Professional Sales People Needed to Fill Positions:

Work from home or office position…
Earn $??? -$??? per day or more…
Training program provided.
Computer and access to Internet necessary…
Flexible hours: F/T or P/T. Get Paid Daily!
Go to www.yourdomain.com for job details.

EZ Online Work!
Need access to internet and basic computer skills
Earn $??? – $??? per day to start
Work from home or office position
Full training and support included
Get going today!!!!
Got to (your link) for complete description video.
Get Paid Weekly!

Immediate Start Date
EZ Money!
Earn $???-$??? / month or more depending upon the hours you work.
We train you… No experience required
Previous experience with internet and computer is required.
Marketing and Lead Generation system provided
Join our team today!
Go to www.yourdomain.com and check out the full video description

F/T P/T Web Based Positions

You can do this. No hype, legitimate work at home setting your own schedule.

We are rated as one of the top programs online.

Earn $?? an hour or more (NO TYPO)

Immediate openings with rapidly growing company.

You will not be alone. Full training provided as well as one on one support.
Our proven system is helping people every day. Take a chance on yourself.

For details go to (your link).

Fire Your Boss–Really
Start Your Own Business Here like I did…

Very Easy Work From Home System!! Get Started Today!!*

Go To: (your link) Don’t live life pay check to paycheck!

Are you a positive, motivated person?
Are you in a career transition and don’t know what to do with your self?
Are you focused, independent and driven to succeed?
Do you have a working computer and internet access?

We have several openings for Marketing/Sales professionals who want to work from home. You can design your own schedule. Ft or pt okay.
No exp. required: Training, marketing system provided.
One on One support and guidance provided.

Get Started @ (your link)

Get out of bed and put your computer skills to use!

We have Full Time and Part Time positions for those that will work from home or your office locations. Must be driven, motivated for success and a quick learner. We will train you using our dedicated training site, mentoring programs and lead tracking marketing system. You can earn $??hourly to start (NO TYPO) and there is unlimited potential depending upon your work ethic.

If you possess the above qualities and you have access to the internet and working computer, prior experience is NOT a prerequisite.

Sound like something you can do? Then check out the complete description at (your link)


We are looking for professionals to promote our Online Marketing Systems nationwide. We offer a risk-free system online which is fully guaranteed. We have a very high retention rate which can result in a substantial amount of residual income.

We have several positions available.
You have the ability to make $???? – $???? + per year. WE PAY WEEKLY.
Training and materials are provided.

If you are dedicated, hard-working and ready to take on a new opportunity, we just might be the right fit for you!  You must be outgoing as well as possess a willingness to stick through until the end.

Only committed people, who will put forth their full potential, need apply!
Check out the complete description at (your link)

$?? hr for any person who has good work ethic!


This is a work from home position.

No selling ever and you can realistically make $100-$200 per day. WE PAY DAILY. After a few months you will make significantly more. You would be promoting our unique marketing system in a multi-state region.
You will be treated as a professional, not a “employee”. You will be a valued member of the team.We have truly designed this to be a wonderful long-term position for the right person.

Spots Are Going Fast!
check out the complete description at www.yourdomain.com


Online Referrals Agents Wanted

We are a rapidly growing team of like minded individuals that over past few months has experienced great success through our online marketing system .We are in search of highly motivated professionals that value character,  integrity, and discipline.

We Offer: 

*Complete Training
*Leads provided

What We Need: 

*Team Player
*Competitive Edge
*Goal Orientated
*Strong Work Ethic
*Burning Desire to Earn $5,000+ a Month


(your link)


Stop Searching…. Start Working…

Get out of bed and put your sales and marketing skills to use!

We have Full Time and Part Time positions for those that will work from home or your office locations.

**Must be driven, motivated for success and a quick learner. **

We will train you using our dedicated training, point system, mentoring programs and lead tracking marketing system.

**You can earn $?? a sale to start and there is unlimited potential depending upon your work ethic. If you possess the above qualities and you have access to the internet and working computer, prior experience is NOT a pre-requisite.

Does this sound appealing or interesting?

Then check out the opportunity…(your link)


Fire Your Boss–Really!

Funny…most people think online opportunities are pyramids schemes …

Sorry to tell you naysayers but, if you have a job, you are involved in a pyramid scheme..



-Middle Management

(You at the bottom) Hard Working Employee

This Looks Like a Pyramid Scheme To Me!

Get Mad Like I Did And Start Your Own Business Here…

Very Easy Work From Home System!! Get Started Today!! Don’t live life pay check to paycheck!! your link here


Hey There! So you want to Market Online? {Earn while you learn}

I just wanted to let you know that this is literally taking the industry by storm! it’s Crazy!

