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Thursday, October 30, 2014

*** Marketing Tips/Mistakes To Avoid *** {50}

 πŸ’₯Mistake to Avoid:

One great mistake to avoid is to place expectations on people you sponsor.  Yes, you can HOPE that everyone you sponsor will make it to the top of the pay plan.  That's great.  But EXPECT that everyone will do nothing and quit. The only way to be disappointed is when you have expectations of someone else.

Try to emotionally detach yourself from everyone you sponsor.  It will make handling your emotions a lot easier. 

Two Things You Can Control:

There are really only TWO things you can control in your business: the number of exposures you make and the amount of people and times you do your follow up.

You can't control who gets in.  You can't control who does anything.  You can't control who quits. Focus on what you can control and you will be fine. 

Be patient, I'm going to continue to advertise for you, and you will recieve my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and much, much, more...

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - All members have complete access to training, and 30 Lead Generation Posts...I'm also going to be sending you 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

{Pre-written AD}:

It's not that hard to make money online.

Just get excited about the possibilities, put your heart into the work and have the right formula.

Stop what you're doing and Watch this Riveting Video Now!" Don't Wait get all the details, Come. I'll show you.

Looking forward to working together!

To your success

πŸ‘‹https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Your Autoresponder has a 30 day campaign where it automatically sends your new subscribers daily messages in order to entice them to join you...
{Admin Update/Tour Taker E-mail}: (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

I am pleased to see that more and more people are starting to use the DSP Team Mailer in the Payliners Room to encourage their Tour Takers to upgrade to a Payliner!

For all the new Payliners who joined us over the last few days, the DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool you have in your Payliners Room!

The people who use the DSP Team Mailer are making more sales, and that`s how you grow your business faster, and make more M0NEY!!!

I call it; ``The Power Of The Drip!``

If you have not used the DSP Team Mailer yet, here`s a short email you Can send to your Tour Takers right now!

Start Tour Taker Email:

DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online, and you are missing out on all the fun because you have not upgraded to a Payliner yet! You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you purchase both Product Packages from the start like most people do for only $57.

The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get sign ups, and Admin closes your sales for you!

If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my BEST Advertising Resources to help you get off to a fast start!

End Tour Taker Email

DigiSoft User ID: ???


Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

πŸ’› http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323


"If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people" -  Chinese Proverb

                              Image result for marketing tips and a couple of mistakes to avoid images

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