{Follow these steps in order}:
1) Create a FREE account and take the FREE tour ( http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php )
2) Watch the "How it works Movie" ( http://digisoftpayline.com/status.php#3 )
3) Checkout the 2 product packages ( http://digisoftpayline.com/product_packages.php )
4) Questions? Checkout the FAQ's page ( http://digisoftpayline.com/faqs.php )
5) Upgrade to Payliner ( http://digisoftpayline.com/upgrade.php )
1) Click on the "PAYMENT OPTIONS" tab, and select how you wish to be paid, and type your E-mail address in the box, and then hit the "SUBMIT" button below, so your "TOUR TAKERS" know how to pay you...Most of us use ( www.paypal.com ) 4 options to choose from!
2) Once you have completed these tasks, and upgraded to a Payliner, you will receive an automated E-mail from Both Ron, and Myself, welcoming you to the "TEAM"
3) Before doing anything else, make sure to navigate through the site, and familiarize yourself with your back office area...Your affiliate link to promote will be on the login page at the top...Also this is where Ron explains a little bit about the program in the Start up Movie...He closes all sales, so you never have to! (NO COLD CALLING!)
4) While you're getting familiar with your DigiSoft Business, I will first send you a complete list of places that I use to advertise my Business, and will continue to filter Info your way, so you, and your Downline will be successful as well...
5) You will also have complete access to my personal training blog as well...Make sure to pass everything along to your "TEAM" that I send. (www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com )
{Accepting Payments}:
1) Very important: This is all Automated, so as you get "TOUR TAKERS", & "SIGN UPS, Ron will be sending you an E-mail letting you know that someone has been looking at your site, or has signed up...If/When you get something telling you that you've been paid, go to whatever payment processor you use, and make sure Payment was received...If so, go back to the site, and click the "CONFIRM PAYMENT" Tab, and you will see tabs (Product #1, & Product #2 PACKAGES) Which ever package/s were purchased, you will see the individual that made the purchase, and to the right side, you will see a "SMILEY FACE" and an "X". If Payment was made, and you did receive it, click the "SMILEY FACE", and an Automated E-mail will be sent to the Individual that made the Payment letting them know that they are officially a member of DigiSoft Payline! With this system, everything is done for you, all you have to do is "MARKET, MARKET" MARKET!"
I recommend that you create a DigiSoft Payline folder on your PC, because I will be sending you info everyday, for awhile, because my main objective is to see that everyone is successful! THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN FAIL, IS TO QUIT! Also, randomly, I send an E-mail to my "TEAM" wanting some feedback, good/bad, about the program, and how I'm doing as a sponsor! I've been a Network Marketer for over 13+ years, and I've never seen a CEO so hands on, as Ron!
Here is your Payliner Upgrade Instructions Using SolidTrust Pay:}, just in case you want to pass it along to your Payliners...I believe in making things as simple as possible for everyone!
1. Login to DigiSoft and complete registration form on the Upgrade To Payliner Page.
2. Select SolidTrust Pay as your Payment Method
3. In the registration form you will be asked for your SolidTrust Pay Username, if you do not have
a SolidTrust Pay account just enter your email address in that field.
4. After you submit the registration form we will provide you with an STP Payment button (click it)
5. When you get to the STP site you will see 2 payment options (green buttons):
-- (a) Pay From Account Balance
-- (b) Pay by Debit/Credit Card
6. Click the "Pay by Debit/Credit Card" button, and on the next page you would fill in your credit
card information and submit that form. (Level #1 = $15 - Level #2 = $35) Admin fee $7
===> If you run into any problems upgrading, please let me know.
***Once you've completed the steps above, Click the tab that says "Payment Options" and scroll down to the bottom of the page, and choose what payment processor you want to use in order to get paid...{Example: I use Paypal, because I already have an account, so all I had to do is to input my E-mail address in the box, and hit the submit button...
1) Pay the $15 fee for PACKAGE #1 (Mandatory) 1 time fee
2) Pay the $35 fee for PACKAGE #2 (Optional) Recommended 1 time fee
3) Pay the Admin fee $7 (Mandatory) -- Monthly fee
4) Set up your payment processor, however you want to be paid "Payment Options Tab"
5) Get acclimated to your back office area
6) When I see that you've sent a payment to my paypal account, I will go to the "Confirm Payment Tab" and click on the smiley face icon to confirm your payment, and then you are officially a paid member!
7) While you are navigating through the site, I will then be sending you a list of places that i use to advertise my DigiSoft business, plus you will have complete access to my training blog...-- (www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com)
8) Your responsibility is to place as many ads daily as possible, and when you get people to your site, Ron (CEO) closes all sales with the start up video.
9) This is nothing more than "Copy & Paste"
10) I will randomly be sending you a plethora of info to help with your advertising efforts. Please be patient, and don't get discouraged, because I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you are successful!
Friends in success:-)
P.S. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything!
===> P.P.S. If you upgrade, and purchase both packages, I'm going to get you off to a fast start, and place an "AD" on you behalf @ herculist.com . as a gold member, i can send 1 "AD" every 24 hours to 90,000+ opportunity seekers for a year, and i will send random "ADS" for everyone on my "TEAM!" And will send you a copy of every "AD" I post on your behalf!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Introducing Our New DigiSoft IntelliProTrac Software! (4/16/2016)
Our IntelliProTrac Software is Intelligent Prospect Tracking Software that will identify and automatically follow up with your "Hottest DigiSoft Prospects" to help close the sale for you!
A Real Game Changer, and It Just Went Live!!!
For more details on this amazing new start-of-the-art software login to your DigiSoft Member Center, and scroll to the bottom of the Status Page.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)
"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." -- Vidal Sassoon <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
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"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." -- Vidal Sassoon <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
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