We’re just getting warmed up. Never before has it been so easy to make this much money online.

I’m still pinching myself sometimes thinking it’s a dream… But it’s REAL!

This works for anybody, regardless of your background, your experience, your financial situation, where you live, who you are

- anybody can succeed with this!

Learn more here.. (your link)



I am looking to add 10 more people to my TEAM!

We are a team or marketers that continue to grow HUGE WEEKLY income.

You will need to have:

-Basic computer skills.

-Internet and computer.

$???-$??? Daily.

Get more info here ..(your link)



Work from home on your Computer part time (1-2 hrs per day).

Simply place ads online and you can make ~~~$$CHA CHING$$~~~ Every Day.

Must be organized and willing to follow through with simple…..Instructions.

No Sales involved.. Minimal computer skills required!

Weekly Pay.. Training Provided.

Get started here ..(your link)


Rated #1 Opportunity. Most Profitable & Quickest Turn Around

I get calls every day with opportunities.

I have people “pay my way in” and I have mystery products show up at my door for free with notes asking me to build a business under them.

I’ve seen everything out there and I know of everything that works and everything that doesn’t.

Essentially what I’m telling you is this: I am where I am for a reason.

If I could make more money else where, that’s where I’d be. If you could do better elsewhere, that’s where I would be directing you.

{your program} is “where it’s at”.

Instead of searching, doing the guess work, and hoping something works… follow someone who is successful and latch on! Start by clicking here (your link)


I just broke ?? sales in a week. Imagine what YOU can do…

I broke ?? sales last week.

I averaged ?? sales a day! Imagine getting ? emails
a day saying you’ve got money being deposited into
your bank account.

If I’m doing ??+ a day, don’t you think you can at
least do a couple a day!?

I’m no one special. I don’t do anything special…
I just know what I’m doing.

I’m here to make sure you know what you’re doing
as well.

Jump in and I’ll prove it: (your link)


Internet Marketing Business

Record-breaking growth has driven us to the top of Internet marketing businesses.

You can build a profitable home-based business working part-time from your home computer!

Training, support, Marketing system, and product all provided!

Earn $???-$??? Weekly! Learn how (your link)



I have a great team of marketers in place.

We are like a virtual family.

Come check out what we are doing. (Our members average over $??? PER WEEK!)

Full Training and support group.

Training website with every tool needed!

You will need basic computer skills, internet access and a computer. I am only looking for the best, the self motivated=$$$$$$

We will take you to the next level of income.

Get started here ..(your link)


CAN YOU COPY & PASTE? You could’ve already made $?? today!


Then you could’ve already made over $?? today!

Check out this opportunity here and I’ll teach you how to put money in your bank account every single day!

This is nothing like you’ve seen before… SIMPLE, STRAIGHT FORWARD, HONEST.. Learn more (your link)


Immediate Work Available!!

This is a work from home position.

START making money today!
$???-$??? WEEKLY!

F/T P/T No Experience Necessary…

Start right now! (your link)


Today is a great day to start working!

You would be posting short, simple ads online and making bank!

We will provide:

-Training & Tutorials.

-Proven Ads.

-Proven classified sites.


-Advancement opportunities.


From the comfort of your own home.

Complete Training Program In Place.. Make your own hour’s.

Start right now! (your link)


MAKE MONEY ONLINE TODAY! Don’t waste another minute!


Don’t waste another minute!

Click here and learn how you can make $?? a sale over and over again.

Every single day from anywhere… even while you sleep!



Learn more here ..(your link)


Make $?? Within The Next 30 Minutes

You can make $?? in the next 30 minutes.

JUST WATCH a short video that will explain.

Its very simple.

In addition, to the $??, you will have the opportunity to make much more if you choose.

FYI: This is not a get rich quick scheme, its just a way to put a few extra bucks in your pocket.

Get info here (your link)


Looking for Income? We’re Looking for Partners

Find out how you can make a GREAT salary helping People and…
increasing profits . . . all while working…
Comfortably from your home office!
Click here for more info (your link)


Immediate Work available.. You Can Make $??? Weekly!

We show you how to set up everything. You only need an email address and Internet access so you can work anywhere. All work is done online and you will NOT have to package, print or ship anything at all. That’s right – a REAL work from home position that pays you WEEKLY and costs you as much as it would to drive to interviews for a week.

Make a smart move and get started! (your link)


→How to make money if you’re lazy!

