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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

*** How to Make Your Craigslist Ad Flag-Proof (Video) *** {82}

{Why Craigslist?}:

While technically possible, using Craigslist for affiliate marketing is generally not recommended due to its strict rules against blatant advertising and affiliate links, which can lead to your posts being removed quicklyinstead, focus on creating content on your own website or social media platforms where you can openly promote affiliate links without violating guidlines. 

I use the "RESUME" section and contact individuals that may be interested in my offer by sending a Pre-written
message, and when they folow up, I send them an Email that I created with my company info. You have to be 
consistent for it to work. I try to reach out to 25 people daily, and out of every 100 people, I usually get 2-3
people respond wanting more info. With List Infinity, approximately 82% of all traffic comes from the United States. 

πŸ’£  http://www.craigslist.org πŸ‘ˆ(Create your FREE account here)

πŸ‘€https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2025/01/craigslist-how-to-post-to-job-seekers.html πŸ‘ˆ(Craigslist Tutorial On posting to job seekers)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - If you join me today you will recieve my "Starter Course" Training for the next couple of months...


{Pre-written AD}:

Can you handle the truth?

STOP What You Are Doing and Check This Out!

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{E-mail for your tour takers}:  (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

DigiSoft is pouring moolah into my paypal account.

I want to show you the easiest - most honest - proven way to make money on the Internet. WORLDWIDE! - Every Country In The World Can Use This Opportunity and make lots of money with it.

Just a small one-time payment opens the door for you to make unlimited money. Payment is direct from member-to-member. In other words when a member joins he or she pays you directly thru paypal or payza or solidtrust pay or Western Union. The point. (Payza. and Solid Trust Pay have been shut down) - You can use any major credit/debit card now to make your payments.

being that you get paid right away. No waiting around for your money.

Everything has been well thought out and the back office is one of the finest I have ever seen. This is truly a no-brainer. You simply do your advertising, like I'm doing here, and then sit back and let management do the rest.

They will do all your followups - answer all questions - provide unlimited help - and all you do is keep advertising.

You WILL make money here. And with the one up and two up pay systems - there is NO CEILING on how much you can make.

We even provide you with a QR code embedded with your ID which you can put on your Smart Phone New prospects find it so easy to simply transfer your QR from your Smart Phone to theirs. - The QR also is placed on your webpage and is live. We also have a unique business card which looks exactly like real money and on the reverse we put your QR code.There are so many ways to promote this program - we even give you free Digi products like e-books, apps, video lessons on better ways to market, etc. These freebies are yours to keep and they come with Master Resell Rights which means you can use them to give away in your advertising or sell them.You owe it to yourself to check this out. I make money and I know you can too. Log on, watch the movie, and listen to Ron Walsh, our owner, explain in great detail how much money you can make.

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


"I am often asked if Network Marketing is a Pyramid Scheme. My reply is that corporations really are pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below." - Donald Trump

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