Look… I’m kind of lazy.

I hate admitting it, but there’s no denying the truth.

That’s why I love the fact that I can still pull in $??? a day and only work a few minutes a day.

When you’ve got the best thing out there, it all becomes a reality.

Join me… you’ll quickly see how possible this all really is:

See how I do it here (your link)


Make $?? Over and Over EVERYDAY! I will personally show you how.

This is extremely easy to do, but gives you the ability to make several hundred, or several thousand dollars per day, week, or month. What you will be doing with this position is simple web based work. If you can copy and paste, send emails and surf the web, the you can do this – either part-time or full-time. Get started right now! (your link)



Got A PC? Can you copy and paste?

Then you can make $$ with us!

Full Training

We are looking for self motivated people!!

You will make CASH EVERYDAY. ~~~$$CHA CHING$$~~~

Get the juicy info here (your link)


πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7  (New Sign Up Link)



"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do." -- Anonymous

Thursday, December 25, 2014

***Craigslist vs. Backpage*** {156}

πŸ’₯Craigslist VS. Backpage for Marketing Your Services:

Two places to market your services for free (or inexpensively) are Craigslist and Backpage. These classified ad sites are worth considering if you are just starting out and on a budget, but can still be effective for established businesses. Here is a quick comparison of the two services and the pros and cons.


Craigslist is the most popular classified ad site on the internet and whether people use it or not, most people who have been online for awhile know what it is. In most cities, you can post your ad for free, but some cities require a small fee to post.

Craigslist has a much wider user base than any other online classified ad site. So you will be able to potentially reach more people this way. Craigslist has a good amount of international traffic as well as US traffic.

Backpage - Government shut down!

Backpage is a smaller site in terms of traffic, but some people say they get more business from it. It gets about 3 million users a day versus craigslist’s 64 million users per day.

Backpage has a nicer design and cleaner interface. Backpage has partnered with several newspapers. There are options to have your ad appear on newspaper websites, which can lead to higher quality traffic. You will likely get less spam and scam replies on Backpage. Most of the user base is in the USA (4 out of 5 people currently), so Backpage may not be as effective in other countries.

Both Sites:

Here are some nice advantages of both sites.

-Both sites are easy to sign up with and use.
-Both sites are free or cheap to post ads.

In summary, try both sites out and see if each site is worth the time and effort.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6  (New Sign Up Link)


πŸ‘‰http://www.backpage.com  (Shut Down)



"them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” - John Steinbeck


*** What is Split Testing? *** {155}

πŸ’’Split testing provides a means of comparing two or more unique strategies for opt-in forms or broadcast messages, side by side, in a controlled experiment.

By testing and then analyzing results, we can get a better understanding of what our website visitors and subscribers respond best to, allowing for optimization of our email marketing campaigns

Examples of Common Split Tests:

Opt-In Forms

Through split testing opt-in forms, we can adjust aspects of a form and its appearance to track which tend to provide more or less responsive subscribers.

Useful tests include:

Comparing different incentives in the form's headline

Adding or omitting fields (e.g. phone number, address)

Using varying text to label the submit button (e.g. "Sign Me Up!", "Get Your Free Newsletter") 

Broadcast Messages:

By split testing broadcast messages, we can adjust messages followed by a review of each version's performance by a message opens and the number of clicks of links.

Useful tests include:

Comparing different subject lines

Scheduling messages with the same content for different times and/or days

Trying different calls to action or buttons within a message's content

These Are Just a Few Examples ...

Part of the beauty of email marketing is the availability of results specific to particular messages and forms, along with an ability to test different ideas.

If you find yourself split on two ideas or would like to try a strategy before going with it consistently, don't take a shot in the dark - split test and see how subscribers respond.

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Once you go to my website and type your email address into the box so you can watch the 3 minute video, I will send you an email with more information, and how to start for FREE...

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (GONE)

{Pre-written AD}:

Check this out...

if you do nothing else this year you need to check this out! 

This is growing at an incredible rate and you do not want to be left behind! 

If you could create a time machine or if someone offered you the opportunity to be at a start up  of something like Coca Cola, Microsoft, Apple or Bitcoin what would you do? 

Then what if they told you look I will give you the inside business structure and training so you can be one of the first people to show this to the world and start your way down the path to success? 

Would that be something you would consider doing? 

Well you now stand at the crossroads of that exact thing you can join me or you can delete this email and this path to a brighter future. 

If you join me I am going to help you every step of the way: 

I will train you, and give you access to my blog 
I will give you my best advertising resources 
I will help place "ADS" in your behalf 
I will be sending tips, tutorials and FREEBIES 
I will help you find people to increase your team 
I will show you which path to take for your brighter future 
I will do everything I can to make you successful 

What will you do ????? 

Will you stay or will you go? 


Join Me today for the journey of a lifetime if you are prepared to attain that brighter future.

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Make sure you take 20-30 minutes per day for personal development because your business can only grow as much you grow...


{Update from Ron Walsh}  (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Hi Rick,

What an exciting couple of days it has been at DigiSoft!

Monday afternoon I attended an online webinar with over 100 Networking Leaders from Russia and surrounding countries. Just 30 minutes after that webinar ended they started registering for the DigiSoft Tour, and upgrading to a Payliner within a few minutes! No kidding!

In that past we have seen South Africa on fire, then the United States, but I have to say; ``Nothing compares to what I am seeing coming out of Russia and surrounding countries! These guys and gals know how to network!``

What`s their secret?

I do not think you will believe me, but I will tell you anyway. It`s something that I have said in the past.

Here it is! On the advice and referral from a friend they are registering for the Tour, and upgrading to a Payliner right away and making their purchase! Within an hour or two these people are Qualified and making MONEY! WOW!

That`s how simple this can be! We are not talking about hundreds of dollars to get started here, because anyone can get started at Package #1 for as little as $22, or go all in at both Packages for $57!

DigiSoft is THE BIG M0NEY PROGRAM with a little money start up cost!

I have not shared this story with Tour Takers yet, but you are welcome to copy the above email and send it so your Tour Takers right now.

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


“Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.” - Ryunosuke Satoro

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*** Pre-Written E-mails for Your Leads *** {154}

πŸ˜‡FINALLY Succeed Online! - Try these with your marketing efforts, or change to fit your narrative! You can try posting on... πŸ‘‡

πŸ’šhttp://www.qwikad.com πŸ‘ˆ(You can post up 20 FREE ADS per day)

Quit failing online in Crappy Programs, No Selling,

Explaining, or Any Convincing!

Simply Copycat Me to a T..!!! Quit Failing Online, YES, the Top People On The Web Truly Do Receive Serious Cash.


There is NO Hype, NO Boss, NO MLM!

For details go to: YourDomainName.com

Then Call Me!

Your Name Here
Your Phone Number here


Quit Failing Online - Check out my Power System!


Check the system that crushes all other systems to the ground.

go to YourDomainName.com

Then Call Me!

Your Name Here
Your Phone Number here


Have you seen the Power System yet?

Quit Failing Trying to Sell Crap. Change Your Life
today not a month from now.

No Selling, No Explaining, No Convincing

It's changed my Life, and it's the Easiest thing you
could ever do.

Go to this website, I have some video proof for you!

Your Name Here
Your Phone Number here


Start Making Money.


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Chances are........Nothing. You are NOT alone! Most of us
have been in this position.

************ There is GOOD News for YOU!!! ***********

*You have stumbled across THE VERY SITE that can make a
true difference in your life

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - When starting your your new journey, I recommend posting a few FREE classified ADS (simple copy & paste), while you're learning the industry...

πŸ‘‰www.instagram.com/rbrier2323 (My personal website) πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰http://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2014/12/top-24-responsive-free-job-posting.html  (Popular Craigslist Cities Listing)


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear" - Ambrose Redmoon

Saturday, December 20, 2014

*** Top 100 Classified Ad Posting Websites *** {153}

Top 100Free classified Ad posting websitesTop 100Free classified Ad posting websites
11Click.in31Ivarta classifieds
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13Locanto33ocala4sale.com sell ads
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28ziply.com48Sify classifieds
πŸ’₯Now you have seen a List of the Best 100 Free Classified Websites for Ad Posting.
πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite  πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Some of the sites above may be gone, and if so just go on to the next one. This was created years ago...

πŸ‘‰http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (My Training Blog) πŸ‘ˆ
{Pre-written AD}:
Are you a dreamer or a realist?
There is no shortage of dreams in the internet marketing industry. That's because selling dreams is big business. I've given the dream weavers my share of payments.

But then I got serious and decided I wanted real money. Here's a plan that won't buy you an island or a private jet, but it WILL pay the bills and allow you to take vacations with your family whenever you want...If you DO it instead of just reading about it.

Take a look and see for yourself.

P.S. We also help you every step of the way..
πŸ’œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Give yourself time to succeed. This is about tomorrow money and takes 1-2 hours per day, for 2-5 years and maybe longer. You can't fail if you don't QUIT...!
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in this life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross